Tag: love


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The 5th-Dimensional Beings You Are Becoming ∞ Thymus ∞ by Daniel Scranton

You open yourselves up to that which you know is bringing you into a higher-vibrational state, and you attempt to close yourselves off from that which you know will bring you down. You know certain things will bring you down vibrationally because of your past experience, and sometimes you hope that you will have a different experience than previous times, but the hope is not enough to create a different experience for you. But it is good for you to hope and to make those attempts and to have a different experience of something, rather than asking something outside of you to change. You are the changemakers, but the change is occurring inside of you so that you may shift to a different reality that reflects that change to you.

Get Ready for the Boomerang Effect ∞The 12D Creators ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We love you, and we want to start there this time, because you need to hear it. You need to hear it often. You need to hear it from yourselves, and you need to know that the love is coming to you from all imaginable angles. Even people who don’t say they love you actually do love you, but they feel afraid of being rejected, and so they don’t express it to you. It is important to express your feelings to one another, and it is not only important to express when you are feeling something not-so-good feeling. Tell others how you feel; let them know and show them affection, kindness, and everything else that you want to be shown back to you.

Insights from Your Paradise Is Your Purpose ~ Sara Landon

You are everything you wish to be, and you know that now. You are everything you wish to be. You already are. You do not have to wish for prosperity and abundance. You are prosperity and abundance. You do not need to wish for wellbeing and peace and harmony. You are wellbeing and peace and harmony. You do not have to wish for love. You are love. You do not have to wish for light. You are the light. You do not have to wish to be powerful. You are powerful. You have always been. You will always be.

2025: The Year of the Angels: The Heart Song of the Angels and Manifesting New Earth ~ Celia Fenn

Welcome to 2025 Beloved Souls! This year will be the Year of the Angels, in which you will come into closer alignment with your Angelic families and also explore the power and beauty of your inner Human Angelic Template. In the second half of 2024 you made huge leaps in consciousness, releasing the old and soaring upwards on the spirals of transformation to a level that we call Angelic Consciousness. This is a very fine and beautiful consciousness that celebrates love, creation and beauty. It is what we call “The Heart Song of the Angels”. In 2025 you will become One with this frequency of Joy and Miracles.

Insights from The Divine Symphony of Perfection ~ Sara Landon

You came here to experience harmony within your being, within every part of you, and to integrate it all into the realization of all that you are, and to live in a state of harmony with all of you and in your relationships. You came here with extraordinary gifts and abilities and talents and skills that you have amassed on your journey throughout eternity. You came here to embody your gifts, to share your gifts, and then to thrive and to live in harmony with the abundance and the prosperity and the money and the opportunities and the resources that are all here for you. 

I AM/WE ARE: Being the Love and Peace as 2025 Approaches ~ Celia Fenn

In the last few months, from August to November, you have been through huge upgrades in your Light Body and the Human Angel Template in your DNA. You have activated your Holographic transmission abilities and your Time Traveller awareness. Now it is time to rest up a little and just BE the Light of the World. This means YOU ARE the Love and Peace of the New Earth in embodied form.

December Ascension Energies – Whole Heart ~ Jamye Price

Blessed Being, as you move through a time of the spiral tightening, your inner world becomes ever more significant. It is within that you navigate intensified gravity, for there you are weightless. As beginnings and endings overlap in Time, allow your Whole Heart to honor all sacred starts and finishes. For in the space of Time, Love never diminishes.

Insights from Open to Receive ~ Sara Landon

The instant manifestation of receiving is expansion, and you cannot experience expansion without fully opening and allowing yourself to receive. And as you receive that which is a reflection of all you have expanded into, you will notice that those things that are no longer aligned to you begin to move out of your experience. 

Insights from You Answered the Call ~ Sara Landon

You answered the call that went out to all of the Universe, but especially to those of you ascended masters who had gone by way of Earth into their own ascension and had continued to stay focused on the Earth experience and all that that includes because of your great love, your great love for humanity, your great love for the animals, your great love for the planet, and your great love for what was occurring on Earth at this time, the greatest transformation of consciousness that has ever occurred,

November Ascension Energies – Following the Heart ~ Jamye Price

Blessed Beings, as you move through a time of deep change you are called to hold your powerful vision of potential for humanity. The most valuable of changes occurs within your energetic physicality, for that communicates the subtle into the physical. Heart Vision We focus often on the heart because it is your engine of connection. It is your bridge of heaven meets earth. It is your mechanism into the zero point of neutrality within your energetic system. Your heart is how you create with the subtle and physical merged as one. As you are observing, being and doing, you are creating.

Insights from Create through Playful Innocence ~ Sara Landon

As you embody the knowing of your own unwavering pure love, and your own playful innocence, as well as knowing the powerful creator that you are, oh, oh, you open up new worlds, new potentials, new possibilities, expansion upon expansion upon expansion into more and more and more to celebrate, to enjoy, to love. 

October Ascension Energies – Internal Sun ~ Jamye Price

Blessed Being, you are spectrum of experience on Earth. A spectrum is a variance of potential within rules. That is Life – interaction on scales of compatible interface. You reside within the visible and invisible, yet interaction spans both. Your conscious interaction expands. The interaction of Light and Sound is one such interface. These are different and same, connected and separate.

