
A Healing for Earth & Her Inhabitants ∞Thymus Collective of Ascended Masters∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are here, now, in this transmission ready to give planet Earth and all of her inhabitants a healing. We are transmitting more than words through the channel here, and we want you all to realize that the healing energies coming through are for you and for everyone else, because everyone is carrying some sort of weight, some sort of trauma. Everyone there on Earth needs to receive more healing, and so we offer the healing energies, and we invite you to receive them in your bodies and in your minds. We seek to help you in opening your minds so that you can believe in the possibility for healing. We invite you to unclench, to release all the tension that you are holding in your body right now, so that you can receive the offering of our healing.

The Heroes & Villains on Planet Earth ∞Thymus ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are watching over all of you because we want to spread our love and light to you, and because we enjoy watching you grow. It is important for you all to know that you are watched over by so many, because of the interest in the exciting times that you have upon you there on planet Earth. You are seen as the ones who are the most adventurous in the entire universe, and that is bound to get you quite a bit of attention and quite a bit of help from above. You don’t have to take anything that you are experiencing there seriously, however. Knowing that you are playing a game and that it is a simulation should help you to relax a little bit more about what’s going on in your lives and in the entire world. But if your game needs a villain, and you are determined to find out who the villains are, then yes, you will take all of this much too seriously.

Big Purposes & Missions ∞Thymus ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We know that you do your best to hold a high vibration under challenging circumstances, and we invite you to recognize yourselves. Acknowledge yourselves for all the times when you do hold a higher vibration in the midst of circumstances that are not to your liking. It is important to prove to yourselves that it is possible to do so in order for you to then be able to believe that you can hold a higher vibration under any and all circumstances because that is the goal. That is what it takes to be a fifth-dimensional being.

This is What You Really Want ∞Thymus: Collective of Ascended Masters ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We have been awakening within you the wonderful knowing of who you really are as Source Energy Beings, and we do this for you because you have asked us to do it. You do set up certain encounters, and you do initiate the delivery of certain messages to you while you are asleep at night and traveling in the astral plane. And the request we get from most people who visit with us in the astral plane is not about abundance, and it’s not about health or romance. In that state, you are most interested in being reminded of who you really are. Now, as you move into your state of waking consciousness in the morning, all of the circumstances of your life come back into the forefront of your consciousness, and what you forget in those moments is that even they are meant to remind you of who you really are.

Are You Being Puppeted by Your Higher Self? ∞Thymus: ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We understand that when you are facing something that is particularly challenging, you do feel that it is unfair. We know that you struggle with the idea that you may have chosen something for yourself as a challenge before you incarnated. And we know that you can get angry at your higher self or your soul for having made such a decision. We also know that you can feel as though you are being victimized because of those choices and those challenges.