

Connections and Oneness – Buddha through Jim Charles

I’ve come to talk to you today about connection. I know that many of you are wanting me to continue about the third eye, the crown. But there are so many important things going on right now. Many of you know about your chakras in many senses, but I would like to talk to you more today about connecting one with another.

True prayer and True meditation – Elijah through Jim Charles

Thank you. I come today to talk to you about something very important. Many of you have great missions and many of you have great things, that must be done and you are examples to the world. but remember this, you cannot be the great example that you want to be without true prayer and true meditation.

Choose This & Change Everything Immediately ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We know that you employ many different techniques and that you have many different approaches to your spirituality, and we just want to remind you of how simple and easy it can be to grow spiritually and to get to the next level of your consciousness. In conscious breathing, you have the ability to slow everything down, including your mind. With breathwork, which is another word for conscious breathing, you tap in to potentials, you open doorways, and you allow for healing to occur in the physical body. It is very easy for you to raise your vibration simply by paying attention to your breathing, and you can do it while doing anything else that you are doing throughout the course of your day.

Who are we? ~ Dev

Have you ever had a thought in your mind asking yourself, Who am I? Am I just this body or something bigger than what I think I am?  We have different layers within our body similar to this nested nutcracker. Our physical body is the outermost cover which we have physical experience using our five senses. Small, taste, touch, see and hear.  Within this body lies another body known as the Astral body and it has the same sense experience like the physical one. Sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell but these are internal senses.  You may ask how do we know for sure.  Suppose when you are dreaming or imagining something, let's say I am imagining eating ice cream. I can still see myself eating ice cream and I can feel the chill on my tongue and the breeze of the outside air touching my skin and the dog barking. Even though I didn't experience it physically, I can still feel all of it. All these are the inner senses of the astral body. 

Balance Meditation ~ Jamye Price

Balance is an important energy as we navigate change. What I loved in the Areon channeling is their softening of the opposite of Balance—imbalance. Balance is a constant state of movement. Since we are in the realm of physical, linear time, we are in constant change. Therefore, Balance and imbalance are constant as well. Imbalance is just an indicator of change. In the channeling, Areon was soothing our energy around imbalance so that we are seeing it more as a natural part of Balance. Imbalance as merely the movement of connection with new Balance.