Home Channeled Being Council Oh, How Good Your Life Can Be! ~ Sara Landon

Oh, How Good Your Life Can Be! ~ Sara Landon


The Wisdom of The Council channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on June 6, 2021


We are so pleased and delighted to have the opportunity to speak with you all on this fine and glorious day, indeed, as you come into full bloom. June bloom, the time of really allowing yourself to be all that you are, blooming, blossoming, shining, thriving, really, truly knowing that you are everything you wish to be. You already are, and in every moment there is an opportunity for you to fully express all that you are, for you to fully embody all that you have expanded into, and to choose, choose, choose the experience that you want to have for you. 

While our words to you are important, our words to you offer a higher perspective, and while they are truly important and expansive and raise your awareness, this is a vibrational experience of allowing yourself into higher and higher levels of consciousness more frequently, more easily, for longer periods of time, which is recalibrating every cell of your body. Every particle of infinite creation within you is coming into alignment for the fulfillment of your greatest, greatest realization, enlightenment, ascension, and truly to let yourself go beyond the limitations, the lack, the separation, and the fear, go beyond the doubt and the denying of all that you are, to come into the full realization of the power and presence that is you, to come into the full realization of your power, the infinite power within you that can do anything.

You’re choosing every moment whether you’re going to doubt and deny your power, your potential, your ability to create your reality, your experience. You’re either doubting or denying whether you’re really expressing your truth, your heart, your light, or whether you are doubting yourself and denying all that is here for you, that every moment can be Heaven on Earth, every moment you can live in a state of joyfulness, playfulness, enthusiasm.

You’re either allowing all that you are, or you are doubting and denying. And really hear us when we say to you there is no benefit to you holding yourself in lack. There is no benefit in you holding yourself in limitation. There’s no benefit of continuing to let fear hold you back. There’s no benefit in playing small. There is none. And yet, truly, we want you to understand there is no judgment from our side ever. And while you can hold yourself in lack and limitation just because it feels so good to finally allow yourself into wellbeing and abundance, you can experience an expansion of wellbeing and abundance without ever holding yourself in lack and limitation. You can experience greater levels of love without ever going into fear. 

While there has been polarity in the conscious state you’ve been in much of your life, it does not mean it needs to be your reality now. You get to choose the reality that you want to create for you. You get to experience anything and everything you desire for you in every moment. Absolutely nothing in your circumstances needs to change for you to experience the expansion of all that you are. Absolutely nothing in your circumstances needs to change for you to fully express yourself. And nothing in your circumstances or conditions needs to change for you to have the experience that you want to have for you.

And we’re not talking about big elaborate vacations—although that’s wonderful. We’re not talking about traveling the world—although that’s wonderful. We’re not talking about tons of money landing in your bank account—although that’s wonderful. We’re not talking about living out the rest of your life madly in love with one person—although that’s wonderful. We are talking about an experience of reality that can be absolutely pure bliss, pure joy, pure love every moment of every day.

You can say to yourselves, well, I’m only human. That’s a way you deny your power. Well, I’m only human. That’s the way you doubt your power. You can say, well, it’s just tough. Well, that’s the way you doubt and deny your wellbeing and the goodness that is here for you.

It’s just a habit. It’s just a habit, and we understand you’ve lived the majority of your human experiences in such polarity that you get used to having to be in resistance in order to allow yourself into the momentum of alignment. And there’s nothing wrong with that. And you’re asking for more. You’re asking to go beyond. You’re asking for a greater awareness of what is possible for you, and we’re telling you.

You haven’t even scratched the surface of how good your life can be for you. Truly, you can choose for the rest of your life to be the very best of your life. And we would tell you that—while everything is perfect and exactly as it’s meant to be here and now and everything is available to you here and now—the best, the very best is still yet to come because every day you’re expanding into more, every day you’re more fully expressing all that you are, and every day you’re choosing the experiences that you want to have for you. And it just gets better and it just gets better and it just gets better and it just gets bolder and it just gets brighter and it just gets more beautiful every day in every way if you allow it to be by just not doubting and denying your power, your wellbeing, your abundance, the love that you are, and the infinite intelligence that is always here and available to you.

