Everything is energy.
Every word you say is energy.
Every thought you have is energy.
Energy has to move, it has to go somewhere or it returns to its source.
When it returns to the source, it is usually altered by the thought it is attached to.
For example, positive thoughts create something that is usable. Positive thoughts when spoken create more positive energy. They motivate, create and empower.
Negative thoughts do two things. Either they create fear, doubt, insecurity or some other negative emotion or they go back inside the person. Since they are not used, they return to the source as energy, unused energy that stagnates. Negative words have the same effect.
When a person lacks motivation, has a low opinion of himself, fears or doubts, he creates negative energy. If he utters negative words, those words destroy, create fear, doubt and insecurity in those they refer to. Such words create blockages in the spiritual body, especially in the chakras, which then affect the physical components, i.e. the glands. When the glands don’t function properly, the body doesn’t function properly because energy is blocked and can’t move where it needs to go.
The spiritual and the physical body are one.
They are not separated as has always been thought. The physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies work together, inseparable from each other. When all bodies are balanced, the whole body is balanced. If the body is out of balance, the imbalance affects the flow of energy, which most often returns to the body, back to the source.
People who have a problem with kilograms, who are too heavy, too thin, anorexic or bulimic have this problem because they do not allow energy to flow.
As a rule, these people are always insecure, scared or possess some other negative emotions. This problem can be transferred from incarnation to incarnation, stacked from life to life like a cake, layer upon layer, layer upon layer.
It’s not the weight that’s the problem.
The cause of the heaviness and the source from which the energy came is the problem. Once the cause is found, the person usually loses the pounds and never regains them.
It’s not calories, as you call them, that you eat, but you eat to add sweetness to your life. You eat to comfort yourself in times of fear, doubt, and uncertainty. When you find the source of that doubt, fear and insecurity then you stop eating the way you were eating.
It is usually said that people who have a weight problem have no motivation to exercise. They don’t want to be seen because of their weight and thus create a new scenario – an overweight person who doesn’t exercise because he can’t motivate himself. A vicious circle is created.
Those who deal with weight loss as their profession have only a partial answer.
The answer lies in energy and in the fact that energy must move. A thought, once spoken or conceived, must be manifested. If it is not manifested, it returns to the source (person). If positive, it helps the physical body through the glands to be better as the hands of a healer or therapist do. If negative, it blocks the glandular system and creates disease or imbalance.
Find the cause of your problem and you will find the answer to losing weight. But look at the causes in past lives as well. Many souls find a solution to their problems in this incarnation, but if the problem is not cleansed on a spiritual level through regression, it will return. It is important to discover the original source and then the problem disappears forever.
~Maitreya channeled through Margaret McElroy
~ Natalia