Question: What crystals/ stones are best suited for Sirians?
Answer: I really like this question because crystals are actually going to be part of a product I’m working on next year, called “Starseed Crystal Kits”.
Sirian Starseeds in particular do well with Smokey quartz, which is a very grounding stone, and magnetite, which keeps Sirian Starseeds anchored to their path, ocean Jasper, provides calm, uplifting energy to the holder in trying times, feeding into a more optimistic outlook on life.
The stone aids clearer communication and enhances self-confidence as well as self-insight, and lapis lazuli, which is aligned with the throat chakra and connects Sirian Starseeds to clarity, integrity, and intuition, as well as clear communication.
Question: Does the Akashic Records hold information on the soul level (i.e. the higher self) or is it only information about both physical and non-physical incarnated beings?
Answer: The Akashic Records contain records on all levels of a soul blueprint, including the Higher Self as well as various multidimensional levels of a soul.
That’s why sometimes it can be challenging to determine if a life being viewed in the Akashic Records is an actual incarnated life or a parallel life. The Akashic guides will always give specific guidance in this area if asked during an Akashic session.
Question: What is the purpose and how does it work to be incarnated into a lineage or bloodline?
Does each lineage have its own consciousness?
Do higher dimensional incarnations also incarnate into a lineage?
Answer: Soul groups and star lineages can also have their own consciousness as well as planetary, galactic, and constellation consciousness.
Sometimes a soul will choose to connect with a specific star lineage because they choose to learn the lessons being learned collectively from that consciousness, OR they are there to transcend the old lessons of that group and help them level up to a higher state of being.
That’s what a lot of Starseeds here on Earth are currently doing with the Earth consciousness during this time.
Infinite Gratitude,
Debbie Solaris