You are on a journey as a master of this human experience for the purpose of your own realization and then to live as the fully embodied master that you are on Earth. And as you do so, you truly liberate everyone around you to remember that they too can choose joy and happiness and wellbeing and abundance and love and freedom and beauty for their human experience too.

Do not doubt or deny your power to create your reality to yourself or to anyone. You do not have to go out and tell everyone, ‘Here, look at how good I have it. Here, look at how much better my life is,’ but do not deny. When someone says, ‘Wow, what a beautiful life you have created for yourself,’ stand in your power, bloom, blossom, shine, be all that you are. Stand there in the consciousness of all that you are, the powerful creator within your own creation, and say, ‘Yes, yes, yes. Thank you, thank you, thank you.’ Allow, allow, allow. Allow your light to shine. Allow your joy to be infectious. Allow the love to be felt from your heart. Allow your life to be abundant.

You are truly worthy of everything you need and more showing up even before you know you need it. You played a game with yourselves in this human experience that you learned, called ‘It’ll show up once I’ve really worked hard for it. It’ll show up some day, if I’m ever deserving. It’ll show up after the struggle and the sacrifice.’ And that was merely a misunderstanding of the belief of who you are.

You didn’t come here to earn a living. You didn’t come here to earn your way. You didn’t come here for your accomplishments in this world to deem you worthy. You are worthy. Your infinite worth has never been in question. You have just doubted and denied your infinite worth.

What are you denying? Your infinite worth. What are you doubting? Your infinite worth. You are worthy of everything you need and more showing up even before you know you need it, which means you’re worthy of never again experiencing lack and limitation. You are worthy of never again struggling and suffering and sacrificing and efforting and forcing anything—anything. Not wellbeing. Not abundance. Not love. Not freedom. Not beauty. But a joyful existence where you are allowing your infinite worth to be reflected back to you every day and in every way because you are worthy of everything you need and more showing up even before you know you need it. 

And you are worthy of everything you want showing up even before you know you really want it. Now, that’s a bit different. It feels a bit different. What I need, what you need, what you think you need, what you think you need to pay your bills, what you think you need to not be lonely, what you think you need—most of what you think you need is coming from things that are coming from lack. And when we say you really get into this place of TRUE CREATION where there’s no agenda, everything you need and more comes before you even know you need it, it just shows up and it’s a yes. So then there are the wantings, the wantings of your heart, the desires of your heart. I want more money. I want more love. I want more adventure. I want more travel. I want more health. Whatever it is.

When you get beyond the needing and the wanting— It’s okay to have dreams and desires. It’s okay to go into a visualization state or your holographic realities and to create potentials and possibilities and to explore them in the nonphysical realm and then to allow the particles of infinite creation to respond to you in such a way that that or something better begins to move into your force field of consciousness.

You are literally drawing yourself into realities. You are moving realities through you. You are drawing yourself into vibrational resonance with that which is the expansion and expression and experience of what you’ve been focused upon or drawing to you or creating or manifesting.

So here’s what we really want you to understand. Everything is here for you. There is no lack of anything here for you. There’s no lack of anything that you could ever need in this human experience. It’s all here. And you’re expanding and becoming more, and your potentials and possibilities are expanding what’s possible within the human experience. But we really want you to understand if you have seen in your imagination or your visualization a beautiful cottage near the ocean where you can literally see what it looks like and you can smell the fresh saltwater air and you can hear the sound of the waves and you can literally feel—feel, feel, feel is the most important word—when you can literally feel yourself there, you are drawing that which is in vibrational resonance to you and yourself to it.

But think of this. As much as you are Creator, you do not have to go plant the seed, to grow the tree, to harvest the logs, to hew the wood, to build the house in order to create the home that you want to experience. You don’t have to grow the tree. You don’t have to build the house. You can draw it to you through the vibrational resonance of the force field of consciousness that is you. But the more you expand this force field of consciousness, the more you fully express all that you are, and the more deeply you are satiated by all the experiences you’re having now. As you’re allowing yourself to explore potentials and possibilities on different timelines of vibrational reality—they’re just as real as this physical realm—you draw yourself into much more expanded realities of what’s possible for you.

