Instinct, which is an innate “knowing,” is a second dimensional ability based on our “primitive self” who has the ability to tune into the planet to know where there is water, what food will heal us or poison us, and the location of our “tribe.”

If we “give a horse his head,” he will find water. Animals in the wild know what food they are meant to eat and what food will hurt them. Animals know when a predator is stalking them or simply sharing the waterhole. In our quest for evolution we lost some of our basic survival skills.

Our instincts are usually a physical sensation, which our left-brain, logical self, has been trained to ignore. However, as we regain our Whole Brain Thinking, we begin to become close friends with our OWN earth vessel.

As we awaken, we begin to realize that WE are not our body. WE are IN our body. Our physical form is one of many forms that surround our consciousness. However, without our physical body we cannot continue to play in the 3D Game.

In other realities when we held a tribal consciousness, or when we had to survive off the land, our instinct was one of our most important perceptions.  Our instincts are able to pull together information from our five physical senses that are just below our threshold of third dimensional perception.

However, when a distant vision, quiet sound, faint odor, or sense of a being so close we can feel it, but not see it, these are more and more common in our daily life. Something is happening that is allowing the beginning of a new, higher frequency, of reality to enter into humanity’s consciousness.

INSTINCTS are often thought of as perception that something, someone or something that we cannot see, hear or touch is coming into our conscious awareness. When the “imagined perception” of the right hemisphere of our brain is able to share its perception with the left hemisphere, it is put through our brain’s “editing system.”

In order for us to allow that which was once “just our imagination” to be considered as maybe being the truth from a higher frequency of our reality, our daily thinking is faced with the challenge of “do we trust a vision as real, or is it just our imagination?”

Maybe this “imagination,” which has lived in our right brain of imagination, is now entering our left brain to be considered if this perception is a true perception.

Within our right brain, our instinct gives us the possibility of perceiving information that is subliminal to the daily life perceptions of our left brain. Unfortunately, if we still deny our right-brain perceptions because we have become trapped in our logic, we will not perceive or receive those messages.

When we say, “I am having a feeling.” Or “I sense that I am being watched,” these messages are arising from the instincts of our right hemisphere. When we give our attention to “right brain messages,” we reinforce our instincts and invite then to remain active in our lives.

All of our expanded perceptions are much like muscles.  If we respond to and use these messages in our daily life, they get stronger, but if we don’t use them, we forget them—sometimes forever. Fortunately, messages from the higher dimensions of our body and our consciousness often return again and again until we give them our attention.

On the other hand, sometimes a “higher message” that has been ignored may not return for a very long time. Fortunately, you ALL can ask your Higher SELF, your 3D Self, and/or an Inner Guide questions.

These questions will give you answers—but only if you believe that you CAN receive these messages, and of course, only if you are not afraid of seeing your own inner truth.

If you would like to share any inner messages, and/or questions that you receive, or have received from your Higher SELF and/or your Galactic friends, please share them within the comment section of this Blog.

Thank you so for participating in this on-line MAKE ASCENSION NORMAL Course. Please take this opportunity to share any of your experiences, and/or questions with the other readers.




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Dr. Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie, Ph.D., has been a seeker since she was a child where her active “imagination” took her deep into her inner life. Suzanne first stepped onto her spiritual path in the mid-1970s when she met her first spiritual teacher. Since then, she has had many teachers and initiations. Her life in the physical plane was quite “normal” as her spiritual work provided her with the confidence to continue her educational training to obtain a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. Her studies included personal psychotherapy and focused on alternative methods of psychotherapy, such as hypnotherapy and guided meditation, which gave her tools to help herself, as well as others. Suzanne is available for personal sessions and would love to connect with and assist those ready to explore multidimensionality and who feel drawn to the Arcturian teachings.