Francesca Thoman

About the author

A conscious channel since 1990, Francesca has collaborated and published several books with the spirit of Nikola Tesla and many other wise human beings. First contacted by extraterrestrials when she was five, she has worked with s specific group of 10 extraterrestrials from the Milky Way galaxy to create The Lodestone Bridge, a point of contact between human beings on Earth and other civilized worlds.

From Nikola Tesla: Modern Times Seen through the Lens of the Past ~ Francesca Thoman

“In your troubled times, when things seem fraught with more dread, terror, abuse, lies, manipulation, injustice, and cruelty than usual, it seems absurd to say that Humanity is actually improving! But if you look only a little way back into history, you must at least entertain the idea that human beings are already calmer, kinder, more compassionate, and wiser than many even 200 years ago.

The Challenge of Artificial Intelligence ~ Francesca Thoman

At this time many are worried about artificial intelligence: a created device and system by which human beings may be copied, mimicked with appalling accuracy, and perhaps replaced. That fear has been in the background of the psyche of many developed nations for nearly a hundred years, and it seems far too likely that the slowly, anxious nightmare of total dehumanization is not only on the horizon, but at your door.

From Nikola Tesla: The human body are a psychic phenomenon, and a pan-dimensional process ~ Francesca Thoman

“Psychologists will learn infinitely more about the wisdom, resilience, and scope of human nature when they stop looking for sources of pain in the past and acknowledge the source of each person’s strength in the present instead.”

From Nikola Tesla: Future ~ Francesca Thoman

From Volume One: Page 5: “But on a human note, what I would want to say to people of this time is to never forget that technology is only a tool.” From Nikola Tesla and Francesca: "Nikola Tesla’s spirit and mine are in full accord with this statement! Yes, he opened up far more possibilities than even his nimble brain could not foresee,

From Nikola Tesla: Meditation to Uncover Your Core Tone: ~ Francesca Thoman

Although similar to spiritual centering, finding your Core Tone does not contract your awareness to a single point: rather, it is the ability to be aware of your own multi-dimensional perspective. To uncover your Core Tone, focus on the heart chakra. As the pituitary has been called the “master gland” for the physical endocrine system, the heart chakra affects the other chakras in much the same way.

Excerpts and Commentaries from Afterlife Comments on Paraphysica Concepts Volume One: New Defintions and Meditations: ~ Francesca Thoman

The Universe is founded upon the core of Creativity: Infinite Possibilities creating infinite patterns of meaning dynamically and continually, in a state of constant, responsive interaction  in order to open things that have never been before and never will be again, along with things that ride on the pulses of love to return, renewed, in infinite spirals of Becoming. This Creativity is constant, subtle, omnipresent and, oddly enough, part of what allows things to appear static, without changing

From the Nikola Tesla Channeled Newsletter: ~ Francesca Thoman

A great many people who wish to talk to me through my channel, Francesca, first want to speak about the Zero Point energy, sometimes with a slightly avaricious tone. However, the reason why I have spent so much time in these first five books plus two on human issues and human needs is because humanity is at a delicate place as regards its spiritual growth: spiritual adolescence.


On an otherwise ordinary Saturday morning, I called my friend Elizabeth, partly to say hello, and partly to complain about the mockingbird that sang so incessantly outside my window. I know many people delight in mockingbirds, but I have long considered them to be the commercials of the bird world: their songs and tones are pitched so that they MUST be listened to, and they sing all the time.

A Prayer ~ Francesca Thoman

A prayer for superlative protection...

The Light-bell meditation ~ Francesca Thoman

This prayer is best done on a regular schedule, once a week or every two weeks. Say: “In the name of love, and in the honor of love, I ask to be allowed to call the lost souls home.” (If you are working in a group, everyone says “I” in this first part.) Then, set the intention:

Anchoring the light-body ~ Francesca Thoman

First, imagine putting a necklace over your head and around your neck so its medal or pendant rests over your heart. This medal is a medallion of your authority as a human being, and is a seal of your office. Feel the weight of the pendant resting comfortably over your neck and shoulders and on your chest over your heart. 
