Lady Nada

How to heal the body? ~ Natalija Pavlaković

Often people ask me how I can heal and I simply tell them: listen to your body. Your body is a precise instrument that by its reactions indicates to you when you are crossing the limits of your endurance and when you are doing something that is not good for you. Many negative emotions have a difficult effect on your body and we say that the body is in imbalance and disharmony with the course of life. The body then naturally tries to re-establish balance but you people often don’t hear it or don’t have time to hear it or don’t want to hear its subtle messages. After a while, for the body, there is no other option but to scream through pain and severe illness.

The Three Stages of Soul Cleansing ~ by Natalie Glasson

The ascension process is moving so fast currently that it is difficult for many to keep track of the shifts activating and awakening within their being. There are so many levels of your being, and each is being activated, cleansed and recalibrated to support your remembrance of the Creator. It can be challenging to know and understand everything that is taking place within your being. Therefore it is appropriate to observe your energy and become familiar each day with how your body, mind, emotions and spiritual self feel and appear to you.