But then this worthiness thing comes up. Am I really worthy of just being so in the truth of that reality? Even if it’s nonphysical in nature at this moment, it’s actually physical somewhere. You’re just drawing yourself into that reality. You’re bringing your reality into vibrational resonance with that which is also in vibrational resonance with you.

And so the feeling part is so important because you’re going to really start to understand multiple different levels of creation. We’re going into multiple different levels of understanding creation, a much more expanded approach on creation than you’ve ever thought of before. But understand you draw it to you and through you. And when you feel your way into that reality, you will barely notice the moment that you opened your eyes and were living in the place that you had once only dreamt of, whether that’s in a relationship, whether that’s in a body, whether that is a home, whether that is a place, whether that is a project, whether that is a community.

You’re barely going to notice the moment that it went from nonphysical to physical reality. You’re not going to even notice the moment it went from a vision to your reality. Because you’re going to get so good at being the masters of creation that you are, the powerful creators that you are within your own creation, that you are literally going to feel your way and draw reality to you and through you such that you don’t experience the lack or the limitation and you don’t doubt it and deny it and you come into knowing your worthiness, that it shows up before you ever have a lack of it, whether it’s a need or a want.

And you get really good at that level of creation such that you don’t have an agenda anymore, such that you don’t have a need or a longing, such that you don’t have lack and limitation, such that there’s no separation ever. And more and more and more will just continue to show up for you. You will be saying yes to everything because everything will be so aligned with you. The people that show up, they’re a yes. The opportunities that show up. The adventures that show up. The beauty that shows up. The inspiration that shows up. The joy that shows up. The playfulness that shows up. It’s just a yes, yes, yes all day long to everything that is such a perfect vibrational match because you’re such a clear, confident, worthy, powerful creator of your life experience being everything you intended it to be. 

There is so much more here. And while our words to you are inspiring and expansive and elevating your awareness, this is a vibrational experience for you to literally take quantum leaps forward into multiple dimensions of consciousness that offer so much more to you than you’ve ever allowed yourself in the human experience, and all that is asked of you is simply not to doubt it and deny it.

What is ‘it’? Your infinite worth. For everything to always work out for you. For reality to come to you. For your life to be everything, everything that you wish it to be. For you to be able to play and explore and be curious about multiple potentials and possibilities and allow those realities to move through you, allow them to come to you.

You are a force field of consciousness. The more expansive you allow that to be and the more you fill that force field of consciousness with your infinite worth, the more that is available to you, the more particles of infinite creation, the more momentum they have, the higher vibration they are, the higher your consciousness level is, where more and more and more is possible for you.

Your life can be so sweet. This journey of miracle after miracle after miracle, of magical days after magical days, with amazing people and a sense of connection and community and collaboration and love and joy and such a sense of freedom and wellbeing and abundance everywhere, and truly relationships like you’ve never experienced them before. Abundance like you’ve never experienced it before, a richness of life that you’ve never allowed for yourself before. Beauty that is so far beyond what you’ve ever seen with your eyes before, because literally the particles of infinite creation that make up the cells in your eyes begin to transform such that you take in brighter colors and see more and see better and see further.

You have pure potential within you, there are infinite possibilities available to you, and yet you still doubt and deny that you are God, the Divine, Creator within your own creation. 

You are worthy of life being so easy, so effortless, so harmonious for you. You are worthy of feeling wellbeing and vitality and energy in your body all the time, and you’re worthy of resting, and you’re worthy of playing, and you’re worthy of serenity, and you’re worthy of tremendous fun. You’re worthy of resting, and you’re worthy of playing, and you’re worthy of sharing in a big way, and you’re worthy of simple quiet moments of solitude. And you’re worthy of tremendous abundance, and you’re worthy of having everything you need and more in every moment. You’re worthy of being guided and inspired around any chaos or trauma or drama or what you might call danger. You’re worthy of being inspired around it. You’re worthy of being guided in a direction where that’s not part of your reality. You’re worthy of everything coming to you in an easy, effortless, harmonious way. You’re worthy of never having to experience the lack of anything. You are worthy of everything you need and want showing up even before you know you need it. You’re worthy of money being there even before you need it. You’re worthy of having extra money, and you’re worthy of not needing so much abundance because you live in the total flow of the universe knowing you have everything you need and more. Galore, galore.

