As I understand it, you made a one-in-three cut to be here on Earth at this time of planetary ascension. Yes, that’s right, there were three times as many souls who wanted to be here for Ascension as available bodies. Why did so many souls want before they were born to be here in body now? Why did you want before you were born to be here in body now? What exactly is Ascension? How can you align with Ascension so as to maximize the peace and joy in your life and also be of greatest possible service to humanity and Gaia as we ascend?
I’ll get to those questions, but please allow me to introduce myself first. I’m the American author of four books in German about why we ourselves plan our greatest challenges BEFORE we are born. The intentions of the books are to help people awaken, understand the deeper spiritual meaning and purpose of their most difficult experiences, and heal from those experiences.
I’m also a hypnotist, specializing in a form of hypnosis called a Between Lives Soul Regression (or BLSR for short). In this form of hypnosis, you yourself can speak directly with your Council of Elders, the wise, loving, and highly evolved beings who oversee your personal evolution. Your Council knows literally everything about you: everything about every past life (both physical and nonphysical) you’ve had, and everything about your plans for your current lifetime. When people talk with their Council, which can be done in either a private, online session or in an online workshop, they generally focus on these questions: What did I plan? Why did I make those plans? How am I doing in terms of fulfilling my plans? How may I better fulfill my plans? After a BLSR, not only do many people feel that they have answers to these and other important questions about their lives, many report how amazing it is to feel the unconditional love and complete acceptance of their non physical spiritual guidance team. Also, learning about your pre-birth plan can help you to see the deep meaning in suffering that might otherwise appear to be purposeless, and then you can begin to learn those underlying lessons in a much more conscious and much less painful manner.
Now, back to Ascension. Earth and every being on the Earth is going through an ascension process, meaning a dramatic increase in vibration or frequency. We’ve already moved from third density (or what some call the third dimension) to fourth density (the fourth dimension), and we’re on our way to fifth density (the fifth dimension). Fifth density is a vibration of oneness consciousness and unconditional love. The nonphysical Home we come from is also at a vibration of unity consciousness and unconditional love. So, we are going Home . . . and rather than dying (which is how we’d usually go Home), we’re doing it while staying in a physical body. This is a spectacular, monumental process and undertaking! The key concept to understand here is that the ascension process is redemptive, by which I mean that God/Source is bringing us Home. This is cause for celebration!
Why are we in need of a redemptive ascension process? To answer that question, we must first understand how souls came to be here in human form. There is much debate on this subject and much diversity of opinion in the channeled literature. I will share my understanding with you. Note that this is just my understanding. Please run everything I say by your internal, intuitive filter. If what I say resonates as truth and can be helpful to you, then pick up the ball and run with it. If anything I say does not resonate as truth to you, then you can, and you should, set it aside.
As I understand it, eons ago many of the billions of souls who are currently on planet Earth came up with a new and radical idea. Previously, souls had known only oneness. That is, we perceived ourselves as one with all other beings – which is in fact true – while at the same time still maintaining our individuality. This strikes the human brain as a paradox, but it was the nature of our experience up to that point in “time.”
The new and radical idea came in the form of a question: What would it be like if we weren’t all one? What it would be like if we perceived ourselves as separate individuals? Those of us incarnate now were very excited at the idea of exploring the answers to those questions. We felt it was a magnificent opportunity to bring a new experience to the “Godhead.”
After we posed these questions, there was prolonged and intense discussion and debate. Those more evolved than we, those who love and guide us, advised us not to undertake this experiment. They foresaw that it would entail great suffering. We knew that was possible, but we were willing to take that risk in order to make this unique contribution to the One. Essentially, we said to our spiritual elders, “we’ve got this.” And thus the great experiment in separation was born – quite literally.
Separation is the term used to describe the current state of consciousness of the vast majority of humans on Earth. We perceive ourselves to be – and equally important, we believe ourselves to be – separate Individuals. Separate from each other. Separate from God/Source.
When we made the decision to move forward with The Great Separation Experiment, God/Source knew that we would change our minds about wanting to exist in a state of perceived separation. And so, God/Source made a promise to the billions of souls embarking upon this experiment: that we would not be abandoned, and that when we changed our minds about wanting to experience separation, a pathway Home would be provided.
