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Is Physical Reality Really Real? ∞The 12D Creators ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help. You have engaged with the nonphysical for your entire lives. This may seem like a novel experience that some people are having from time to time, but we say to you that you need the nonphysical in order to have a physical experience. The two are not separate. It is not that you are either in the physical or the nonphysical. You are merging the two, and you are doing so rather subconsciously most of the time. Sometimes you will do it consciously, and you will have a channeling experience. Sometimes you will recognize it as a channeling experience, and sometimes you will not.

December Ascension Energies – Whole Heart ~ Jamye Price

Blessed Being, as you move through a time of the spiral tightening, your inner world becomes ever more significant. It is within that you navigate intensified gravity, for there you are weightless. As beginnings and endings overlap in Time, allow your Whole Heart to honor all sacred starts and finishes. For in the space of Time, Love never diminishes.

November Ascension Energies – Following the Heart ~ Jamye Price

Blessed Beings, as you move through a time of deep change you are called to hold your powerful vision of potential for humanity. The most valuable of changes occurs within your energetic physicality, for that communicates the subtle into the physical. Heart Vision We focus often on the heart because it is your engine of connection. It is your bridge of heaven meets earth. It is your mechanism into the zero point of neutrality within your energetic system. Your heart is how you create with the subtle and physical merged as one. As you are observing, being and doing, you are creating.

Choose This & Change Everything Immediately ∞ Thymus∞ by Daniel Scranton

We know that you employ many different techniques and that you have many different approaches to your spirituality, and we just want to remind you of how simple and easy it can be to grow spiritually and to get to the next level of your consciousness. In conscious breathing, you have the ability to slow everything down, including your mind. With breathwork, which is another word for conscious breathing, you tap in to potentials, you open doorways, and you allow for healing to occur in the physical body. It is very easy for you to raise your vibration simply by paying attention to your breathing, and you can do it while doing anything else that you are doing throughout the course of your day.

October Ascension Energies – Internal Sun ~ Jamye Price

Blessed Being, you are spectrum of experience on Earth. A spectrum is a variance of potential within rules. That is Life – interaction on scales of compatible interface. You reside within the visible and invisible, yet interaction spans both. Your conscious interaction expands. The interaction of Light and Sound is one such interface. These are different and same, connected and separate.

September Ascension Energies – Preparing the Body ~ Jamye Price

Your Awareness and your adaptability offer reward if you will look deeper into new potentials. Life is fail-safed to Love, that is where the circle begins and ends. There are always potentials that connect more Love to Life, even if the steps between aren’t fully aligned with it. It is not your work to force new creation, but to be available for new creation. You are a vehicle of Life’s creation.

Removing Your Stuck & Blocked Energy ∞ by Daniel Scranton

You are being in this moment what you were created to be, and you are having the experiences that serve this version of Source Energy that you are. You get to have these experiences. You are not forced to by any force outside of you. When you accept that your life is as it needs to be right now, you get to move on to something else. You get to have new experiences after the acceptance of the experiences that you are having.

The Most Satisfying Experience You Can Have in a Body ∞ Thymus ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We know you as you truly are. We see you in that space of your Divinity reigning supreme over your experience of reality. We know that you are coming to a time where you will share that experience of yourself that we have of you, and we know that we are here to help you to ascend to that level of consciousness

Our Body is Like a River – Keep it Flowing – by Neelam Minocha

Our Body is Like a River - Keep it Flowing A river is in continual flow. If a river stagnates, the water starts to smell and things start to grow in, on and around it. A flowing river doesn’t stagnate, it doesn’t smell and it doesn’t become dis-eased.

Who are we? ~ Dev

Have you ever had a thought in your mind asking yourself, Who am I? Am I just this body or something bigger than what I think I am?  We have different layers within our body similar to this nested nutcracker. Our physical body is the outermost cover which we have physical experience using our five senses. Small, taste, touch, see and hear.  Within this body lies another body known as the Astral body and it has the same sense experience like the physical one. Sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell but these are internal senses.  You may ask how do we know for sure.  Suppose when you are dreaming or imagining something, let's say I am imagining eating ice cream. I can still see myself eating ice cream and I can feel the chill on my tongue and the breeze of the outside air touching my skin and the dog barking. Even though I didn't experience it physically, I can still feel all of it. All these are the inner senses of the astral body. 

The New Healing Portals Popping Up All Over ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are very excited about this transmission because we know how much you all like to know what you can expect there on planet Earth. What we are seeing right now is many of the groups, the collectives, the councils that we work with are opening up portals to deliver more energies to Mother Earth at this time. You have been asking for quite some time for a healing for yourself and others in your life, and at many times in your life, you have asked for a healing for a particular place, a a particular group of people, and all of those prayers get answered. You are at a time right now where you collectively are opening up to receive, and that makes this the perfect time for beings and collectives from all across this galaxy to deliver the healing energies you have requested.

Your Cells are Listening To Every Word You Say… Channelled by Neelam Minocha

YOUR CELLS ARE LISTENING TO EVERY WORD YOU SAY... HOW WE SPEAK TO OURSELVES...THE WORDS WE USE AFFECTS OUR BODY Our cells and cellular memories hold lifetimes of emotions and imprints. Our cells follow OUR instructions... they listen to our beliefs, to our thoughts.... to our words.... to the way we speak to ourselves... they listen and they act accordingly to the instructions that we give them. How do you speak to your body? If you continually say 'I am tired' guess what you will be continually tired. If you tell yourself that you are no good... then that will be your outer experience. If you reject your body... it will behave like someone who feels rejected.