You are worthy of always having everything you need and more. You are worthy of incredibly beautiful, connected, loving relationships with everyone that you choose to have in your life. And you’re worthy of having beautiful experiences wherever you go throughout the world and within your own communities and your families. You are worthy of all the relationships that you choose to have in your family dynamics to be beautiful and harmonious and loving and kind.

You’re worthy of doing what you love every day. You’re worthy of what you do being joyful. You are worthy of just being. You are worthy of going beyond the doing and doing and doing where there’s always more to be done. You are worthy of just being, where all things are done through you. You are worthy of being such that all things are done through you. You are worthy of every day being so magical for you. And you are worthy of every moment being a miracle and a miracle and a miracle and a divine synchronicity and divine orchestration where every moment just unfolds with perfect ease and grace in the most magnificent and amazing ways. You are worthy. You are worthy. You are worthy.

You are worthy of a body that heals itself—because it does. You are worthy of a body that is always seeking to come into alignment—because it does. You are worthy of a body that is always seeking balance, perfect balance and harmony such that all the systems run to support you in the most magnificent ways.

Your body is a tool which is allowing you to move through your human experience and go wherever you want to go. Why do you have a car? I have a car so I can go where I want to go when I want to go there. I have a car so I can travel farther. I have a car so I can load things up in it and take it with me when I go. I have a car for freedom and a car for ease and a car so I can do new things and a car so I can see my friends. Your car is a tool which helps you to move throughout your human experience.

Your body is the same. It’s not who you are, and you never intended it to believe that this body is all that you are. You are infinite worth with an incredible tool called a body that is always seeking to heal itself and always seeking to align itself and always seeking to regenerate itself and always seeking to balance itself and always seeking harmony with you. Your body is always seeking harmony with you, even when you do not seek harmony within your body. Your body is always seeking harmony with you even if you are not seeking harmony with your body. That’s how magnificent your bodies are. That’s how intelligent your bodies are.

And believe it or not, every single being on this planet is also seeking harmony with you because you are vibrational beings and vibrations are always seeking to resonate. And the truth of all that you are is perfect joy and perfect love and perfect harmony. So the truth of who everyone is is also seeking harmony with you. And the truth of you is also seeking harmony with everyone else—unless you’re doubting yourself or doubting them or denying their power or judging them or judging yourself, and you will not find yourself in harmony with yourself or anyone else.

The universe is always seeking to support you and provide abundantly for you. Your wellbeing and abundance is absolutely assured. Money, resources, prosperity is always seeking harmony with you. There is more of anything that you could ever imagine on this planet that is available to you. The universe is always seeking to reflect to you the harmonious balance of abundance that is always available to you unless you’re doubting it and denying it because you’re not worthy yet of having this, that, or the other thing because you haven’t worked hard enough or struggled enough or figured out how to live your purpose or come up with the service that you’re supposed to share with the world. No. You are so loved that you don’t have to do any of that to allow infinite abundance in every moment of everything you could need and more. You are worthy. 

Think about anything you want right now. What do you want? You are worthy. What do you want? You are worthy. What do you want? You are worthy. What do you need? You are worthy. What do you need? You are worthy. What do you dream of? You are worthy. What do you desire? You are worthy. What experience do you want to have? You are worthy. How do you want to express yourself? You are worthy. You are worthy. You are worthy.

Your infinite worth can never be anything other than the truth of who you are. However, you have free will. You can doubt it. You can deny your infinite worth. But why? Why play these games with yourself? Why hold yourself in the struggle and the polarity?