Ascension is that pathway.
Ascension is being caused by a lot of light from Source flooding the planet. This holy light is raising the frequency of Gaia and the human race. The light has the effect of bringing to the surface everything unlike itself, which is another way of saying everything of a lower vibration. These lower vibrational things – traumas, false beliefs, “negative” emotions, thought forms, and much more – cannot go with us into fifth density. They must be cleared. The light brings them to our conscious awareness so that we may see them, thank them sincerely for what they have taught us, bless them, and then release them to Spirit. This in essence is the process of releasing anything of a lower vibration.
This process is known as purification, and it’s happening both collectively to the entire human race (which is why we see such chaos in the news) and individually in each person’s life. In short, everyone’s “stuff” is coming up now. This is happening both to those who know about Ascension and purification and to those who have never heard these terms. Far better to know what is happening so that you may then align with Ascension and make your personal purification process as gentle and easy as it can be.
What does it mean to align with Ascension? Basically, it means genuinely wanting to be of service and willing to surrender at least some of the wants/needs of the personal self in order to do so. Source wants to move through you, but Source will never force itself upon you. You may choose to open to Source energy and align with the evolutionary process of Ascension by telling the Universe that you would like to be of service to Gaia, humanity, and all beings everywhere. Consciously giving permission opens your energy field to more Source energy. Actually, when you give permission to Source to live through you as you, you begin to experience the joy and peace that ultimately the small personal self was always trying to find in its pursuits in the world. You start to realize that this joy and peace is Source and that you are Source. So, your service to the world (which does not have to be through physical action, and may be purely through your vibrational state of being) not only makes a great difference to humanity and Gaia, but allows you to feel your true nature as peace and joy in the process.
My wife, Liesel, channels a group or collective consciousness we refer to as the Beings of Light (or BOL for short.) The BOL consists of very wise, highly evolved beings who love humanity and want to assist with our ascension process. The BOL speak of the “highest use case” for each individual. In other words, being of service isn’t a binary state in which you’re either serving or you’re not; rather, there are degrees of service. Your “highest use case” occurs when you so open to Spirit, and when you so fully surrender to the Divine, that Source can now utilize you in the exact and unique way in which you are of greatest help to the One. This is the path your soul and nonphysical guidance team would most like you to take, and they will celebrate on the other side if and when you open to this path.
Sometimes people fear surrendering to the Universe or asking Source to utilize them in their “highest use case.” They worry that it will be too much, too hard. They fear the unknown. They wonder if they’re really up for it. Self-doubt, that pervasive, human nemesis, creeps in. However, remember that through this act of surrender, you are opening yourself to Source itself, you are allowing Source to flow through you as you. So, it is not your small, personal self that will be living your “highest use case” life, it is you as the truest version of you which is you with Source flowing through you unimpeded.
Remember I said that you made a one-in-three cut to be here? From my extensive study of pre-birth planning, it’s my understanding that those souls who were chosen to be in body now are the bravest of the brave and the strongest of the strong. You were also chosen for another reason: you have something specific to offer the Ascension process such as gifts, abilities, and soul qualities cultivated in prior lifetimes. Some of you are star souls who carry with them strong connections to lifetimes in other galaxies and other dimensions. Some of you have strong connections to past lifetimes in ancient civilizations with deep connections to beings from the stars. You are helping to anchor higher vibrational energies from other worlds here on Earth in order to aid in the Ascension process and have many gifts that you have brought with you from these other lifetimes to share with humanity. Many of you are souls that have chosen to incarnate now as highly sensitive individuals and/or as empaths. You have made this choice because you wanted to help pioneer the transition to unity consciousness, and serve as an example of the interconnected, sensitive, empathic humanity that is to come.
We live in a world populated by people who often feel small, weak, powerless, helpless, or insignificant. Nothing could actually be further from the truth! It’s time to remember who you really are, a great, powerful, and courageous soul who was excited before birth to have this opportunity to make an impact at this unique inflection point for humanity and for the Earth.

Ready for more? Join our Aligning with Ascension online workshop on September 12th, 2023.
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