DZAR [Mary & Gary O'Brien]

About the author

Mary and Gary O’Brien are bestselling authors who share the messages and teachings brought forward by DZAR, an expression of compassionate Energies from All That Is. They each have over 30 years experience working with people to create change in their lives and since 2008 they have become the vehicle for the message channelled from Source called The Path of DZAR. Based in the magical subtropical hinterland of northern New South Wales in Australia, they travel the world offering workshops and private readings to help people step into a closer connection to their Soul and the wisdom and guidance it offers. In December 2012, Mary & Gary were key speakers and facilitators at the 1st World Parliament on Spirituality in India, an event endorsed by HH the Dalai Lama. They have spoken at the Edgar Cayce Centre in NYC, the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY and many other centres throughout the USA, Europe and Australasia.

Who’s life are you living? ~ Mary and Gary O’Brien

It might seem like a silly question but from our experience working with people from all walks of life across a score of countries most people are living someone else's life! It happens over time and there's such power in becoming curious and exploring the question because it's a powerful opening to feeling more comfortable in your own skin ... because borrowed identities never really fit well, do they! So we're curious ...

How stagnant energy held in the Earth stops you changing ~ Mary and Gary O’Brien

Imagine for a moment that you are a tree, a tree that is still in the process of growing and has its roots buried deep within the Earth. As this tree, you know that you could reach great heights and you are excited to see how tall and strong you could grow. However, over time despite your best efforts you notice that your growth is very slow and it sometimes feels like you are standing still and not growing at all. You may begin to feel confused or frustrated, and you may even begin to doubt that you are the magnificent tree that you feel you are inside and instead start to think that maybe you are just a small scrubby, straggly bush after all.

How to overcome your ego

it’s time to liberate the ego from all this bad press and return it to its original Latin meaning of I or self. Once you’ve done that, you can take the next step to expand the meaning it to include the exciting collaboration between the physical self and the energetic self because you’re both. When you do, you’ll realize that your ego is always evolving and becoming a richer and wiser and clearer embodiment of your Essence because you determine it and you have mastery over it. That’s the journey of en-lightenment that we’re all on … ego and all!

How to talk to your Soul

What if it was easy to be guided by your soul no matter where you are or what you are doing? This simple 3 step process let's you tap into the greater wisdom that is waiting just to ask your question!

Why it’s not selfish to love yourself

What is loving and caring for yourself wasn't selfish as we've been taught? What if it was actually an ACT of GREAT LOVE for OTHERS to put yourself first? Read this whimsical story of how Mary learnt this from her chickens!

3 Steps to change the world through Love

This simple and powerful 3 step energy practice will help you shift your energy and also to contribute to creating more peace and acceptance in the world.

DZAR ( Mary & Gary O’Brien)

Note : All these videos are links to their youtube channel.
