Channeling Being : Pleiadians,  Channeled by : Natalie Glasson

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 

Greetings beloved beings of light, we are the Pleiadians beings. We come as a collective energy. We anchor our consciousness, light, love, and divine inspiration into your being and into the energy flow of the Earth; the meridians, the vibrations of light that flow across the Earth. We are present to be of service and we wish to be of service to you today. We, the Pleiadians, believe it is important to focus upon your mind and your mental clarity at this time of ascension when numerous ascension shifts are taking place and multiple changes are occurring on many dimensions of your being, and of course within situations and experiences upon the Earth.

There is a need for mental clarity. There is a need for trust in your own mind and thoughts. There is a need to allow the divine within you, whatever label you give the divine within you, your soul, the Creator, your higher self to fully engage with your mind, your mental body and your thoughts. It is important to trust your mind in order to master your mind. It is often said that when mastering your mind, you allow negative, judgmental, or lower vibrational thoughts to simply pass by or float away, to flow through your mind without your reaction. Many of you will recognise that there is a large percentage of your thoughts which may appear negative, judgmental, and limiting, these thoughts retain you in a certain perspective. You may be comfortable with this perspective; however, it may not encourage spiritual growth, ascension, and the opening of your entire being to the Creator. If you recognise that multiple thoughts are negative or lower vibrational, it may seem difficult to trust your mind, to trust your thoughts, how can you trust negative, limiting, or low vibrational thoughts? You trust your mind and your thoughts, knowing that your mind is engaged with and connected to the divine.

The key is to trust in and acknowledge your thoughts, even the negative and lower vibrational thoughts. Allow negative and lower vibrational thoughts to simply dissipate realising they do not require energising. When you trust your mind, you realise you have a choice, you can choose the thoughts that you energised, amplify, and magnified, this is how trust develops. It is not necessarily accessing divine wisdom or enlightenment, it is acknowledging and observing your thoughts and choosing which thoughts you wish to energise. When you react to a thought and you accept it as your own then you are energising it. If you repeat it, even repeat it out loud or to another person then you are energising it. When you trust in your mind you are trusting in yourself and this is essential.

It is important to feel, sense, or acknowledge the thoughts as they come up and by this, we mean examine your thoughts.

What is the energy of the thought?
What is the origin of the thought?
Is it a truthful thought?
Is it a fear-based thought?
Will it create liberation, or will it create limitations?

When you feel the energy of the thought as if you are feeling the energy or the aura of another person, you come to recognise and unravel the thought. The thought may transform, shift, and change into something else, thus, you are trusting in your mind, mental body and thoughts because you are taking responsibility.

We wish to summarise that it is important to choose the thoughts that you energise and to feel into the energy of a thought, almost unravelling it, understanding it further. If there is anything to understand it will come to your awareness. If the thought is simply the thought and nothing else then that is all you will receive so do not try to delve too deep, simply have the awareness and time to contemplate. With these two practices, you begin to trust in your mind and thoughts allowing a clarity to flow. Not only will you gain clarity through observing limiting or negative thoughts or choosing what to energise, a new form of clarity will enter your mind. You will create space within your mind for your divine self, soul, Creator, or your higher self to be present. You will create trust where you are present with your mind in a space of openness and receiving. Therefore, allowing divine clarity, enlightenment, and inspiration to flow into your mind.

The Integration of Trust and Clarity

The integration of trust and clarity will allow you to understand the world within you and outside of you. There are so many influences bombarding you from your past, the stories you have created about your past, and the meanings you have given to all experiences. The purposes that you believe are for you to accomplish, beliefs created by you, by your carers as a child and by those around you, also your circumstances. There are impacts from the outer world, things that people tell you, the opinions of leaders, and rules that are created. There are so many different thoughts, imagine listening to the thoughts of every person on the Earth at the same time. Can you imagine how overwhelming that would be? To some extent this is occurring, you are energetically impacted by the thoughts of every being, and then there are the opinions that each person expresses through their voice, different forms of creation and expression. With this in mind, it can be challenging to gain mental clarity and yet mental clarity is so important at this time because there is a need to trust in your own thoughts. To recognise what is right for you, what is appropriate, what is guided for you is essential as that which is guided for you may not be guided for your partner, loved ones, children, parents, friends, strangers or people in other countries. With your mental clarity, you access what is appropriate and necessary for you and that is all that is needed.

When you are able to move through your space and reality from this seat of peace, it is so much easier, you are aware of that which is occurring around you, able to recognise and acknowledge the truth of the Creator within situations, within scenarios, and within people. This brings clarity throughout your entire being so blockages dissolve, it is an especially important process.

The Yellow Ray of Truth

We the Pleiadians labelled our communication the Yellow Ray of Truth, because it is the third ray, the yellow ray, that is flowing over and through your being, and the Earth. Like the sun gleaming, glimmering, shimmering, and shining with clarity and truth from the Creator, it is for you to absorb as much as you can. It will impact your being, creating clarity especially throughout your entire being like a purification and cleansing. If you allow yourself to examine and trust in your thoughts, choosing that which you energise then you will allow Yellow Ray Truth to really impact your being like a golden yellow healing vibration that is so inspirational, purifying, and creates such a beautiful sense of clarity, peace and trust.

There are many of you on the Earth who will receive from the Yellow Ray, truth and will be asked to embody codes within your entire being. These will penetrate your entire being and emanate into the world, creating more and more truth, allowing others to access the truth and clarity of the Creator. Within the vibration of truth, there is clarity and trust, many people may feel that you need to express your truth in a certain way. Allow yourself to be guided. We are in a new world; you may experience the old limitations, but it is time to experiment and step forward into the new world.

We thank you,

We are the Pleiadians


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Natalie Glasson
Natalie Glasson is a Channel, Author, Workshop Facilitator, Spiritual Mentor and Founder of the Sacred School of OmNa. Natalie has been a channel for over 10 years dedicating her life to assisting others in awakening to the light of the Creator. Natalie has always been able to connect with and express the consciousness of numerous Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Elementals, Goddess Beings and Star Beings. She constantly shares new wisdom and enlightenment to aid emergence of the divine energy within the physical body, thus supporting the manifestation the Era of Love. Natalie is known for her pure and powerful channeling ability which attracts many wishing to evolve spiritually to study with her. The Creator’s love and the manifestation of inner bliss are always at the center of her communications, due to these qualities being valued by her soul. Natalie’s soul extends from her Soul Group the Celestial White Beings who exist from the 14th dimension and beyond, she is currently acting as a representative of their energy and consciousness on the Earth. Natalie’s first book was published in the UK in November 2010 entitled, Twelve Rays of Light, a Guide to the Spiritual Hierarchy. The book was later published and is available in the Lithuanian language. The Twelve Rays of Light is a unique guidebook to the spiritual hierarchy and energy levels beyond the Earth. The book helps you to discover the guides, teachers, leaders and Ascended Masters of the spiritual planes upon whom you may call daily to advance your development, expand your awareness and awaken your true self. Through the study of and integration with the rays and spiritual hierarchy, you will discover the keys to your own ascension process on the Earth. Natalie facilitates channeled workshops in London, Glastonbury, Ireland, Wales and Lithuania. She has also visited Egypt and Israel as a channel for spiritual groups. Through her website, the Sacred School of OmNa, In her spare time Natalie enjoys focusing on her own spiritual awakening, playing her crystal singing bowls, painting and practicing kundalini yoga. Born and brought up in Wales, Natalie now lives in Gloucester, UK.