Angel Ariel channeled through Adria Wind Horse 

Especially when reality begins to expand in a way where that becomes very palpable to each of you—that the dimensions are there to be walked through in a sense—having any kind of certainty: “Well, this is the way it is unquestionably,” we would say 100% of the time that’s going to be false.

Because even if you are the most open-minded person (the most loving person, you’ve had so many dimensional experiences that you know there can be more…) there are limits to what your brain-mind is going to allow you to consider possible. That can shift over time. It can. But still to anticipate that you could see the truth or see the full reality at any given moment, that is a falsehood we would say. It’s not very likely. It’s a rarity we have not yet seen, let’s put it that way.

Because you’re still creating new dimensions (and here we mean this word not literally), you’re still creating new nuances within this New Earth. Patterns that you’re creating for yourself and the collective.

Could this happen where humanity suddenly is able to see truth, or approach truth more carefully, more closely? Yes, it could. But right now, that’s not what’s going on. And from angelic viewpoint, that’s quite lovely. It’s quite good. Because it allows for the variation in experience which is part of why you came in as a human in this life.

If you had wanted a sort of Borg (to use a science fiction shorthand here), or communist in the purest sense where everything is so much the same—so even, so equal, we all dress the same, we think the same—if you had wanted that, you would not have come in as a human into an Earth experience. Because that’s not what you find here. There’s just too much variety, even from sisters who grew up in the same household, eat the same breakfast cereal, have the same teacher, maybe they’re twins, have the same teacher in third grade. They still have different worldviews, different opinions about what is real.

The individuality that you bring into this life is part of the beauty of being human here. So to try to strive for a truth that everyone would believe alongside you, we would say, that’s a little tragic. Because you came here not for uniformity but for the freedom, the playfulness to have an individual experience, despite however many things might be the same—the two legs, the two arms, two ears for most of you, and so on. A heart that beats, and also has this beautiful emotional overlay. So many similarities in the human experience. Absolutely. But the colors that you bring in your own crayon set are different. They’re unique. And the way that you view the same thing within reality, like an ice cream cone, same flavor, so wonderful and delicious to one person and represents an allergy to someone else and represents boring flavor to someone else. So these gradations within truth, we would say, is part of the beauty of being human.

So right now, if you can relax a little bit from trying so hard. Because the stakes feel so high. In this moment, in politics right now especially, the stakes feel so high. Most of you have already determined what you believe the truth is, but the stakes feel high then to convince others or to wake other people up, right?

You can have a completely unique experience of these next 10 days in politics than anyone else on the planet. And isn’t that marvelous? It doesn’t mean you’re deluded. It means you’re human. It means you’ve come into the expression of your individual soul trying things out.

Excerpt from video class: Is there such thing as truth? Recorded on Jan 17 2021
Full recording of class available here.

Adria Wind

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Adria Wind Horse Estribou
My love for vocal sound started very young—I would make up songs and sing to myself for hours as a child. In school I participated in chorus, chamber singers, and musical theater. Love for singing extended into adulthood with further vocal training and opera. A period of deep introspection in 2011 led me to feel my life purpose had something to do with my voice and healing, but I didn’t understand at that time what that might mean. I leapt at the opportunity to attend Jonathan Goldman’s Healing Sounds Intensive training in Colorado, and was surprised when shamanic healing sounds started coming through my voice Since then, memories have surfaced from multiple lifetimes where I played the role of a shaman using vocal sound for healing. A few years ago, angelic beings began “knocking on the door” of my awareness with messages. I am deeply moved and humbled to be part of the angels’ messages for others. Their perspectives never cease to delight and amaze me.