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Are we a Technical or Spiritual Creation? ~ Pat Hogan

Did an AI Program create us or a Spiritual Entity? So, I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube videos on Artificial Intelligence, and it got me thinking about who or what could have created the universe we live in. Highly educated people leading the AI revolution believe that we, at some point in the future, could create a fully functioning computer program that could think and act on its own. As a former computer programmer and analyst, myself I could certainly see where one could put in the necessary code, albeit a lot of lines, giving the program a start on its evolutionary journey.

What is under the bridge ~ Sue Lie

There are more and more shows on the Internet and Television about a possible reality in which the third dimensional humans are beginning to have dreams, memories, and or conversations about "seeing Star Ships" There are also those who have had "dreams" or maybe even real experiences,  of visiting another world." 


In many ways,  WE are our Galactic Family. By WE, is meant that many of the "humans" on Earth, have chosen to take on a third dimensional Earth body so that they could assist dear Gaia. Gaia is the name that has been given to the "third dimensional humans." We say,"third dimensional humans" in order to assist the awakened and awakening 3D humans to remember that there is much more than their third dimensional life on third dimensional Earth.  It is important to realize that more and more 3D humans are beginning to remember other realities in which they lived and/or visited in-between our 3D lives.

Nothing To Fear ~ Maria Chambers

Most fears are irrational.  How many times have we poked fun at someone, or a group for subscribing to fears that aren’t based in fact or in reality?  Whether they are a religion, a political group, or a friend or family member. Maybe they are superstitious. My family was Greek, and they held a wide variety of superstitious beliefs that they tried to neutralize with mantras and jewelry with ‘evil eye’ protection.

Coming Home ~ Maria Chambers

This 2020 Reflections post is part of the Litebeing’s Change Challenge with the theme: How have you changed internally? Can you share some new thoughts, ideas, projects, attitudes that have sprung up as a result of your evolution (of the past year of 2020)? I can safely say that this past year, this year of the Corona virus, and of political and social unrest, my dragon has dredged up some deep inner issues. One of which was a physical issue that has been both terrifying and humbling.  

The Time is Ripe for Change ~ Maria Chambers

I wanted to cover a topic that has been given a lot of air time because there can be misunderstandings.

Metamorphosis ~ Maria Chambers

We have all heard the caterpillar to butterfly analogy to describe the transformational process we are going through. And I would say it’s pretty accurate. We are being crushed and pulverized and spun into a magnificent butterfly at the other end. But we ask, how long? When do we get to fly? And unfortunately for the human caterpillar, there is no answer that could possibly satisfy. But there is one thing for sure. The caterpillar doesn’t remain in the cocoon forever. Eventually it is transformed and has wings to fly.

There is Only One Truth~ Maria Chambers

Are you still trying to make sense of the the world out there? Is it still triggering you?  Or maybe it’s your friends or your family.  Are you still getting involved in the drama? Or are you taking a back seat to it all more now? Are you beginning to realize that there are billions of people on the planet and that means there are billions of truths. Each human is sovereign, and is the creator of their own experience.  They have created their reality and their own truths.

The Golden Circle Through Suzanne Lie ~ Sue Lie

The changes that beings have waited for so, so, long, and have predicted, but the time passed, and what else that has been predicted, and the time passed again, and has been predicted and once again, and that time passed. Now that reality, of course, passed because we were are third dimensional time, and no one can perceive an inter-dimensional experience while they are locked in their third dimensional consciousness.

Moving in and out of Time ~ Maria Chambers

I don’t know about anyone else here but August was a very intense month for me. I have felt especially sensitive and insular. I had a couple of mini-meltdowns. Things just felt kind of endless and hopeless. My human self felt like it didn’t need too much more to push it over the edge into a precipice.  And then there were moments when I felt the extraordinary bliss of my soul.

RE-BIRTH into SELF ~ Sue Lie

We, the space-bound members of your Galactic Family, wish to speak with the many human members of our Galactic Family who are now located on the surface of your beloved planet Gaia.  We, the members of the higher dimensions of reality, are often known as,“Your Galactic Family” because we are, indeed, the higher dimensional expressions of the awakened and awakening “humans.”  We chose to make the great sacrifice of leaving our fifth dimensional and beyond, home worlds and Starships to assist dear Planet Gaia.  We have chosen to assist Gaia as she, the Collective Consciousness of what is known as planet Earth, is NOW ready to prefer for and begin their "Reason for Incarnation" which was to assist dear Gaia to return to the higher dimensional frequencies of there innate "Planetary SELF/"

This Planet Is An Incredible Playground ~ Maria Chambers

I like watching those documentaries where there is a crime, usually murder, and then the police and detectives try to solve it.  I find real-life events are far more intriguing than any  fabricated drama. Family, friends, and associates of the victim are interviewed for the documentary, and there are many tears shed on their part, and sometimes my own, too.

