From Volume One: Page 5: “But on a human note, what I would want to say to people of this time is to never forget that technology is only a tool.”

From Nikola Tesla and Francesca: “Nikola Tesla’s spirit and mine are in full accord with this statement! Yes, he opened up far more possibilities than even his nimble brain could not foresee, but he always saw his machines as servants, not as masters, much less as creations that had more potential, possibilities, and abilities within them than human beings! If we decide that what “thinking machines” we have created are better than we are, we beggar our humanity, and starve in rags of self-doubt, self-denigration, and fear of our own light, and swim in a sea of false inadequacy.”

From Volume One:
Page 5:

 Francesca: What do you see for the future?

From Nikola Tesla: “What I see must happen is that the new sciences will be of ecology. Chemists would learn far more about the nature of chemistry in seeking to undo the damage to Earth than inventing the substances that have done the damage.” This is especially so when you are dealing with organic chemistry, with its enzymes, catalysts, and the mitigating factor of consciousness, which is only beginning to be understood, much less utilized intentionally. It is not much known, nor will it be discussed openly for some time, but not only does your consciousness affect the Field, it affects chemical reactions. As yet, this effect is like a new plant: the tiny sprout cannot reach to the sky like the oak it will become. But there will be a time when benevolent, focused human consciousness will be used to augment cleaning, clearing, and healing places and peoples that have been damaged, ravaged, ruined or even destroyed by human ignorance, arrogance, stupidity and greed.”

From Volume One, Page 5, continued:

“Physicists will learn far more about the nature of reality if they study its actions upon itself rather than their actions (experiments) upon it.”

From Nikola Tesla: “When this article was written, physics had not yet understood how to work its way free of its materialistic bias, and more fluid and agile-minded physicists such as Gregg Braden had not yet spoken, although Gary Zukov had already opened to door into understanding more about the nature of quantum physics and relativity. What Nikola Tesla was promoting here was the original sense of wonder that many children have: “There is the, and it acts like that, and this happens when I…” Rather than this sense of discovery, a great many scientists of all disciplines have learned, “There are these rules, and they work this way, and anything that seems outside of the rules should be ignored because the rules don’t apply to them. Indeed, anyone who believes in these things that are outside of the rules of science is deluded and a fantasy-prone crackpot at best.” Science has grown up in the last few decades, and it is not a moment too soon: if scientists do not engage their human hearts soon, the future may look quite dystopian.”



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Francesca Thoman
A conscious channel since 1990, Francesca has collaborated and published several books with the spirit of Nikola Tesla and many other wise human beings. First contacted by extraterrestrials when she was five, she has worked with s specific group of 10 extraterrestrials from the Milky Way galaxy to create The Lodestone Bridge, a point of contact between human beings on Earth and other civilized worlds.