It might seem like a silly question but from our experience working with people from all walks of life across a score of countries most people are living someone else’s life!
It happens over time and there’s such power in becoming curious and exploring the question because it’s a powerful opening to feeling more comfortable in your own skin … because borrowed identities never really fit well, do they!
So we’re curious …
How much are you living life as an IDENTIKIT VERSION OF YOURSELF created in response to everyone else’s needs and expectations?
How often do you COMPROMISE your own needs and desires to please everyone else at the expense of your own happiness?
How regularly do you HOLD YOURSELF BACK or dim your Light to fit in and to make sure other people are comfortable with you?
You see when you compromise or keep yourself small or doubt yourself it’s because you’re living your life through the mistaken identity of the TAUGHT SELF.
You’re living as an identity you’ve created because at some point in your past you decided it was who you needed to be to keep safe or to be happy.
We ALL do this to some extent because that’s how society teaches us to live so there’s no BLAME or JUDGEMENT … in fact it’s a chance to CELEBRATE because this new awareness brings with it the opportunity to make choices that will create magical changes in your life!
[In case you haven’t noticed yet, we’re all about celebrating life and Mary’s favourite way of celebrating is with a gin martini…who said you can’t mix spirits with spirituality! ]
You see, once you realise that your happiness comes from living as your authentic TRUE SELF, the fun begins! You’ve always felt that larger fabulous part of you waiting to be expressed and now that you can label and feel the difference between your Taught Self and your True Self you can give yourself permission to step into your Light and SHINE!
Living as your True Self might mean …
- saying no when you’re invited somewhere that you really don’t want to go rather than going along out of obligation or
- picking up that hobby you’ve been promising yourself because you know it’s a chance for you to express more of yourself or
- prioritising time with friends who “get you” so you can express yourself more authentically
There are no right or wrong True Self choices because it’s different for each of us, so use your intuition and your Knowing to guide you and stay open and curious about how the magic unfolds!
So make a start today and enjoy the adventure as you shift from the Taught Self to your True Self and we’d love to hear what you’ve done today to show up as the Light that you know is within you!
Lots of love
Mary & Gary
The Saffron Heart
Woo Woo that Works
PS The good news is that it’s a step by step journey that will continue to unfold for the rest of your life so there’s no deadline or pressure to get it done … phew!