The sensation is extraordinary, I will never be able to relay it adequately in its full depth and glory, the mind is simply stunned, the heart exuberant in a radiant, yet silent awe — in the experience of entering a secondary and alternate reality >> a timeline every bit as real as our own, but NOT our timeline. In fact not even, at times, our own world.
It has been happening more increasingly as of late. I am either out in the future, traveling between future and past, or somewhere concurrent with our own timeline, with a people who are somehow connected and to some extent aware of us. It is challenging to grasp all the details in a single event, but often in this latter event the people are organized and ready to move ( on us ) should something that seems impending happen. I feel we are sometimes rescued by some of these beings – these people – they are ready to engage with those of us who are ready.
In the following experience I am fully alert in the shift both into and out of the event. The shift itself is what I continue to be most profoundly aware of in my experiences. Rightly so — this is what allows me to embed and retain the experiences in the kind of fashion that can interestingly compete with my more local life when it comes to its level of reality. I recall these events in a way highly unique to those in which I am less fortunate when it comes to catching the actual shift. They are more actual within me – within the experience of me going about the activities of my day to day existence. The sensation is what never leaves me. It only builds, permeating me ever more pervasively as the phenomena continues.
August 24, 2023
OBE: Awake inside the shift into another timeline
It will never cease to amaze me how extraordinary and unique the shifts can be, and the experiences given in the expanded ( ie: out of body ) state. This morning I woke to use the bathroom, feeling it was likely past 10am and time to get up for the Thursday group meditation — to instead find it is just past 8 o’clock. So after finishing in the bathroom I lay myself back down, flat on my back as is so usual these past weeks and put on my mindfold to go in for data.
It takes me a moment to get fully comfortable and to where the energy is flowing smoothly but once here, I begin to feel a buzzing sensation throughout the whole front portion of my right thigh. An interesting way for me to feel the vibrations to be sure. I do not think I have ever experienced this phenomena so localized to a single, particular area of the body before. I am reminded of the thigh on thigh contact of yesterday’s experience. – and recognize that I am in a shift. Inside the shift my position and environment are mirrored.
I am in a bedroom I am perceiving as belonging to Erich. I am laying in the bed half under the ( white ) sheets half exposed ( waist up ). I am laying IRL in the identical position on my back, arms wide out to my sides, palms up, with my mindfold mask on. Erich enters the room but does not see me at first. Then he does. I do not move. I am in a deep, blissful state of pure awareness inside this shift. He reaches in, says something in my ear, then reaches overhead and, it would seem, puts on another fan to blow over me ( there is a fan blowing over me at another angle, from my left side in real time also ). This action, or activity of the two winds causes me to rotate my position in the ( inner ) bed 90 degrees counter clockwise. There is a telepathic exchange going on between Erich and I but I do not embed and carry this fully forward with me into the experience.
Sometime after Erich exits the room a clustered group of female yogis come in.
One of the girls is saying hello to me. Is it Carie? “It cannot be Carie”, I think to myself, she has passed on. Aside from the conscious thought, again I lay perfectly motionless. I listen to the girls talking for some time and when they leave my attention follows them out of the room into another. It is a white room. I am seeing in flashes, in bits and pieces, mostly what I see is the white — white all around, light streaming in through windows, the idea of billowy white sheers. But there are people here. The girls. I am moved toward one of them in particular.
She is an ethnic girl with beautiful dark skin and brown hair that is pulled back. I feel no recognition just a draw. From here time no longer flows as linearly, though I can enter certain pockets of linearity within the whole of what is happening. Which is, that I am fully shifting into another discrete reality. A whole other world. The girl belongs to an entire other timeline.
The timeline is not wholly unlike our own but it has some fascinating differences. It is an Earth-like world, it may even be Earth but, for one, the light is very unique. It is more golden than the bright white of our own at present. It is almost as though the whole day is cast in the light of a perpetual sunrise, or is it sunset? I cannot tell.
