Home Channeled Being Council Insights from Living a Passionate Life ~ Sara Landon

Insights from Living a Passionate Life ~ Sara Landon


Creating raises your vibration. So when you are deeming that nothing’s happening, that you’re just waiting, nothing’s showing up, you are lowering your vibration, and you get more of what you are focused upon.

Stillness is a powerful access point to acceleration, vibration, realization, manifestation. Yet when we talk about how you raise your vibration and your frequency and what things lower your vibration and frequency, not being in the moment, not being in a place of stillness—

You can be excited and still find stillness. You can be really passionate. In fact, the ultimate art of all of this is in the mastery of realizing that the more passionate and excited and expansive you become, the more you allow and live in the stillness, and the more you allow and live in the stillness, the more passionate, excited, and expansive you become.

True mastery is when you realize that in allowing and receiving through the stillness and your presence you do less, but you have more. You do less, and you have more. You do less, and you have more. You have more love, you have more freedom, you have more joy, you have more abundance, you have more wellbeing, you have more beauty, you have more fulfillment, you have more richness in your life, not less.

Now, of course there are things you do. And some of you say, Well, I’m just sitting around waiting for the Universe to tell me what to do. I’ve been just doing this not doing thing. It’s not about doing the not doing thing. Some of you have made not doing into something you do. And you say, Well, I’m sitting here not doing, and nothing’s happening. I’m sitting here not doing, and it’s not showing up. I’m sitting here not doing. It’s the not doing as a part of doing that is lowering your vibration and your frequency.

Check in with yourself when you’re saying, oh, I really want that, I really want that, I really want that. Are you passionate? Are you excited? Is there love? Because the level of love will directly correlate to the creation of the reality or the experience you want to have. It always does.

And there are those things that show up out of the blue. But even in those things, you could see how love drew that experience of true creation to you totally out of the blue. No delay. No desire, and then it happens. It shows up out of the blue. And if you really observe, it’s easy to see, easy to see that that experience of true creation came to you because of love, because of passion, because of excitement in some way.

You’re always going to be creating your reality. And for the past many years and many decades, the acceleration of your ability to create has all been leading to now. Your awareness of your ability to create reality, the difference between manifestation and true creation, what it means to play in the realms of pure potential, what it means to elevate your consciousness to summon energy into form, what it means to follow energy and let the light guide the way, what it means when the next obvious, perfect step comes to you—

Your awareness of all of this, your awareness of being impeccable in your creations, creating from a certain level of consciousness has all been part of the journey to prepare you for now. And by ‘now’ we mean where the consciousness is, where the collective consciousness is, where your consciousness is, where the world is, what’s possible. But it’s all been leading to this rapid acceleration of true creation, rapid acceleration of creating reality as an impeccable creator.

Excerpted from Living a Passionate Life,
channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on December 20, 2023


~ Sara Landon

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Sara has been called a leader of leaders for the next generation of transformation. A former corporate professional and entrepreneur turned inspirational speaker, spiritual teacher, and channel of The Council. Sara is recognized as a globally celebrated leader in the field of human potential and spiritual living. The Council is a higher level consciousness of non-physical beings who provide a grander perspective of the human experience and the wisdom to live one’s fullest potential. Sara’s passion is guiding leaders, wayshowers and change-makers to discover their unique life’s purpose and the power within them to create a positive impact in the world around them. Sara’s ability to channel The Council, offers clients, students and participants in her courses and Masters Class program, the ability to create their best life possible regardless of current limitations and life circumstances.