The spiritual Path will challenge you in very uncomfortable ways. You may endure a lot of pain, and people, who are not on the spiritual path may have a difficult time understanding you and your perception of reality. It can be a lonely road, and oftentimes it may result in you and other’s questioning your sanity. When you start questioning your sanity, it will be helpful for you to apply your rational thinking to what you experience and to what you feel and think. It is not an easy road. You may ask your angels and guides or God for help. As you progress along your spiritual path, you will leave people behind, because they are unable to follow you, where you are going. It will all be in divine planning, and it is completely okay. It is a natural part of your spiritual path. Make sure the people you leave behind, know that you love them, but that you have to part ways. Once in a while, a parting will end in a conflict. That is also part of your spiritual path. As you progress further along your spiritual path, people may find it difficult to connect with you. This is fine, and it will challenge you to search out people, who do connect with you. They are there, but they may be difficult to find. Keep going. Along your spiritual path, you may be presented to your deepest fears. When you apply your rational thinking, you will know that these are only illusions. They are not real. When you are presented to your fears, as frightening and uncomfortable that they may be, it serves your higher good. You are getting to know yourself, and the Universe shows you these fears to support you in reaching deeper levels of love. It comes from a place of universal love.
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