as channeled from the Beings of Light through Liesel

“For many of you, your soul is boxing you (your personality based self) into a corner right now and is squeezing you in such a way to effectively force evolution. The degree to which a soul is choosing to squeeze the personality varies from individual to individual. Yet, this also occurs within the broader context of a collective level of squeezing which affects all. No incarnate human on the planet right now can escape at least some level of squeezing unless they are already in a state of enlightenment. This is the evolutionary blessing inherent in being incarnate during the time of Ascension. Many of you feel, in some ways, shattered by this process. It is resistance that causes rigidity. When rigid things are squeezed, they shatter. We suggest allowing yourself instead to dissolve or to melt. This is an act of surrender of the personality to the higher energies already coming through within. If you allow the feeling of being squeezed by life to be a kind of call to awareness like the Tibetan bells, then you can choose to surrender to the higher vibrations within when you become aware that you are suffering, which is generally due to resistance and non-acceptance of what is.

 You can surrender your resistance and non-acceptance and all other rigid thought structures of the ego/personality which are being squeezed to their breaking point. It is after the internal surrender, when the miracle occurs, which is the arising within yourself of an energy much deeper, far stronger, yet innately flexible because it is infinitely creative. This energy then helps you live your life, and through this empowered living, helps transform the external into a higher version of the manifest.”


“Always know Our love is truly with you, because Our love truly is you.”

Image Credit : Pixabay

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Rob Schwartz
Rob Schwartz is a hypnotist who offers Between Lives Soul Regressions (BLSRs) to help people heal and understand their life plan. In a BLSR you can speak directly with the Council of Elders, wise, loving, and highly evolved beings who can tell you what you planned for your current lifetime and why, how well you're fulfilling your plan, and how you may better fulfill your plan. Rob's first book, Your Soul's Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born, explores the pre-birth planning of physical illness, having disabled children, deafness, blindness, drug addiction, alcoholism, the death of a loved one, and accidents. His second book, Your Soul's Gift: The Healing Power of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born, explores the pre-birth planning of spiritual awakening, miscarriage, abortion, suicide, caregiving, sexuality, adoption, having pets, poverty, mental illness, and other life challenges and experiences. He is also the author of Your Soul's Love: Living the Love You Planned Before You Were Born about the pre-birth planning of challenges related to romantic relationships or their absence: infidelity; impotence; raising children alone after the death of one's partner; being single; and celibate relationships. Rob's books have been translated into 25 languages. He teaches internationally on the subject of pre-birth planning at such venues as The United Nations, Kripalu, 1440 Multiversity, and Hollyhock. For more information visit Rob online at or write to him directly at