Angel Raphael channeled through Adria Wind Horse Estribou
This is Angel Raphael. So update for humanity right now is: things are a bit like a fast moving train. You have been used to walking along and carrying your own bags or things you needed with you. So the weight of preparedness, the weight of time–that you had to carry all of these things and can only go as fast as feet can carry, metaphorically speaking. Now you get to hitch a ride on a train. And although you get to decide where the train is transporting you, it goes very fast without any greater force than your own will.
In other words, you kind of relax, sit back a bit. Because the pressure of needing to do, do, do, do, produce, produce, produce is relieved, released from you. You can follow the woosh of movement as the train takes you to where you want to be.
And so life circumstances are predicted to accelerate. But it’s in service of what you want. It’s not that you’re on a train of someone else’s making away from a destination of where you want to be. So we would suggest enjoy the zooming, rushing feeling because it’s getting you to places you have felt frustrated in the past, you couldn’t get there fast enough. It’s getting you there without so much (or very, very little) effort. The amount of effort is up to you. We would suggest to relax, know that the train or the high-speed velocity here is taking you to where you want to go. Where YOU want to go.
It’s not that you have to worry: “Why is everything happening so fast? And where is it taking me?” It’s taking you where your current wishes are. And as you adjust your wishes or your intent you can get on other trains, so to speak, quite easily. You don’t have to stop, get off, get on another train. There’s no slowing down now. So [for the] next month, month and a half, things will feel like as soon as I want it, it happens. Or certainly, tangibly I feel the momentum that I’m there already are almost there.
Just continue to focus, we would say: “What is it I want? For myself, for the planet, for humankind.” And you get there very rapidly now. Again, with energies that are supportive, like a wind in the sails or the engine of the train, it’s not your effort, you’re not pedaling with your feet. And also any supplies, you need some “supplies” are there on the train. You don’t have to carry them on your back. Everything resource-wise that is needed will arrive at the right time. You don’t have to carry it with you. So if you don’t have enough, monies in your bank account right now for what you desire, and you feel yourself moving towards it and worried: “but wait, when I get there, I won’t have the purchase price.” Well, it’s on the train with you.
All of the resources come at the right moment. You don’t need your bag until you’re ready to exit the train or you need to change your outfit. So you don’t need to have the resources with you every moment, figuratively or literally in the bank. So please just keep your focus on: what I want. Because you’re going to be zooming around so quickly now.
Old, old is desires get fulfilled and new ones as well. So that’s up to you, what is in your current wish. And if you had an old wish that you no longer want, trust the universe knows that you’ve moved on already. You don’t have to go back and delete wishes. Just refocus: “What is it that I want now?” And you’ll get there. Or you’re there already, because it’s already been five minutes since you knew this and you recognize: “Oh, here I am.”
Welcome to the new rapid acceleration of Earth. It won’t always be so, so fast. But you can get used to, acclimatized to the fact that things now move more quickly more often like this. So if you get a drag, you know, a month from now: “Oh! We must have just stopped at a train station. That’s all right. I can catch my breath, stretch, enjoy the fact that the ground isn’t moving for a moment, the landscape isn’t changing.” And enjoy that, those pauses and rests. There will be some of those as well. But for the next month, month and a half it will feel fairly continuous bullet train. So relax into the fluidity of this. It’s taking you to what you wish, what you want.
Adria Wind
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