Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings and love we extend to every soul upon the Earth. We cradle each soul in our vibrations of the Creator. We bring forth the source of the Creator as divine inspiration, understanding, acceptance and acknowledgement. We wish to gift to every soul upon the Earth all that we represent as an aspect and an expression of the Creator. We give this to you now and invite you to be open to receive. As you receive our aspect of the Creator, so your own expression of the Creator will ignite further allowing you to bring forth your truth, your love, and your peace.
It is your truth, love, and peace that are required upon the Earth now, for every soul upon the Earth requires healing and a reminder of themselves as an expression of the Creator. Each soul requires more love, a greater acceptance as well as the strength and foundation to continue forth their mission upon the Earth. When you allow yourself to express, love, peace, and truth, you begin to create patterns, patterns of energy waves. These patterns become layered. They are literally like energy patterns so beautiful, constantly in motion, constantly creating, layered on top of each other. These patterns integrate into your own life, they become your life, they become your cells, they become your embodiment, and your thoughts. They seep into surrounding realities, they merge and create greater patterns of love, truth, and peace. When these patterns of love, truth, and peace meet resistance, for example, anger or chaos or pain, can you imagine for a moment how they would react? They would continue to expand even though the chaos or pain may not let the love, truth, and peace into their area, their space. The patterns of love, peace, and truth would continue to expand thus expanding around the chaos, embracing it, and expanding around pain. Can you imagine that the same thing occurs within your own being and situations in your own reality, as well as world situations and the situations of others? These patterns of life, of love, truth, and peace they connect. They begin to embrace any energy that does not allow it to be in its space and they expand around anything that is in separation with the Creator. As this expansion, seeping, and growth takes place, we recognise that the patterns of love, truth and peace connect across the entire world, connect within each person and so separation with the Creator is being embraced by love, truth, and peace.
This simple understanding will allow for a deeper connection.
You may find that you connect on a deeper level with the Creator, with those around you, the vibration of love, loving situations, and experiences in your reality. There is a connection which is almost going around the separation of the Creator, almost containing the separation of the Creator. These connections, these life patterns of love, truth, and peace, become stronger and stronger, and brighter and brighter, thus you become stronger and brighter, you attract more love, peace, and truth into your reality as does everyone else. The separation vibrations lose their power, they lose their pull, their attraction because your mind, your focus, and the focus of others is being drawn to love, peace and truth, and its creation within your reality and within the world.
It is not that you forget about the separation of the Creator, it is that you do not energise it as much. When you think of something you are energising it, giving it energy and power, fuelling it. When you do not energise something, you become slightly detached from it as if you are given space. The slight detachment allows you the space to observe the separation in a new way. To recognise that you are strong and powerful, able to face the separation of the Creator however it manifests. You realise how to resolve it and release it in whichever way feels most appropriate and whichever way serves you.
You can imagine yourself healing many aspects of your being, many aspects of your reality, and even the world in this way. We can imagine that others are doing the same and therefore souls join in a united understanding and united perspective that allows them to face the separation, the challenges in the world together to resolve them in a peaceful, loving, and truthful way. A way that serves because they have reduced the power that they are giving to the separation. They have created a slight detachment where they can have space to be in their power and to contemplate what is needed. They have the strength to move forth to engage in a new way releasing what is needed.
Therefore we, the Andromedans, bring forth, love peace, and truth. It is why we believe that these energies are so important now upon the Earth. It is time for many to unite and to be of service in this way. To bring forth all that is needed to create the transformations, shifts, and releases, allowing love, peace, and truth to continue to expand, to grow, to merge, and seep into all areas of your being and into all areas of existence.
We are the Andromedans are present to serve you.
We thank you and we love you,