“This universe is formed out of both consciousness forces and matter.
While the study of matter has been the domain of traditional science, the study of Consciousness is the science of spirituality.” – Shriram Sharma Acharya
Great is the tenacity with which we cling to life, to love, to beauty and youth, to power and wealth; yet there comes a time in all our lives, when we realize that none of this is for real, that everything that we see in the material Universe whether it be the sun or the moon, plants or animals, even our bodies, is transitory. Each has a beginning and an end in time. Death is the goal of everything.

Slowly but surely a day will come, when the world as we know it will vanish and be gone forever. Standing on the brink of this precipice, beyond which is the infinite yawning chasm, we are compelled to ask in despair: “In this fleeting world, is there anything that is permanent? Is there anything that escapes death? Can there be more to this world than what we perceive with our senses?”
Even in the remote past where recorded history cannot help us, in the mysterious light of mythology, back in the dim twilight of civilization, we find the same questions being asked: “Is life a mere act of chance? Does it have no purpose? Why does the Universe put in so much energy into this play of life, only to let it all vanish in a moment?”
Spirituality begins with these questions and ends with the answers. Like science, spirituality too is the quest for truth – the quest for unity amidst apparent diversity – the search for the Ultimate Reality underpinning this evanescent Creation.