Greetings, Luminous One!

First, I want to thank all those who joined the special Equinox Channeling Salon – it was so great to experience the turning of the year with you! We received much warmth and wisdom from our three etheric visitors that night. For those who missed it, please enjoy the recording HERE.

Second, the Infinite Wisdom call with psychic Brian Seth Hurst last Wednesday was fantastic and I encourage you to listen HERE. His honest discussion about his personal evolution was authentic, moving and inspiring.

When I asked Brian about what he sees for the future, his response was a lot like what I’ve been experiencing: there’s just so much (digital) noise that it’s very hard to perceive what’s ahead, but that doesn’t mean we stop imagining a world we wish to see. The trick is to get quiet enough…

Third, welcome to Pluto in Aquarius! Things are about to get really interesting. (As if they haven’t been so far!)

And, if you’ve been reading my posts or those of astrologers, you’ll know that here in Aries, all systems are GO, GO, GO!

If ever there was a time for Visioning, this is IT.

In fact, the current line-up is so auspicious that my buddy, Jan Seward, will join me on Monday to do an astrology presentation followed by a special meditation to help us to be the bridges to what’s next. Please join us for this auspicious offering HERE.Fourth, one of our tribe (thanks, Marypat!) was kind enough to transcribe the 3-13 Hathor meditation and I’m so grateful that she did. Take a look:

“Let us come together, dear souls. Let us come together in fellowship and in love. Let us decide right here right now that these bonds will remain no matter what. Let us commit to one another, that we will hold each other high in great support for all that is You. Let us make a pact that we recognize the boundarylessness of us, of you, and of all Creation, remembering that in our oneness, we have strength beyond expectation.

We have spoken in the past of being warriors of Light and we remind you that these are times that call for your warriorship. Stay stalwart, dear ones. Be very clear of your priorities and your capabilities. It is time to have razor-like focus on what is most important and what you are capable of delivering. This is not a time for distraction, but rather dedication.

We have great love for you, as we have said before, and stand at the ready to assist you in any way you need us. Look for the signs – look for our presence in your lives. How will you know it is us? You will know.  If you identify the sign that will tell you “Yes, indeed, we are standing behind you,” then we will present it to you so there will be complete confidence on your part that we are assisting.

Let us take a very deep breath, dear ones, a breath of solidarity. When you breath as one, you will behave as one. Let us move even closer to one another by imagining we are standing in a circle sharing your beloved Infinity Wave with one another, bringing the circle into fullness. Allow your heart to be buoyed by this fullness.

Dear ones, enjoy living with the expectation of Life’s wonder, and gratitude for the AWE of it all. These are pathways that will lift you higher and higher, and keep you rising above that which is disintegrating beneath you. We will see you again very soon – we love you.”

Lastly, I concur with the Hathors – I’m feeling incredibly grateful to be on the precipice of major change with them and all of you.

Years ago, shortly after the Infinity Wave came in, I had a download that the “Me” orientation to Life had to become “We” in order for us to evolve well. I hadn’t realized until then just how singularly-focused we (Americans, at least) had become, which was one reason for naming our company “Wave Energy.”

What does a “WE” orientation entail?

For one thing, it involves courageously seeking our reflection through another in order to perceive our blind spots.

Simply put, the eyes of another provide a mirror of ourselves where we can see where the next layer of growth needs to occur (as Brian’s interview so beautifully exemplified).

This inner viewing is the most essential thing we can do to support the outer planetary evolution.
What’s amazing is that in our quest for personal evolution, we start to desire this reflection above all else. Our request for honest, loving feedback also recognizes that one person’s growth benefits the whole; I grow as you grow.(In order to encourage this kind of reflection, I’m going to offer group support for those who want to explore their evolution more deeply and quickly – stay tuned for that announcement.)

Then, as we Vision together, we carve out a reality that works for us and hopefully, for the world.

Our Gaia is ready to transform Herself, whatever that might look like, and we want her to know that we’re not only onboard, but actively engaged in creating a more benevolent, equalized system that respects all Life.

So, even though we can’t see around corners very well right now, getting on the raft together is the best idea I can come up with to do our part in the evolution of the whole.
Together, WE rise!

March stands out as the great change agent of the year astrologically-speaking, signifying multiple layers of endings and beginnings, as beautifully symbolized by the Ouroboros below.

If there was ever a time to reassess your Visions and circumstances, this would be it. (See the Offerings below for support around that.)

Please join Jan and me tomorrow
for Monday Meditation
at 7:30pm EDT.
Click HERE to join.

Much love and infinite blessings,


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Hope Fitzgerald
Hope is a Teacher, Coach, Healer, Infinity Waver, End-of-Life Midwife. ​ Since her spiritual awakening at the Findhorn Foundation in 1976, Hope has been a dedicated seeker of truth, healing, and wisdom. For decades, she's been opening her channel to higher guidance through Intuitive Dowsing, and her Spiritual Teaching and Coaching with this tool has helped people transform their lives. In 2010, Hope received a series of visions: first, a massive wave on its way to Earth, representing an incoming evolutionary push for the planet, which ultimately morphed into a standing figure "8" made of flowing water. Through dowsing, it was revealed that this moving geometry was a 10th-dimensional energetic tool called the Infinity Wave, sent to us by a benevolent Universe to more quickly and easily transform pain and suffering into joy and freedom during tumultuous times (which are upon us now). Hope then launched the Wave Energy Center for Conscious Evolution, dedicated to applying the Infinity Wave for positive, expansive development of the individual, the community, and the Earth. Hope has led many workshops and appeared on dozens of international internet and radio shows, continuing to fulfill her mission to encourage individual and planetary awakening around the globe. ​ ​Hope also offers her services as an energy healer, a certified Neurofeedback Practitioner, and a Death Doula, incorporating sound, Reiki, and essential oils into her work. In addition, she guides intimate groups to potent areas around the world, including Peru, Easter Island, South Africa, France, England, Ireland, Wales, and various U.S. locations. During these spiritual adventures, she teaches ways to communicate with the landscapes, believing that when the powerhouse of the human heart interacts with a highly-charged site, an alchemy occurs that is guaranteed to cause a shift in consciousness. She serves as a faculty member of GodSelf University.