For a while you believed that it served you, it helped you, because you would feel such resistance that just letting go felt so much better and you hadn’t remembered what it felt like to feel good, even though that’s your natural state of wellbeing. And again there’s no judgment. And you came forth understanding that there were multiple different dimensions of consciousness here and multiple different realities within those dimensions of consciousness that had a variety of different things for you to choose from, a great buffet of life that you could choose and choose and rechoose and choose again and try it again and try it again in a few more years. No, I still don’t like that. I’ll choose this. I’ll choose that. I choose this. It’s a yes. That’s a yes. That’s a yes. That’s a yes.

And as you get really good at mastering creation, there is peace, harmony, joy, clarity, confidence, worthiness, and things just show up and it’s a yes. You literally feel your way into realities without ever experiencing the lack or limitation of anything ever.

You came here to live in HEAVEN ON EARTH. You came here to create Heaven on Earth. You came here to embody the New Earth energy. You came here to be in the New Earth. You came here for realization. You came here to live as the embodied master that you are. You came here to live as a master. You came here to create as a master. You came here to shine brightly. You came here to raise the vibration and the consciousness. You came here to create your masterpiece. You came here to experience the culmination of pure potential and possibility within all of the human experience as whatever reality you choose it to be for you.

And yet you deny that you’re powerful. You deny that life’s meant to be good for you. You doubt yourself. You doubt others. You’re always trying to figure out new ways to doubt and deny, doubt and deny, doubt and deny. But it’s just going to get easier and easier and easier to allow, the more you allow your vibrations and your consciousness to come back into the truth of who you are.

You will know that you’re in a state of allowing because you’re joyful, because things are beautiful, because you’re happy, because you feel love in your heart. Some of you want to know how to do that. Some of you want a process. Some of you want tools. Some of you want to figure out how to work your way into allowing. And while our words are important and while processes are wonderful and tools are great, this is a vibrational experience. And if you will allow it, this vibration will support you in recalibrating the cells in your body to take quantum leaps forward energetically because you’re simply allowing your consciousness to return to the state of pure potential and possibility that is aligned with your infinite worth.

You are worthy. You are worthy. You are worthy of having it all. And there’s no achievement that you will ever have that can make you more worthy of being the god that you are. There’s no great love you’ll ever have that will make you more worthy of being the god that you are. There’s no magical, miraculous, healing moment that is going to make you more worthy of being the god that you are. And if it’s an experience you want to have, a certain achievement, then yes, expansion and greater expression and new experiences all lead to greater potential and possibility. But it doesn’t have to be an achievement that proves to anyone, including yourself, that you are worthy. It’s just because it’s fun. It’s just because that would be an interesting, fun, exciting way that you’re curious and want to play with.

There’s no love from anyone outside of you that’s ever going to make you more worthy. There’s no amount of success, there’s no amount of positive feedback that is ever going to make you more worthy of the god that you are. There’s no perfect body that is going to make you more worthy of the god that you are. Your worthiness was never in question, never doubted by the truth of who you are, which is why it feels so awful to try to doubt it and deny it. If you want to live the most magical, miraculous, amazing, extraordinary life, stop denying your infinite worth, stop doubting that you are the god that you are. 

For some of you it’s really intriguing to try to figure this all out and intellectualize it. And it may be very satisfying for your brains, and you might have incredible discoveries, and all of that is very fine and well and good. But you understanding and being able to intellectualize your infinite worth as the god that you are is not necessary for you to allow yourself to be all that you are.

You’re going to bloom like never before. You’re going to experience a blossoming of yourself like never before. You’re going to shine brighter than ever before. You’re going to be the incredible leaders and wayshowers and changemakers that you are in your lives and in the world in the moment that you stop denying your infinite worth or doubting the god that you are, truly.

