This live channelling was given in Woodridge, Illinois
July 26, 2015
To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Sometime information is even added. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Woodridge.
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
Dear Human Being, you are not in our dimensionality and we recognize that. You cannot see us as we see you. There seems to be a test at hand, and you are aware of it. However, it’s not a test of the Human Being, but rather it’s a test of energy. How far will you go with the divine energy you are discovering in yourself? How far will you stretch out your hand to meet the hand of the Creator inside you? You are a piece of the benevolent creation of the earth, disguised as a Human Being in corporeal form, unaware of your creative seeds, of even how you got here. That’s who you are. In your linear form, however, you continue to ask all of the common linear questions: “How do I do this or that? How many times should I do it? How often? What duration?”
These are all wonderful questions you ask – if we were linear. But we’re not. Many of you are confused on what to do next and how to do it. You are also always asking about the timing involved. It’s no wonder you are asking these linear questions, because it shows you are aware of your spiritual path. It’s honored! But again we say, even if you are asking in a linear, intellectual way, we are only able to answer in an intuitive, conceptual way. However, since you only hear in a linear way, you’re not going to understand it all, since your antenna of understanding is linear.
You’re waiting for the 3D list of what to do, or you’re waiting for a linear, practical answer to a practical question. But what we give you will be concepts to help steer you into things that are even beyond what you’re asking for. We are also constantly giving you the concepts of love, even when you are asking a “how much, how long” question. I want you to relax – all of you – into the arms of God right now.
Isolation from Spirit
Spiritual organized belief on this planet is in a very old, survival energy. It places the soul in an isolated status, in a linear Human box. Your spiritual systems do not see your soul as a part of God at all. It is somehow suspended in a place where it’s going to survive or not survive. If you don’t do the correct linear Human thing, your eternal soul is going to be punished or rewarded accordingly. Dear ones, does this information sound like the Creator, or does that sound like something that men created for you? I want you to get rid of the concept that your soul is somehow in the dark and linked to Human action. Your soul is part of you and me. We are allied; we are the same throughout all history, and there’s a new energy on the planet that literally is shouting to you through a transmitter that you’re not quite tuned into yet. I want you to relax and feel the love of this large paradigm shift. It’s so important for you to understand how integrated we are with you!
There is so much misunderstanding about the real relationship between Humans and God. When you meditate, know that we’ve been with you all day. You understand that, don’t you? We are aware of your life and all your circumstances. Your existence and your soul are all totally known by God!
I want you to approach things more gently and with more patience and understanding. Perhaps you might say this: “Dear Spirit, I don’t understand what’s happening and I don’t understand what I’m supposed to do next. I’m a little confused. What should I do?” What do you expect we’re going to tell you? “Take four steps, turn left, and breathe deeply five times?” [Kryon laugh] It’s not going to be that way. Our answers come from synchronicity, change and concepts for you.
“Kryon, what is the timing of my situation?” The answer to this question is always the same. Be patient while synchronicity unfolds. But this is not a linear answer and many are frustrated by this. After all, this answer is not on any calendar or clock. Dear ones, it’s time to more fully understand synchronicity.
The Metaphor of the Cook
I present a new metaphor: We’re going to cook a meal. Now, this makes my partner very nervous, since he has no idea about cooking. Just relax. [speaking to Lee]
Cooking a fine meal on this planet is an art. You enjoy food and the best cooks are the ones who start early and prepare and prepare and prepare. In a professional kitchen, there are multiple cooks, but in this metaphor, there is only one.
Perhaps you have cooked for a large family, and now you wish to prepare a meal that is exotic, perhaps a little different from any kind of existing recipe. Perhaps you’re the kind of cook who makes up your own recipe and uses your cook’s intuition? Whatever the case, you often start by assembling the ingredients in preparation. Some of you will actually put these ingredients in containers, getting ready to compile them into that which is going to be cooked at the right time. At first, you don’t mix them together. Instead, you may have a bowl of lettuce, a bowl of rice and perhaps some vegetables. Then there are the sauces and the au jus, which will be what the meal will be cooked in, and actually added later again.
There are some ingredients that are going to be placed on the main meal as it is cooked at a lower temperature, then removed as the temperature is increased. These may be put aside and then cooked finally later, as the main finishes. Then there are the seasonings – before, during and after cooking. You will be putting them in various containers and bowls as well. As a great cook, you might even mix seasonings beforehand.
You may even be preparing the night before, because there have to be certain parts of the meal that need to be soaked or marinated in certain ways, perhaps even pre-cooked, in order for them to be timed correctly to the final fruition of the meal. It will eventually come together in its beauty and elegance. The aroma will be lovely, ready for consumption with a beautiful taste. When combined with certain kinds of sauces and certain kinds of beverages, it’s a feast that is filled with love and great appreciation. Congratulations! For, as a cook, you really know what you’re doing.
The Kitchen Comes Alive
Now I’m going to alter the metaphor, so stand by. Our metaphoric story continues and the reality paradigm of your kitchen has just shifted. Every ingredient in every bowl now has a unique consciousness. Every single ingredient in every single bowl also has no idea what you are doing – none. The ingredients also don’t have any idea about the final meal. They are just ingredients sitting there, but because they now have consciousness, they also may now have an attitude! Well, not necessarily an attitude that is negative, but certainly one that is inquisitive.
