Vera Ingeborg

About the author

Vera Ingeborg is an inspirational writer, energy coach and Digital Nomad from Germany. She teaches the language of energy and how to use it in daily life and supports people to overcome fears and old behavioral patterns to go for their passion and dreams.

The Fall of the Inner Patriarch ~ by Vera Ingeborg

The unevolved masculine, the inner patriarch is all about control. As the world wakes up, so does he and comes up with full force, angry, frustrated and loud. To be seen, to be loved and to be transformed. I have not done any energetic updates or writings in a long long linear time. Today, I am really pushed to do one, so I guess it is necessary.

Unconditional Love ~ by Vera Ingeborg

There are no categories of what is unconditional love and what is not. Unconditional love encompasses everything and everyone. Without any conditions. It is not: You did this FOR me, now I love you MORE. Or: You did this TO me, now I love you LESS. Those are conditions of our conditioned mind, thinking it knows love. Unconditional love can be beautiful, amazing, incredibly uplifting, and it can be very painful, messy, it can bring you to your knees, sobbing, screaming, hurting. We are all connected consciously or unconsciously in the field of unconditional love. We all serve each other in this grand game, we all walk each other home.

Body Memories ~ by Vera Ingeborg

Lately, I have a hard time finding linear words for the multidimensional experiences that have become the new normal for me. I am seeing and feeling ALL, everything and nothing relating to everything and nothing. Ever since all attachments and identities have transformed into oneness, I find it sometimes close to impossible to represent the individual aspect I AM in a linear way.

Landing on New Earth ~ by Vera Ingeborg

Wow eh? Who would have thought that it could get that intense, painful, and exhausing again. Didn’t we already go through all of that? The darkness, the heaviness, the not knowing who we are and why we are here? Yes – and… No. Yes, we did go through those dark nights of the soul. The questioning everything, the not knowing, the sheer confusion, the not wanting to be here anymore.

Take it Easy – Getting used to the NEW ~ by Vera Ingeborg

While we are on this journey, we are mastering to balance the different parts and levels within – spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. This happens separately first before we go into the full alignment of them all. This alignment of all the energetic centers means to come into full inner balance of masculine and feminine energies. To become the fully embodied powerful creator we are destined to be in this experience.

OMG my Brain is shifting! ~ by Vera Ingeborg

The frequencies are reaching new heights. We are dealing with geostorms, and earthquakes, that actually reflect our state of being within. We are sitting in a speedtrain to New Earth manifestation and Sacred Union. We are in the middle of a huge resurrection gateway.

On the Speedtrain – the Resurrection Pathway ~ by Vera Ingeborg

The frequencies are reaching new heights. We are dealing with geostorms, and earthquakes, that actually reflect our state of being within. We are sitting in a speedtrain to New Earth manifestation and Sacred Union. We are in the middle of a huge resurrection gateway.

The Cage of Identity ~ by Vera Ingeborg

And of course that was a mirror. By providing my insights, I kept contributing to this energy myself. That insight alone was a slap in the face, and drained me and made me endlessly tired. I had been giving, sharing, explaining, replying to thousands of messages, giving countless coaching sessions for free, investing so much energy in the past years. I had not seen it, but I was NOT doing it for me and NOT because I truly loved what I was doing. I was not in the flow, I felt tired and drained many times. I was...

Who am I… or much more… What am I? ~ by Vera Ingeborg

it came in with a bang. A startling insight. The question of “Who am I” had been answered for me long ago. The further I moved into embodiment, I realized: The question now really is all around “What am I”? This might sound a bit strange to begin with. Why would I care about what I am? Isn’t it clear? A spiritual being, in a human body? I thought so, too. The question of who I am, I had answered for myself when I went through the first part of spiritual awakening. The clearing of the energetic patterns, the blocks, the empowerment. More and more I understood, that awakening is actually not a journey at all. That would mean there is a destination, something to reach. No… it is an experience. A quest. An exploration.

It’s all energy! ~ by Vera Ingeborg

Once we understand that everything on this planet and in the Universe is energy and the only thing that makes the difference in shape, density and behaviour is frequency, we learn how to attract things we truly wish for.

15 Tips how to become a Master Alchemist and transmute Energies ~ by Vera Ingeborg

The whole ascension process does not have the goal to keep us in pain. It is a deep cleansing process to free us from old belief systems, fears and pain. It is meant to spark us, motivate us to heal and go for our hearts desires and dreams. We are to become a true free spirit, our true authentic self. What we will become after the transformation goes beyond our wildest imaginations! When we are living fully anchored in 5D, we live in a place of deep inner peace, harmony , oneness, community and unconditional love. We are the forerunners to show others the way.

Why feeling like Crap is an essential Part of Lightwork ~ by Vera Ingeborg

What a bold statement is that??? Yes, it sounds odd at first that feeling like crap is supposed to be useful and part of our mission, but when we look into the energetic dynamics we go through during our awakening journey, it will make much more sense. Fact is, we need to go through the darkness for various reasons. They all lead us to one goal: Raising our own vibrational frequency and the frequency for humanity on the planet.
