Tag: wellbeing


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Insights from Ascend into the Miraculous ~ Sara Landon

Rise up, rise up, master. Rise up. Ascend beyond lack, limitation, fear, separation, shame, guilt, unworthiness. Transcend the lower frequencies, the lower vibrations that entangle you. Transcend, transcend, transcend into pure love, into the knowing of your infinite worthiness. Transcend and come fully into abundance and wellbeing and harmony and freedom. 

Insights from Witness the New Earth ~ Sara Landon

You’re going to start to notice that you have the inspiration of oh, how fun would that be? And almost instantly and seemingly effortlessly and with ease and harmony that experience presents itself to you, and you just say yes, and you just say yes, and you just say yes. 

Insights from Be the Brightest Light ~ Sara Landon

Everything works together. Everything works in perfect harmony if you will allow it. Everything is always in perfect harmony if you will allow it. It is the resistance that creates chaos. It is resistance that creates stress and overwhelm. But when you know that in the moment there is always an opportunity for you to align with perfect harmony in every moment, then you will start to fully open to all the incredible potentials and possibilities beyond what you have ever experienced before.

Insights from Trailblazers of a New Consciousness ~ Sara Landon

You are trailblazers, pioneers of embodied true mastery. You are pioneers of living in pure love. You are the great explorers who have discovered Heaven on Earth. You are the great explorers who have realized HAPPILY EVER AFTER. You are the wayshowers who are expanding the potentials and the possibilities for all of humankind. You show the way with your love. You show the way with your peace and harmony within. You show the way with your abundant living. You show the way with your wellbeing. You show the way by living in your power and being free. You show the way by choosing the grander perspective. You are wayshowers of a grander potential and possibility for all of humankind to embody true mastery. 

Insights from The Upgraded Version of You ~ Sara Landon

You can have it all. You can be fully in realization of all that you are and in the realization of your soul’s desires fully manifested in your physical experience. Infinite intelligence is available to you in every moment, always guiding you, always supporting you, always out ahead of you orchestrating things on your behalf. Your soul’s desires, your soul’s highest expression in physical form is known throughout all of the Universe. So come into absolute knowing of the divine, perfect unfolding. You wait for nothing. You want for nothing. You lack nothing. You are powerful. You are Creator. You are a realized master. Let it all in. Let it all come to you. 

New Structures for Life ~ A Message from Archangel Sandalphon by Shanta Gabriel

Dear Ones, This is your initiation into the empowered structures required to anchor your new Light Body. Throughout this year you have been activating the codes for sacred blueprint of Divinity in form. The Creative Source of All That Is blesses this momentum of Light so your daily world can transform. You are being provided with a new level of freedom to express your true divine nature as a blended human. Recently the Archangels have provided activations within every chakra to raise the frequencies and bring a more solid connection to the presence of God. The principles that they can empower in your chakra system will impact your perceptions of the world permanently. Whenever you remember their presence your body will resonate in a new way.

Insights from The Upgraded Version of You ~ Sara Landon

Are you willing to let go of everything that you once deemed yourself to be and allow yourself into all that you are and all that is here for you and all that you, dear powerful master, have created? Are you worthy of realizing everything that you have created? Are you worthy of receiving all that you have created? Can you truly allow that which you have imagined and wished for and desired to be your experience here and now, to become your new normal? 

Insights from Illuminating a Grander Perspective ~ Sara Landon

It is in your light, through your light, receiving your light that any and all things become possible. It is not by trying to force and effort. It is not by holding yourself in limitation. It is not by focusing on the unwanted. It is by receiving and allowing the light that you are that all things become possible for you. It is in your light, through your light, receiving your light that any and all things become possible. It is not by trying to force and effort. It is not by holding yourself in limitation. It is not by focusing on the unwanted. It is by receiving and allowing the light that you are that all things become possible for you.

The Light of Wellbeing with Archangel Sandalphon ~ Shanta Gabriel

At the heart of all your desires is the powerful calling of Wellbeing. Is there an area of your life that lacks Wellbeing? Perhaps it has to do with finances or health. These are the issues of a weak Base Chakra which lies at the base of your spine. Each of the individual energy centers, called Chakras in the yogic traditions, has a purpose for your life. When they are not being met you experience a lack of Wellbeing. Well-being is a reality that provides for all your needs to be met with Grace and Ease. This is the foundation for a happy life. If you are feeling left out of the flow of Divine Energy there is an opening that allows you to bring back a sense of alignment within.

Insights from Claim Your Infinite Worth ~ Sara Landon

Once and for all, on this day, at this time, in this moment, claim your infinite worth. And in claiming your infinite worth, you are claiming your infinite abundance, you are claiming your infinite wellbeing, you are claiming infinite love, and you are claiming infinite intelligence, which means you never deny your connection to Source, to the higher self, to the higher realms, to the collectives and the ascended masters and the archangels and the angels that are all here, and your star family that is all here, a part of you, within you, connected to you, available to you, guiding you, supporting you, loving you. 

How to Nourish Your Soul ~ Shanta Gabriel

You are literally filling up your personal energy system with God’s love. You can even see it in your mind’s eye if you check in. With your imagination, look at your body as a sacred vessel that is empty and waiting. See how it changes before and after your spiritual practice. In your mind’s eye fill it like a vase of water and place the flowers of Love, Balance and Wellbeing into your sacred container. It feels so magical.

How to Nourish Your Soul ~ Shanta Gabriel

Do you know that your Soul is nourished by your spiritual practice? You are literally filling up your personal energy system with God’s love. You can even see it in your mind’s eye if you check in. With your imagination, look at your body as a sacred vessel that is empty and waiting. See how it changes before and after your spiritual practice. In your mind’s eye fill it like a vase of water and place the flowers of Love, Balance and Wellbeing into your sacred container. It feels so magical.