You really have come so far. You are realized, so stop asking. Stop trying to figure it out. Just allow it. Let yourself integrate every part of you into the fullness, into the wholeness that is the real you. The real you is whole, complete, worthy, and needs nothing, lacks nothing. We’re even going to say wants nothing, although you remember that TRUE CREATION is to have no agenda. What you want and need show up even before you know you need it, and you know that you are worthy. I am worthy of everything I want and need showing up even before I know I need it. And you never stop creating new experiences and new potentials and new possibilities. But it’s not from ‘I need this’ or ‘I really want this because if I had it I’d be happier’. There’s a big difference. I need it because I don’t have it, which means I’m in the lack of it. I want it because in the having of it I would somehow feel better. 

It’s a big shift. When you come into knowing that what you want and need show up even before you know you need it, that you can truly be the creator that you are of your life experience, exploring all different potentials and possibilities and letting reality move through you such that you never experience the lack of anything ever. And in your worthiness, in your curiosity about potentials and possibilities, in your knowing of the powerful creator that you are, there’s just more. And you continue to expand and express yourself and have new experiences from a place of wholeness and worthiness and completeness knowing the god that you are, therefore lacking nothing ever.

We cannot emphasize enough that you are everything you wish to be. You already are. Everything is within you, and it always has been. It’s all within you, here for you. How good can you allow it to be? How abundant can you allow it to be? How loving can you allow it to be? How beautiful can you allow it to be? How expansive can you allow it to be? 

Can you really stand in this force field of consciousness that is you and allow it to be so good for you, so magical for you, so abundant for you, so extraordinary for you, and not doubt or deny that you are worthy of it all, to never deny that you are worthy of having it all, whatever that means to you, being worthy of living in an endless, continuous state of Heaven on Earth forevermore?

Because you create it here. It’s not a different place that you go to. It’s a different state of consciousness that you choose, and it’s available for you right here right now in every moment. Heaven on Earth is available to you in every moment. And the more you’re there and the longer you’re there and the easier it is to get there and the longer you stay there, you will just realize that you don’t ever experience, no matter what’s going on around you in your circumstances and conditions, anything other than the state of Heaven on Earth. And then in the moment that you release the density of the body and reemerge back into Heaven, still on Earth, just in a different form and a higher rate of vibration and frequency beyond the density of the human body, you’ll realize what was meant by Happily Ever After, why your life can be a fairytale forevermore, why you can live eternally in Heaven on Earth and beyond.

As you more fully embrace HEAVEN ON EARTH we will take you into more fully understanding the multidimensional being that you are. Many of you are asking to begin to understand much more about your multidimensional nature and how to access other states of consciousness that are available to you in other dimensions of reality. But you’re here incarnate on Earth in the human experience for a very important reason.

You’re here to create Heaven on Earth for you. You’re here to create your Heaven on Earth. You’re here to come into realization and enlightenment and live as the enlightened, embodied masters that you are. You’re here to come into the realization of Creator within your own creation. You are here to emanate infinite worth through your entire being. 

You ask what you can most do to change the world. Allow yourself to realize your infinite worth. You want to know how to help others? Allow yourself to realize your infinite worth. You want to make it easier? Allow yourself to realize your infinite worth. And you will literally see your entire reality transform before your eyes. You will feel your way into realities that just come easily, effortlessly, and harmoniously to you. You are worthy of everything you want and need showing up even before you know you need it.

Allow your infinite worth. Allow your infinite worth. There is nothing to earn for you to be worthy of the god that you are. 

Take a deep breath and let it go. Take a deep breath and let it go. Take one more deep breath and let it go. Really good.

The Wisdom of The Council channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on June 6, 2021


~ Sara Landon
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Sara has been called a leader of leaders for the next generation of transformation. A former corporate professional and entrepreneur turned inspirational speaker, spiritual teacher, and channel of The Council. Sara is recognized as a globally celebrated leader in the field of human potential and spiritual living. The Council is a higher level consciousness of non-physical beings who provide a grander perspective of the human experience and the wisdom to live one’s fullest potential. Sara’s passion is guiding leaders, wayshowers and change-makers to discover their unique life’s purpose and the power within them to create a positive impact in the world around them. Sara’s ability to channel The Council, offers clients, students and participants in her courses and Masters Class program, the ability to create their best life possible regardless of current limitations and life circumstances.