You are the cook and you are the creator of the meal. As the cook, you have placed ingredients around you in bowls and sealed containers, getting them ready. Let’s say one is the lettuce, for instance. It may even be one of first ingredients to be prepared, for it has to be chilled. It might even have been sealed and put in the refrigerator 24 hours before the meal is served! But it is there all alone, being chilled in the refrigerator – and it’s suddenly complaining! “Why am I in the refrigerator? Look, I couldn’t help but notice there are some other things going on. I’m all alone. What’s happening? Why am I here in this refrigerator and how long will it be before I meet the vegetables? This is not acceptable.”
Now, the vegetables are mad because they also expected something to happen by now (vegetables are often that way). They are waiting and waiting, but the cook is over preparing something else – the sauce. The sauce has no idea about anything (sauce is like that). It’s just happy to be here, no matter what. It doesn’t know why it’s being whipped up or what’s coming. It’s used to whatever happens, but it’s aware of a strange seasoning that is being mixed with it. It’s a bit anxious (there is nothing worse than anxious sauce).
Dear ones, in this metaphor, Spirit is cooking a meal with you for your life, but it’s always going to be cooked with others. The metaphor is this: What ingredient bowl or container are you in? How are you being prepared? How long will it be until the other ingredients come together with you in a certain way, in order for the final meal to be cooked? Are you all right with the fact that there may be some preparation? You may come together with some other bowls now, but still there is no completion and things are stalled. How long will it take? Sometimes the bowls are combined, only to sit there some more!
All this planning with others depends upon synchronicity. It must be coordinated, too. When certain bowls of ingredients meet each other and are ready, they are now prepared. But then the mixture may have to be preserved over time. So if you are the lettuce and say, “Dear Spirit, I’ve been waiting! How long is it going to take? What should I do? Are you there?” The real answer is, “Chill out, lettuce!”
That’s often when you get religious and frustrated and say, “Lettuce pray.”
[Lee’s joke, not Kryon’s] [More laughter]
The ingredients of this wonderful meal are being gathered and prepared beautifully and with elegance. They are participating in the timing of a master chef. But each ingredient is totally unaware of how it’s coming together or if it’s happening at all. You’re impatient, aren’t you? As ingredients, you wish to know when, where and how long. The cook knows because the cook looks over all the ingredients and knows the plan. When it comes together, dear ones, it happens unexpectedly and all at once. But even then, there is more action, for again there are certain ingredients that must be added even in mid-cooking, even at the table!
How are you doing with this? Are you involved in the pre-preparation or later, during the heat? Perhaps you are the salt that comes last? You don’t know, do you? And that’s the point. How much trust do you have in the cook? It boils down, no pun intended, to you trusting that which is the Creator, the master chef, for the meal that is being cooked is the final solution that you have asked for. Where you’re going with this, no matter what it is, will always involve others. Even if you are asking for a personal healing, it will involve those around you. It’s a meal that is being prepared with many ingredients. Do you understand that for you to have an answer, other Human Beings are going to be involved? Do you understand that they have free choice?
So now, let’s make this meal even more complicated! Every single ingredient not only has an attitude, but they now have free choice! They can say no. Imagine what the cook faces at this point in cooking. The vegetables are backing out! You’re going to have to get new vegetables. Now, that’s going to delay the meal just a little bit. New vegetables come forward, and they are then prepared. Wow! They are even better veggies! So all the other ingredients must wait just a little longer, but they don’t know why. Now the lettuce is more frustrated than ever, sealed and waiting in the chilling darkness. But the meal is always in process for, you see, the cook is very patient.
Elegant it is, the system. Beautiful it is, and misunderstood by almost all of you! You want the meal to be finished now! I know you understand this metaphor. So, where are you in the scenario? How long has the meal been in progress? Is there an ending in sight? Are you impatient yet? Do you want the finality now? Did it take a seeming detour? Can you taste it, yet it’s not yet here?
The cook knows your name, dear ones. The cook loves you, dear ones, and everything that we have told you is benevolent for you. What if you are, indeed, the lettuce and you have been waiting for so long! You’ve been chilled and perhaps even chopped. Then you came out, but something happened, and you were back to chilling again! Then suddenly, the cook finds that the ingredients really have come together in an unexpected way, and the meal suddenly changes direction. It’s going to be something else! “Back in the refrigerator for you, lettuce!”
What finally takes place is something you could never have projected in a linear way. Against all odds, the outcome may take a different direction – perhaps even better than the originally planned meal, because new ingredients came forward that made it more complete. You see, the cook sees all the ingredients, all the time. You only see one – you. Nothing is too complex for the cook.
How about it? Are you willing to understand synchronicity? Seeing how it all works requires patience and faith in the cook. We have asked for this before, even in things that would seem immediate, like healing. Sometimes processes on the planet that require answers right away are simply part of a greater picture. Sometimes you won’t understand why the vegetables would back out, or even why death would seem to triumph. The final meal is a bigger one than you can imagine, dear ones. But through all of it, we want you to know that we have never disengaged from you – never ever. You see, we know your name. You are our family. Could it be any clearer that our hand is stretched to you. The meal is a good one. Trust the cook. Patience!
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