Gitte Henriette Andersen

About the author

I am a happy and positive woman, who has been a spiritual seeker for truth all my life. Upon a life filled with many and varying spiritual experiences and spiritual awakenings, of both the negative and positive kind, I have finally found my way home with a firm and solid faith in God.

The spiritual path ~ by Gitte Andersen

The spiritual Path will challenge you in very uncomfortable ways. You may endure a lot of pain, and people, who are not on the spiritual path may have a difficult time understanding you and your perception of reality.It can be a lonely road, and oftentimes it may result in you and other’s questioning your sanity. When you start questioning your sanity, it will be helpful for you to apply your rational thinking to what you experience and to what you feel and think. It is not an easy road.

Love is the key ~ by Gitte Andersen

Life on earth is not meant to be lived in misery, illness and unhappiness. The more you can be love, the better you will be at mastering life on earth. When you are love in every aspect of your being, you will be less susceptible to illness, misery and unhappiness in spite of the struggles and hardships, you will encounter on your journey through life.

What is self-realization? ~ by Gitte Andersen

Self-realization is about becoming, who you really are, reaching and fulfilling your highest potential and living it. When you realize yourself, you live out your true nature. You are driven by the things in life you thrive by doing, the things that make you passionate about who you are, what you are doing and where you spend your time.
