

The Self-Help Mentality and the New Consciousness ~ Maria Chambers

Enlightenment.  It’s hard.  It tears your life apart.  Most of the Ascended Masters of the past left this planet pretty soon after their enlightenment.  Sticking around wasn’t a real option because they hadn’t prepared themselves or their bodies to make it practical.  Those of us who have decided to stay are going through Embodied enlightenment.  And, it’s also no picnic.

This very moment is something that we wished for ~ Adria Wind

What messages do the angels have for you? Adria Wind Horse Estribou talks about what she has learned channeling angels. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yxKgzcY2Fs  

Your Graduation ~ Maria Chambers

Those of us on the path to realization, to Embodied enlightenment, are not going to be given the acknowledgment we deserve from those in...

Lion’s Gate Portal 8/8: Through the Looking Glass 3D to 5D ~ Nicole Frolick

We are approaching the peak of this year's Lion's Gate Portal on 8/8 and there are some specific energies that it is bringing us at this time. On top of the eclipse energies kicking up hidden pain from deep within our cellular bodies, we are also experiencing the intensity of the Lion. With our emotions experiencing the direct ferociousness of this powerful animal, we are also witnessing (if we pay close enough attention) to the awakening of many previously unawakened individuals.

Galactic Akashic Reading | Lyra-Vega Twin Flame Reunion ~ Debbie Solaris

ITwin-flame relationships here on Earth can be wonderful, but what happens when they just don’t go as planned? In this Akashic reading, we explore the history and present day status of the client’s twin flame contract, which originated from her very first life in Lyra. While processing through the intricacies of her soul memories and emotions connected with this twin-flame relationship, we discover that the client’s even had some angelic help through the many years waiting.