Today while doing meditation, I had a very great experience of channeling for the first time, so I thought I should write it down. (12/12/17)
I sat in my office room during my noon time as usual and started doing meditation. Initially, there were few thought’s at the beginning but slowly it started fading and a light figure human type being came into my mind presence. I felt love, he was looking like a old guru wearing white clothes (dothi with no shirt on top). He was looking similar to Ramakrishna paramahamsa picture below.
In my mind, I asked his name, he started saying zhes.. zhes.. something like that, but I couldn’t catch/ pronounce his name properly but finally i was able to get his name, he called himself as “Zheesta”. I felt weird that he looks like an Indian saint but his name doesn’t resemble Indian.
Suddenly, there was one more being came into my presence, this time, it was a women with her hair being untidy and each hair is so stiff and pointing upward, immediately I felt fear, and my entire body started feeling that fear and my heart beat started pumping blood heavily. Zheesta was quite and was looking at me, my mind immediately started remembering one of the Arcturians wisdom about fear. “Fear exist as opportunity for you to grow and integrate. When you stand tall and recognize that you are more powerful than that which you fear, that is when you have the growth experience that you want.” As soon as I recognized my fear and able to feel it, she disappeared within me and I felt that jerk in my body.
After overcoming fear, I started to have a conversation with Zheesta and asked him that I’m open for any communication. He started giving his talk but suddenly I realized that I was still in meditation and cannot remember what he is going to say, so I just came out of meditation and looked for pen and paper to write it down. So the next paragraph is channeled message, I have not corrected any grammar or sentences below for authenticity, may be in future, I might be able to transmit properly but since this is my first one and until I master channeling, there may not be any link between 2 sentences or may not even make any sense.. but I wanted to keep that message as is. I wrote this transmitted message by going in trance relaxation state each time and coming back again to write down each sentence, here you go….
In this world, you live in a world of duality, this duality is there to serve you but you need to overcome duality and become oneness. How do you do that? There is an ancient teaching that has been followed in your world for a long period of time and that teaching has been recorded in some of your biblical ancient books, the first method that I’m going to tell you may seems quite peculiar to you but this needs to be understood by your society. Duality has been conditioned bad but there is truth in duality and the truth is that, it is serving you to an certain extend but beyond that you need to become oneness. Oneness is part of who you are, with oneness you can achieve whatever you want, there is a saying that you can move a mountain, of course, you can do that, with oneness.
That’s it, the transmission ended. The channeled message is making some sense to me, because, one I didn’t have any plan to write an article today Or had any idea of particular topic in my head but the message seems to contain some deep wisdom.
I’m not sure about you.
Love & Light