The experience in its entirety is too much to bring back with me, ( I will note here as well that I had to break from it before fully embedding to get up and lead the meditation ). But—one of the things I do here is observe an eye surgery. I am observing in a macro view, all I see is the eye itself, very close up in full detail. The eye is blue, more Erich’s shade of blue than my own it occurs to me ( though it could be my own as it would be/present without any illness,—fully blue with no brown at the center ). I am riveted through the procedure. I watch as a clear colored, circular area is cut from the center of the lens and then pushed down to be moistened in the layer of the eye beneath this which I see as pure fluid. It is all I recall of this. Following the procedure >>
I find myself in a room full of seated people, as though a waiting room of some kind. I ask everyone here if they have seen the [ movie ] about people with blue eyes that reveals who they are and where they came from. No-one is saying yes. From here I find myself in an indoor pool area swimming through the clear water. I remember the sensation, how good it feels. All of this in some way seems connected to the eye surgery, doesn’t it?
The girl whose timeline this is, we are sitting outdoors having lunch together. There is a friendly air and vibe to the scene but there is also something else in the air. Something I only vaguely detect in the interstices rather than see outright. There is a feeling of a military, or militia, or people’s movement. People are steadily at the ready as if for war, or as if to prevent this. Another group of young people are nearby in the distance, I hear their music. I stop briefly to focus in on it, listening and hearing the words being sung. It is not music I recognize but is much like our own.
[ The girl recaptures my attention. ]
She is asking if she can buy me a leaf to park my car on another level. They use leaves, this is fascinating, ( not parking tickets ) when parking their cars in the structures to access the grid —stores, restaurants, pools, libraries, entertainment, etc.. I am at this point fully realizing I am on this other world, in this other timeline. I am asking her to explain it to me. The leaf I have gives me access to only this lower ground level. The consecutive levels going up have more and better places to shop and eat, and more. The levels above can access anything at that level and below. The leaves do not deteriorate and their natural veinous structure can be read not unlike a computer chip. They reveal not only the level(s) you have access to but also everything that is on them.
Now cognizing myself fully embodied ( in another timeline! ) I am asking question after question. I am most interested in these leaves ( but also other subjects I no longer recall ) and am asking about the difference in the cost between one level and the next—when I begin to shift away. I am trying to get an idea for what kind of economy they have but do not get the time to find out.
In the shift back toward physical space I am revisiting the indoor pool area, only now I am standing outside the pool, seeing there is more than one. I see the water is very dirty now with all the heavy traffic of so many people swimming through. I am being invited back in but am declining as a whole line of others come into view who are all standing in the pool holding hands. A man is up front and he is beginning to walk them all up out of the pool toward where I am standing.
I hear Erich saying something to me, something about how infrequently I visit.
I am saying “yeah but doesn’t it seem we are always together anyway?”
On this note the experience ends.
I am back in my room.
* * *
[ Prior to this, in standard dream I have what seems a notable experience ]
I am sitting atop a wall made of black and red irregular shaped boulders, large and small pieces of rock. A male judge sits across the way, he commands that I stand. I tell him I do not think I can, as the rocks are in a pile and loose, not secured in their positions in any way ( surely they will give way ). He does not listen, does not care, he commands again that I stand else I be judged guilty by default. I have no choice. I casually begin to move from my sitting position toward standing.
The movement causes the rock to shift beneath my feet, I lose my footing and begin to slip and fall. It is not a bad fall, I ride the whole thing out still on my feet but there on the ground, on the other side of the wall where I cannot be seen I decide my best course of action is to throw myself down upon the ground. I do well. My forehead is cut and bleeding and I lay here unmoving. It will be believable. No-one moves to help me, or call an ambulance, or anything. Instead a small handful of them come by and each, individually, one by one bitterly, jealously say “I hope you die.” Later—when they try to accuse and punish me again I use this against them so they cannot.
I cannot see what I have done to deserve this. If I am innocent
or actually guilty of something.