
About the author

Who’s Controlling the Path to the 5th Dimension? ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We know how much you have already grown there in your Earth experiences, and we know that there is much more for you to experience in regards to your growth. We would like to assure you that your growth is inevitable, and we would like to release you from the notion, the idea, the belief, that your growth has to be hard, difficult, and full of suffering. Sometimes, you can look back at an incident, let’s call it a trauma in your life, and say, ‘I can see how I grew from that experience.’ And when you do that, you are served by that reframing of the events. However, you do not want to then develop an expectation that you must suffer in order to grow.

How to Avoid the Label of ‘Sheep ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are so very happy with your progress, as we witness you putting aside your differences a little more often these days in an effort to live in greater harmony with one another. Some of you know that you are going to disagree with your neighbor, your co-worker, or your family member on certain topics, and rather than trying to convince the other person that you are right and they are wrong, we’ve seen an uptick in the number of opportunities taken for peace rather than going to battle.

E.T. Encounters, UFOs & Non-Interference ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are letting you in on as much as we can at this time, because certain information that we have obtained would be interference if it were shared with you at this time. There is a reason why the non-interference rule is in place for humanity. You must be allowed to evolve on your own, and we have seen your history and know what happens when attempts are made to nudge you forward. 

Your Impact on the World & Universe ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are very interested in following the progress of humanity, because it helps us to have that kind of feedback when it comes to our teachings and energetic transmissions. We know who is receiving us and who isn’t. We know that some people receive us consciously and some do not. We know that some are able to absorb the words but not the energetic transmissions. And so, we are able to chart the progress of each of those groups of humans and make adjustments. We have so much fun in watching you grow and progress, because we can see how what we are putting out energetically is having an impact on all of you.

The UFOs Shot Down Over North America ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are very aware of the so-called UFOs that have been shot down in various locations across North America, and we are also aware of the wild speculation that has gone on within the new age community about what these objects really were. Now, we want you to all understand that your skies are filled with spaceships from all across the galaxy and from other dimensions, and we also want you all to rest assured that no one has shot down a spaceship. Something being a UFO does not make it a spaceship.

A New Energy Delivery System from the 9th Dimension ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are searching for the perfect opportunities to send the energies that have been requested and that we want to send, but we also know that not everyone there on Earth is ready at the exact same time for the energies that we want to send to you. And so, we have developed a system that is a partnership with Mother Earth and Mother Nature to deliver energies that you all have requested. The delivery systems that we have employed for these energies are flowers, trees, plants, blades of grass, bodies of water, and even rocks. 

Into the Bizarre World ~ Dhruv

I was 11 years old, with no idea how significant it would become. After receiving low marks on the state exam, my father advised me to write a book so that I could explore my curiosity while also enhancing my writing abilities. At first, I didn't take it seriously and frequently procrastinated, but with my father's encouragement, I started writing a few pages every day. This book took me about two years to complete, and I'm now thirteen years old. It taught me how to tap into my creative side while also teaching me more about language and literature,  it shows a firsthand example of how I have grown throughout each chapter.

Does Cord Cutting Really Work? ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are very satisfied with the progress we see humanity making, especially when it comes to the way that you have of connecting with one another. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter why you are connecting. It only matters that you feel connected, and it matters that you feel connected because you are connected. A lot of people in the new age and spiritual community talk about cutting cords. It is true that you are literally connected in a physical way that you cannot perceive with your five senses, and it is also true that you can never really cut those cords. You can symbolically do so, and if it makes you feel better, then by all means go through the ceremony.

Full Moon Gemini & Solstice Starseed Card Reading 19 December 2021 ~ Natasha Bailey

Full Moon Gemini & Solstice Starseed Card Reading 19 December 2021 What to Focus on Releasing, Completing, Finishing on the Full Moon * Past Life Information to Release * Messages for Starseeds from our Home Galaxies * Message for your inner masculine and feminine to embody * How to ground your mission into the planet from the crystals


It’s Halloween – the celebration the ancient Celts called Samhain. This marks the Celtic beginning of the New Year and winter. This celebration starts at sunset on October 31 to sunset November 1. Samhain, means November in the Celtic culture, it is the Gateway to winter, where the veils are especially thin between these worlds of the seen and unseen. The Celts called the unseen realms the ‘Otherworld’, a place of beauty, rest, and renewal. Samhain is a time in the cycle of the year for slowing down. For connecting to your deep self and resting there in the healing power of your inner nature. It is the turning of the seasons where you can commune with the earth mother’s womb from which all that is created is birthed.


The incoming Souls of the new Sub-Root Races − species of humanity − are highly evolved and spiritually attuned, and they are strongly influenced by the SEVENTH RAY of transformation, freedom, redemption, purification, ritual and Unity Consciousness. Everyone and everything on Earth are being affected by the radiance of the Seventh Ray, the Violet Transmuting Flame. As a result, many of the old, outmoded teachings are being discarded as humanity evolves in wisdom and raises their frequency patterns. Much of the inspired, true religious beliefs will be retained, and the religions that survive will be those that expand their philosophy to incorporate the higher Creator truths which are now being revealed.

The February Energies Are Coming – Daniel Scranton

Everyone is going to have their moments, their ascension symptoms, and their struggles, but you can minimize them all by taking good care of yourselves in every imaginable way, and that might mean doing less, setting aside certain goals that you have set for yourselves. It might mean that you have to step back from a project, or even a person, that is dragging you down. But know that everything is happening in Divine perfect timing for you and everyone else. There is no sprint to the finish line, but rather a slow saunter, where you get to enjoy every step of this journey that you are on in your ascension.
