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Weight loss ~ Natalija Pavlaković

EVERYTHING IS ENERGY. Every word you say is energy. Every thought you have is energy. ENERGY HAS TO MOVE, IT HAS TO GO SOMEWHERE OR IT RETURNS TO ITS SOURCE. When it returns to the source, it is usually altered by the thought it is attached to. For example, positive thoughts create something that is usable. Positive thoughts when spoken create more positive energy. They motivate, create and empower. Negative thoughts do two things. Either they create fear, doubt, insecurity or some other negative emotion or they go back inside the person. Since they are not used, they return to the source as energy, unused energy that stagnates. Negative words have the same effect.

Living Systems & False Matrices: Body Health, Our Microbiome and Ability to Shift Frequencies ~ Casey Claar

Just as I have said relative to defining the future, “time” is equally challenging to put your finger on, isn’t it? Many people think of time relative to a particular fixed “distance between” >> one moment and another moment, for instance. In a similar fashion, I think of a time in terms of frequency bandwidths. When from 3D I look at 2D ( the remainder of the animal kingdom and plant kingdom ) and 1D ( the mineral/elemental realm ) I see the past — all the way back through to the Origin of all life. When from 3D I look out toward 4-5-6D and beyond I see the future — all the way through to the very Origin of all life. There really only ever is one destination.

The Greatest Gift You Can Give ~ Shanta Gabriel

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives. For this week’s issue, the message from Archangel Gabriel reassures us that the freedom we seek comes from allowing ourselves to share our most authentic selves.

How to heal the body? ~ Natalija Pavlaković

Often people ask me how I can heal and I simply tell them: listen to your body. Your body is a precise instrument that by its reactions indicates to you when you are crossing the limits of your endurance and when you are doing something that is not good for you. Many negative emotions have a difficult effect on your body and we say that the body is in imbalance and disharmony with the course of life. The body then naturally tries to re-establish balance but you people often don’t hear it or don’t have time to hear it or don’t want to hear its subtle messages. After a while, for the body, there is no other option but to scream through pain and severe illness.

WISDOM TEACHINGS FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL * November 2020 ~ by Ronna Herman Vezane

It is vitally important that you stay firmly grounded and balanced within the accepted range of duality while functioning within the reality of the final phases of the Third-Dimensional environment. You must also strive to establish emotional harmony and serenity within the illusionary world of the Fourth Dimension as you seek wisdom and endeavor to become acclimated to the mental plane of the lower- Fifth Dimension. You must be ever alert for the whispers of your Soul and Higher Self. It is also important that you understand that you do not have just one Higher Self, but many Fragments or Sparks of your Higher Self scattered throughout this Sub-Universe.

Crystalline Consciousness & Your Light Bodies ∞ Daniel Scranton

We are your number one fans, your biggest supporters, and the ones you can always turn to in a time of crisis. We are always available to you, even if you have no sense of us, no feeling of our presence. You can take our word for it that we are non-local. We do not have a location in space/time, because we are nonphysical. That means we are consciousness.

Are You In Your Body?~ Maria Chambers

You have chosen this lifetime as your designated lifetime for your ascension. You knew on a soul level ahead of time that you would be going through some emotional and biological challenges. Perhaps diseases and imbalances that you inherited from your family bloodline. But you also knew with certainty that you would move through them easily. Now that you are here and going through emotional and or physical issues, you are wondering why it seems so difficult. Well, as we know things always seem easier when we’re not in our body. When we were nonphysical between lifetimes we recognized our abilities and we knew who we were and what we are capable of.


A wondrous new vision, a powerful probable future for humanity and the Earth, is awaiting your entrance into a Fifth-Dimensional environment. It is being strengthened and magnified moment by moment. It is a future whereby all humanity, as well as the mineral, vegetable, animal, human, Devic and Elemental kingdoms will peacefully co-exist on Earth. Envision an Earth which is pristine in its beauty, and which has sparkling clear water and clean healthy air to breathe. It will be a world of abundance and plenty, whereby no one will suffer from lack of adequate food, shelter or opportunity. It will be a world whereby different races, cultures, beliefs and traditions are honored and respected - where no one tries to force his/her beliefs on others, or deny others the right to live their own truths and follow their own customs. 

THE INNATE REVEALED ~ Kryon ~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

What you have in DNA is very difficult to explain. The trillions of DNA molecules in your body are all in communication with each other, all the time. It has to be the way of it, if you consider what DNA does. How does your body know which kind of cell it needs and where it needs it? It is Innate that is responsible for all of that at your birth. The DNA, you might say, is truly an esoteric central control. It is the field around the trillions of pieces of DNA that knows itself as one entity. All the DNA together work as one system through this field, and that one system is called Innate. So you might say that it is the combination of the DNA cells in your body together seen as one thing, which you call the smart body, Innate. It is decentralized. There is no single organ or gland of the body that is responsible for Innate. Every single part of the body is involved in this smart body system.

Physical Upgrades & Ascension Symptoms ∞ Daniel Scranton

We are particularly interested in keeping tabs on how you all are doing in regards to the upgrades that have been ongoing to your physical bodies. The reason why we are so interested in this topic is because of the way that many of you who are awake have come to realize that these ascension symptoms are normal and natural, and we like to see how much you have influenced the collective consciousness of humanity. We would like nothing more than to see an individual, who we would define as unawakened, have one of these symptoms in their physical body and come to the realization that it was a normal and natural occurrence.

The Importance of Getting Grounded for Your Soul Mission ~ Natasha Bailey

Today’s video is all about why it’s important to get grounded for your soul mission. I’ve got four main reasons why that’s important but first I want to explain  what do I mean by being grounded. By being grounded I mean fully being in your body, feeling your body and feeling connected to nature. Now might sound strange, you know people might say well I’m connected to my body but the actual reality is most people are very disconnected from their feelings, from their body and from nature, and they are operating mainly from here upwards. When people do  reconnect to their body they can definitely tell a difference.

You Are Infinite & Eternal Beings ∞ Channeled by Daniel Scranton

You have awakened within you the knowing of your true nature as infinite beings of love and light. We know that those of you who are awakened hold those truths. You know who and what you really are, and yet you still tend to look at yourselves and your world through the eyes of limitation. The eyes of limitation tell you that you are running out of time, that there never is enough time, and that you’re getting older and closer to death.

