Dear Ones,
This is your initiation into the empowered structures required to anchor your new Light Body.
Throughout this year you have been activating the codes for sacred blueprint of Divinity in form.
The Creative Source of All That Is blesses this momentum of Light so your daily world can transform. You are being provided with a new level of freedom to express your true divine nature as a blended human. Recently the Archangels have provided activations within every chakra to raise the frequencies and bring a more solid connection to the presence of God. The principles that they can empower in your chakra system will impact your perceptions of the world permanently. Whenever you remember their presence your body will resonate in a new way.
Your alignment with Source energy has been activated through your focus of concentration. In the next period of time you will complete the process of embedding a new structure into your DNA. This new structure allows you to fulfill your highest Soul’s Destiny.
Provisions have been made for you as a part of a heart-centered group of dedicated souls. The frequencies that you have been able to access as a community have magnetized a deep connection to Source energy. Your heart has uplifted and expanded its loving frequencies throughout your body/mind.
You may have noticed a quiet peacefulness has been ushered into your awareness recently. When you extend awareness into your field, do you feel a sense of being okay just as you are? Some of the frustration has fallen away as you have gotten stronger in the central core of your being.
This is what it feels like in the new structure that you have created. When you connect with your Higher Self on a regular basis, you purposefully anchor your Divine Nature through your chakras and into your field of energy.
Now this last phase alignment has been illuminated and anchored into a powerful structure that allows you to feel more at Home on the Earth. This is creating a different form of reality where you embody a greater sense of Wholeness and a deeper connection to the Earth’s wisdom. Your new structure provides a space of deep awareness and a foundation of Love that will be present for you, always.
When you call forth the light of Wellbeing, you will have the sense of a energetic foundation that is connected to your Light Body field. It has a stability that has never been possible. At the same time it is free to mutate into whatever form most serves you.
Life is calling you in a new way. It’s calling you to find your place on the Earth to anchor your new structure, where you can listen more deeply to the wisdom Nature is providing, and receive the Life Force energy into your body so you feel nourished and supported.
This is what happens when you are in Harmony with your Soul, and allow the Divine Presence to expand within you so you are empowered to anchor a new reality on Earth. Life is celebrating you, and so it is.
Shanta Gabriel
Copyright: January 20, 2023
This article can be reprinted as long as it is used in its entirety and credit is given to the author(s).