It has been some time since a noteworthy phenomenon has occurred to highlight in an article all its own. Far too much time for my liking but I am appreciative of the experience I have been given this morning. Truth be told, when first opening my eyes to fully come out of this experience I did not expect to find myself back in my room. I expected “home” was no longer “Kansas”. When the room I found myself in was indeed my own, I was interestingly surprised. Though it may look the same, I more than half suspect it is not. I will be remaining alert for any anomalies.
As many of you know, since the awakening in 2009 the fully conscious shift into and out of Earth space has been of key interest to me. Principally the shift itself. As a result of an intent focus into it I have experienced an intriguing array of shifts, which, truly, will never cease to amaze, astound and delight me. Just when one might think there is no further way possible to experience a shift, a new shift phenomenon arises. Such is the case this morning.
I will note once more, for the record, as it has been some time now since mentioning it, that everything that occurs within the event of an OBE, and indeed life, occurs within the shift itself. Often when OBErs are going out, they will be accelerated, or experience some theme on the vibrations regardless of how slight, and then experience themselves elsewhere –somewhere, some distance out, again regardless of how slight, beyond where the physical body is…even if this is perceptually just to the outside of it, in the very room where it lays.
In truth, however, the shift ( and experience contained within it ) is still in play. Even when the person, generally due to his or her limits, has put the brakes down on it—it is not too late to look inside at what more is indeed still happening. I realize this myself only due to the attention and experimentation I have given to this. The reason I mention it at all is due to the tendency at times for an explorer to catch a shift, only to feel they have missed the proverbial ‘wave’ when it comes to a stop and they sense they are nowhere other than when it began. Perceptually it can feel this way, but in my experience it never is. This is my opportunity to point this out, and encourage all explorers in this situation to continue to hang ten! be still and look inward.
You will find yourself, without doubt inside the wave.
Directly inside the event in play.
As far as what this ridiculously long stream of accelerations has translated to in physical space, I will have to continue to observe. You know I will report back when I know more.
Note: often in these experiences we are given REAL data.
( keep your eyes open for it )

April 21, 2024
Extraordinary! shift, a stream of accelerations; another world, another reality
This is hands down the most extraordinary shift I have experienced to-date.
This has never happened before. Generally in a conscious shift into an OBE there is but a single acceleration. In rare instances there may be a brief second. But this morning there is a series of more than a dozen, so MANY accelerations that I lose track of the exact number. When they begin, it is the deep of night and I am walking up a street when I decide to invoke flight. In the will toward this I begin to feel the onset of the first acceleration. As I feel this I completely surrender my will in order to ready myself to successfully ride it. All light fades from sight until visually everything is entirely pitch and I am pulled in a backwards sensation at a rapid speed.
I ride the acceleration entirely limp, as a leaf in the wind. When the acceleration stops, there is but a moments breath before another of an identical speed ( and possibly length ). I am pulled in every direction possible— backwards and falling/downwards to begin, and predominantly, but this goes on until direction itself is no longer clear, falling begins to feel like flying vertically upwards. I begin to realize how well I am doing through all of this, how well I have surrendered all will. I begin to wonder if I am being tested. Just as quickly, I begin to wonder where it is I am. I mean, this is extraordinary. What and who could be behind this? What is its purpose?
My state of wondering is beginning to cause a pull in my gut, my will is activating, to know more, see more, understand more, it is putting the brakes on the acceleration. I surrender myself all over again. The accelerations return. I am, however, beginning to reach a limit. The last of them propels me, for the first and only time directly forward at lightning speed >>
Through the accumulated reverberations and semi-drunk-like feeling as the last of the accelerations, in extreme slow motion comes to a halt, I see portions of what occurred within them. Notably an area where I am in a dormitory of sorts. I feel male. I am trying to sleep and the others here are trying to wake me. Another male, he is telling me to get up already. He is my senior but he is being friendly. I don’t feel well, my stomach is off, my head is off, I feel as though I have a mild hangover. There is another male in the room also, and at least one female. The room is very silver with ample light. I am telling the one who is so insistent upon me waking to leave me alone. In periods where, as this person, I am consciously receding from awareness I can still hear the others in the room talking. Their talking often has to do with me. I hear them mention something about me having chunks of food in my teeth. They are collectively working at rousing me. [ fast forward ]. I have gotten myself up and am walking to one of the bathrooms.
I somehow know that I have a choice from which to choose and that I have chosen the one inside the bedroom I am now entering. A female steps out of the bathroom, she is thin with long-ish wavy brown hair, ordinary looking and wearing short pajamas. I step back so she may exit, then enter, and turn to lock the door. It is an interesting lock, and sensation while locking the door, it turns a full, or near full 360 degrees. This is having an effect on my conscious state of mind. [ fast forward ]. I am standing in front of a large square mirror. I am seeing that there are large mango chunks stuck in my teeth. I feel mildly embarrassed about this and am removing the chunks with my fingers ( the teeth afterward are glistening ). As I do this it is as though my size has shrunk and my oral cavity has come into a macro view. In the lower right quadrant behind the teeth I see an entire steak sized piece of pork. “That certainly would not be in my mouth” I think to myself as I reach in and remove this. I am beginning to be aware of the dual awareness, my own and this young male as I continue seeing more of what I now realize is simply undigested food. [ fast forward ]
There is another male stepping from the recesses of the bathroom into view. There is music. He is saying, almost singing something, the exact words however have been left to my subconscious. He steps from the room, through a large screen door and fades into the distance. I will describe him: he is slight, on the short side, visually in his 20s, what we call olive skinned, one length wavy brown hair with natural golden highlights worn to the shoulder. [ fast forward ]. I am in a bright place, like an indoor mall, walking down a few steps with someone who is telling me I have grown to be overweight. The someone is on my right behind my line of sight. I am explaining my predominant alignment with my masculine side and tendency to carry myself heavier than otherwise. I am stating the other reasons as well and saying “if he will not love me then he will not.” ( I am who I am. What is, is what is ). I step through doors leading to the outside and begin walking up the street. It is the deep of night. I feel the urge to invoke flight—the accelerations begin.
Prior to all of this—
An equally interesting experience had been in play. I am laying in the bed bringing it all back to me when things take off. I had embedded these key words: life. world. airport. ( ticket first luggage later ). flight. love. kiss. I had been on another world. As myself I had been taken there and then brought back. In the transition back, on the flight, is a male who has great love for me. Our energy together feels like that of the dolphins. This is what it is like as our energies intermingle, my perception of which is as a kiss -but it is not in an ordinary sense. The energy experience on the interior of what is appearing visually is an immense, near unwordable feeling of fulfillment. This is all that remains. Although I would love to have kept the details of what happened on the other world intact, this is enough. One day the details will return to me.
Final note: the data on the mango in the teeth matches data in real space. I had been drinking a mango smoothie during the day. I still had some left after I had brushed my teeth for the night and when I got up hours later and found myself overly hot I took a few quick swigs to cool me off. I actually did this at two separate intervals. This having been said, I am going to have percolate on what the full steak sized piece of PORK was. That is not something that has entered this body in over 20-30 years. It may be a reference to my ample size. Re: the idea of undigested foods, I will begin again with the enzymes- sustainably produced and plant based.