Channeled Being:       Written by: Taryn Crimi

Today we would like to focus your attention on the aging process. There are many ingrained beliefs related to the aging process and we would like to help shed some light on the subject at hand. There are many on your world who believe that to age is inevitable; that it is a guaranteed certainty. However we would like to inform you that this is actually not the case.

You see the human body was meant to regenerate constantly and therefore never actually ever experience the process of deterioration. However this belief and understanding has been long since lost with the destruction of both the Lemurian and Atlantian civilizations. The human body still repairs and regenerates itself from illnesses however your beliefs will always determine what your experience will be. There are many who are searching for the antidote for the aging process, all the while never really realizing that it cannot be found in a bottle or a pill, it can only be found within. This is what we would like to help you to better understand.

Did you know that you actually generate a brand new physical body every 10 years? The cells which made up your bones, muscles, organs, and tissues 10 years ago have all been replaced. So why then does the human body still age? Because your beliefs say that you will.

Let’s take a simple example of a scar that you may have had for as long as you can remember. The cells continue to regenerate and eventually they are all replaced, so why then do people still have scars? It’s because you continue to create one! Your beliefs say that you have a scar from this particular incident when you were a child. The new cells will be created to form the scar. Know that it is well within your power to create cells that do not have this make up, the decision is always entirely up to you.

The civilizations of both Atlantis and Lemuria were well aware that the body was meant to last for a very long time. Life spans were around 500 years of age before a body began to deteriorate. Their bodies were built just like your own, however they did not have the belief that their body was to age. We would say that as of right now the average life span of a healthy human is approximately 75 years of age. This is considerably longer than even just a few hundred years ago on your world, however it is a far stretch from several hundred years of age. Your collective beliefs about how long a human “should” live are also changing, you now are finding it acceptable to live double the lifespan that a human lived just several hundred years ago; and your life spans are lengthening with each new generation. Many will claim that it is the technology and healthcare that now allows a human to live a longer life, however we will tell you that it is your changed perception and beliefs that has allowed for such technology and healthcare to be created.

There will come a time on your world when you no longer age. For now we would say that more and more of you will live to be much older than any others in your “recorded” history. Living to be 150 will simply be the norm in a not so distant future. For now, technology and science will continue to work together to slow the aging process down, however know that it is the collective belief system that propels these scientific advancements, not the other way around. Know that there will surely come a time when you yourselves will be able to prevent the aging process simply with your own beliefs.

You may wonder why a human would have to die at all if the body continues to regenerate. This is a wonderful question and we would say it is to allow you to “reset”, to allow you to exit this reality and reincarnate into another experience with a different “set up”; which allows for new challenges, new experiences, and new relationships.

Know that in the higher dimensions not only do we not age but we do not experience the death process as you do here in the 3rd and 4th dimensions. Rather instead of the “death” of the physical body, we simply remove our focus or our “energy” from that reality when we are through with all that we want to experience. We simply shift our focus to one of the many other realities that we are a part of. We do not see the “death” process as being a sad occasion in the higher dimension; rather it is customary to have a celebration. This may sound odd to those of you here in the lower dimensions because you experience such great sadness from the perceived loss, however when you are in the higher dimensions you know that you are never disconnected from any being. You are free to connect with them anytime you like. We would say that it is similar to how you view a college graduation. The student has learned all that they had set out to in that field of study and is now ready to take on another experience. You celebrate the achievements of the student, you do not morn for the loss because you know that the student has accomplished a great task and they are ready for the next “chapter” in their lives. Just because they will no longer attend college does not mean they cease to exist. This in a way is very similar to how we view the “death” process.

So how exactly can you change your beliefs about the aging process? Well quite simply put, expect not to age. There is no reason why you should. We smile because humans have a tendency to make many things much more complicated that are really quite simple from our perspective; however we realize what a tremendous leap in consciousness it would require to simply stop the aging process on your world “overnight”. However we would suggest that you begin to look at your beliefs about the aging process. Look around you and you will see many humans of the same “age” and yet there are some who look much younger and others who look much older. Why is that? It is their beliefs which determine how they will experience the aging process. Some age quite gracefully, never experiencing diminished cognitive abilities; while others experience signs of aging long before you would consider them old. Science will eventually learn that the aging process has nothing to do with your genetic lineage, or inevitable deterioration of the cells, but rather the minds expectations.

What are your beliefs about aging? Do you wish to change any of them? How old will you be when you expect to experience the symptoms of aging? Do you expect to have wrinkles when you get old? Do you expect to have gray hair, and walk with a cane? Or do you expect to continue to feel vivacious, filled with energy from your “youth”. Know that your beliefs can never be kept secret; they will always show on your face for all to see. Just how long do you expect to be young?

We hope that this message has in some way served you.

In love and light we are your Angelic Guides.

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Dr. Taryn Crimi
Hello and Welcome. I’m Dr. Taryn Crimi, and as an international intuitive, educator, and a pastoral counseling psychologist who thrives on dreaming big and helping others manifest the life of their dreams as they tap into their limitless potential I am thrilled to have you here with us! Like most of us, I wear many hats and play many roles throughout my day. I’m a mother of 3 vibrant little boys (all under the age of 6), a wife, a teacher, and an entrepreneur. I’m so honored to have the opportunity to meet so many wonderfully like-minded people that span over 110 countries around the world. I’m really looking forward to hearing from you, as we walk this exciting journey together. Much love, Dr. Taryn Crimi