Sunday, January 21, 2024
Greetings, Wavy One!
If you’re in the US, I hope you’re faring well in the refrigerator that has been our country for the past few days. Yikes! I’m sending thoughts of warm breezes your way…
As I said in my first email of 2024, I’m going to be sharing more cutting-edge explorations of consciousness throughout the year. Get ready!
Last week, I heard an fascinating interview with Veda Austin on Regina Meredith’s Gaia program, Opening Minds. It was shareable, so you can watch it free HERE. (You may have to click it twice to get the link to work…)
I hope you watch it because its one of the best interviews on the intelligence (and even godliness) of water. She picks up where Dr. Emoto left off. (To see one of her short films on the intelligence of water, click HERE.)
As most of you know, I arrived at similar conclusions years ago given my communications with this magnificent element and the Infinity Wave, but it’s SO COOL to see it proving true though Veda’s experiments.
And even cooler, you can do these experiments, too!
In Veda’s work, she also addresses the structuring of water and how important it is to restore water to it’s highest form by re-enlivening it with a structuring device.
This led me to exciting news: my dear friend, Patrick Durkin, whom many of you know since I’ve interviewed him many times, has worked with engineers, scientists and intuitives to create an even more potent (and beautiful) Aqua Energizer!
You may recall that I did a blind test of his previous version and it came out miles ahead than all the others. Well, this one is even better!
Between the sacred geometry, the pristine materials, the embedded crystals and the highest and purest intentions, it doesn’t get more potent than this.
If you want to experience more vitality this year, start by investing in the best water you can possibly drink in our modern world.
To learn more, click HERE
And don’t forget about the Infinity bottle, also sold by Patrick. It comes with an Infinity sticker that adds even more resonance to the water!
To learn more, click HERE
I’m truly excited about all the avenues of learning these days and highly recommend educating yourself, especially on platforms like Gaia and Patrick’s Lovonya. Virtually every interview or program I watch either confirms or expands my understanding of reality.
By the way, if you’re curious about how Patrick’s latest healing technology, the Cosmic Tower, stacks up against the EEG systems, please check out this short video HERE.
As things continue to heat up in the polarity world, let’s remember to flow around the edges so as not to get drawn into the “right/wrong,” “yes/no” arguments. Keeping the consciousness of the water within our own bodies positive and strong, allows us to carve a new paradigm that doesn’t take the bait of pushing us to extreme positions where we can’t get along.
We’re right at the crux of creating a new era and I believe the giant ship called humanity is capable of charting a better course… and we’re the ones to do it.
Welcome aboard!