Blessed Beings, March is a turning point, a shift in direction.

With your Awareness, that path is Connection.

While it twists and turns your head learns. Where it is straight you adjust your gait.

The balance you seek is not a guarantee, it is a journey of learning based on what you see.

When you allow Love to bloom before your eyes, mere sticks and dirt are beauty’s surprise.

It’s not what you see, it’s what you know. You, Blessing, feel the potential before the seeds grow.

Connecting Self

You are Life, walking tall and sitting to rest. You are Love, nurturing life for the future’s best.

Connecting to Love is your greatest gift. It gives and receives and gives again.

It twists and turns and ripples out. It straightens paths to lead the doubt.

You don’t just give, you always receive. It is Love that transforms, whether in joy or in grief.

It magnetizes with the passive force. It creates the new by integration’s choice.

You are the vision of Life seeing what has been wrought. You are the heart of Life feeling Love’s future brought.

Connecting Time

You are timeless within, Connecting Love to your time. Life supports your feet, your path infinitely sublime.

Connecting Love to hate is a warrior’s fate.

Connecting Love to fear is a blessing’s tear.

Connecting Love to life is a healer’s delight.

Connecting Love within is a healing’s Light.

You illuminate the path, Blessed Light, and the glow of potential calls others to Love.

Connecting Love connects more Love and continues growing through Life.

Receive it and you give it, both day and night.

It breathes easily through you, pulsing Love’s potential into Life.

You are the Love of Life, giving grace to night.


~ Jamye Price

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Jamye Price
Jamye Price is an energy healer, channel, author, and teacher. Her work is practical, esoteric, and grounded so that it is applicable into life. Jamye teaches loving empowerment for Lightworkers and empaths on a path of Ascension. She developed a healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, which is a powerful alchemical template of Soul Progression. She also channels healing energies in the form of Light Language, which are transformational Creation Codes that further align you with your Soul. She teaches others to access this profound form of channeling. Jamye also channels Areon, The Lyran Council of Time. These loving Lyran messages are focused on humanity’s Ascension and connecting you with your timeless nature as you move into fourth and fifth dimensional expression. Jamye’s book, Opening to Light Language: Humanity’s Evolution into Multidimensional Communication, is an in-depth study of Light Language and its implication for the evolution and Ascension of humanity. It mixes the science and the practical experience of the effects of Light Language on the human biological system and the human experience on Earth. Stay connected with Jamye through her newsletter for the latest updates on Ascension energies, Light Language and empowerment! She has been facilitating healing sessions professionally since 2003, teaching since 2004, and voice channeling publicly since 2006. Jamye’s work assists with transmuting physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual blocks into wisdom, compassion, and empowerment. She teaches self-love, forgiveness, and finding a perspective of Love in any situation to provide people with practical tools for Soul Progression and creating a joyful life. Jamye’s psychic opening was gradual for many years then quite rapid beginning in late 2002 after an Axiotonal Alignment. This has helped her integrate unusual spiritual and psychic experience into realistic application for people from all walks of life. Her passion is Ascension – bringing people to the understanding of the truth of who they are; cherished, powerful, and brilliant Divine Humans, interconnected with All Life. She feels humbled and blessed to be able to experience people in the truth of their glory, and to share her path and perspective of reconciling the old way of being human with Divine Human Being.