As channeled from the Beings of Light Through Liesel.
“We would like to use an analogy to communicate further and clarify the soul’s pre-birth plans. Imagine what seems like an infinite number of giant sheets of paper stacked on top of one another. When each piece of paper is handled individually, it appears to be an almost two-dimensional object because its thickness is relatively negligible. However, when the entire stack of paper is viewed together, there is a third dimension; namely, the height of the stack of paper. For the purposes of our analogy, let us now just imagine a very tall stack of sheets of papers as this is easier for the human brain to visualize. The height dimension of the stack of papers represents the spectrum of energetic vibration an incarnate human being can be in. The thickness of each sheet of paper is a tiny slice of that spectrum, a quantum sliver.
Now, imagine that this stack of paper articulates all of the possible life plans and life plan choices for you in this lifetime.
If you went up to the stack of paper and removed the piece of paper from within the stack that precisely corresponded with your vibration at this moment, on that particular piece of paper would be written all of the possible life plan and life plan choices for you right now at this vibration. However, if you then removed from the stack the sheet directly above or directly below where the first sheet was, you would find that they contained slightly different life plans and choices. If you then removed a piece of paper much higher up the stack than the first sheet you removed, you would find that the life plans and life plan choices differed greatly from those on the very first piece of paper. You would also find that these plans contained much more learning through joyful, loving experiences. If you then removed a piece of paper from much lower in the stack than the original piece, you would find that the life plans and choices on this sheet were primarily based in learning through pain and suffering.
This is why your vibration and the prioritization of raising your vibration through practices like meditation, yoga, present-moment awareness, self-reflection, etc. are so very crucial. Raising your vibration (or more accurately, allowing it to rise) is the single most powerful thing you can do to transform your life and your life circumstances. It is also the single most powerful thing you can do to transform the world (see ‘The Transformational Effect’ channeling.) It is the very reason for the stack of papers in the first place. So, when you allow your vibration to rise (closer to the vibration of Source/Spirit/your higher self), you bypass the need for many of the pieces of paper in the stack as you are already vibrating at a frequency that the lower papers in the stack are meant to lead to. Think of it in this way: If you are half way to the summit of a mountain, you no longer need the signposts that are further down the mountain; you only need the signposts that continue to point upwards.
Now, to return to our analogy, if you closely inspected any of the pieces of paper, you would also realize that the plans and choices were arranged in a way that reflected which plans and choice were most likely. So, for the purposes of our analogy, imagine that on each sheet of paper is what looks like a bullseye or the face of a dartboard. The plans are arranged in such a way that the most probable one is in the center, with the surrounding ones forming concentric rings around the center, with the next most probable plan surrounding the center, and so on. When you are operating within the vibrational signature of a particular piece of paper, that quantum sliver of the vibrational spectrum, then the closer your free will choices are to the center bullseye, the more likely you are to make the quantum leap to the next higher vibrational sliver, and thus the next page of paper directly above in the stack. This is why certain plans are given higher probabilities within each paper, because they are the plans that are most likely to result in growth.”
“Always know Our love is truly with you, because Our love truly is you.”
Disclaimer: This information is not meant as medical advice, nor is it meant to diagnose or treat any disease or mental health disorder.
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