As channeled from the Beings of Light Through Liesel.

You often ask ‘why is this contrast necessary?’  We offer this in answer to your question:

The one precious piece that your world offers that can make The Whole wholer is the very experience that so often leads to pain in you: separation.  The Whole cannot know all that it is until it divides itself.  However, it is up to you to determine whether the separation you experience is only one layer of your experience (realizing that you are in a separate physical body from other beings and things), or if it is the totality of your experience (mistakenly believing that that body with its emotions and accompanying thoughts are all that you are.)  If it is the latter, you will inevitably experience great pain.  While this pain is understandable from Our perspective, it is also realized to be largely unnecessary.  We offer to you an upgraded version and interpretation of separation, one in which there is individual awareness and an individual point of perception, yet, simultaneously, this point of perception is woven into the moving flux of The Whole. Therefore, it is continually drawing its sustenance and awareness from this infinite well.

Think of a passenger on a moving train.  If the train is moving with a constant velocity, this passenger may, very well, perceive themselves to be stationary, particularly if they only take in their surroundings within the boxcar and never look out the window.  The furnishings of the boxcar become their entire world.  However, one day, they look out the window.  Suddenly, they realize that there is a whole other, far greater world that they are traversing within that is continually unfolding.  Imagine, as well, that this other world could be felt as joy and love and peace within their body.  In spiritual terms, the individual point of incarnate perception is the boxcar.  When your awareness is solely limited to the furnishings within the boxcar, anything that is judged negatively that is added to the boxcar or anything that is judged positively that is removed from the boxcar will result in pain.  This is what comes into your life at the form level, and what disappears from your life at the form level.  However, when the passenger’s attention is instead focused on the bigger and greater world that lays beyond the window, and they are tapped in at a feeling level to this greater world, they may be aware of changes within the boxcar, but the impact of these changes is greatly diminished because what lies beyond the pane of glass is far more compelling and ultimately fulfilling.  That which is speaking to you now, is part of that which lies beyond the window, which is the magnificent world that also lies deep within you.

Always know Our love is truly with you, because Our love truly is you.

Disclaimer: This information is not meant as medical advice, nor is it meant to diagnose or treat any disease or mental health disorder.

Image Credit : Pixabay

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Rob Schwartz
Rob Schwartz is a hypnotist who offers Between Lives Soul Regressions (BLSRs) to help people heal and understand their life plan. In a BLSR you can speak directly with the Council of Elders, wise, loving, and highly evolved beings who can tell you what you planned for your current lifetime and why, how well you're fulfilling your plan, and how you may better fulfill your plan. Rob's first book, Your Soul's Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born, explores the pre-birth planning of physical illness, having disabled children, deafness, blindness, drug addiction, alcoholism, the death of a loved one, and accidents. His second book, Your Soul's Gift: The Healing Power of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born, explores the pre-birth planning of spiritual awakening, miscarriage, abortion, suicide, caregiving, sexuality, adoption, having pets, poverty, mental illness, and other life challenges and experiences. He is also the author of Your Soul's Love: Living the Love You Planned Before You Were Born about the pre-birth planning of challenges related to romantic relationships or their absence: infidelity; impotence; raising children alone after the death of one's partner; being single; and celibate relationships. Rob's books have been translated into 25 languages. He teaches internationally on the subject of pre-birth planning at such venues as The United Nations, Kripalu, 1440 Multiversity, and Hollyhock. For more information visit Rob online at or write to him directly at