“I am here. I am Ophelia. There is so much for all of you, right here, right now, right where you stand, and right where you are. You are much more multi-dimensional than you realize. You are able to detect different frequencies without realizing that you are doing it.

When you set out to do something, like detect another being from another dimension, or channel, or raise your frequency to a fifth dimensional range, oftentimes it is your trying that gets in the way. When you seek to live your lives, to follow your bliss, to go on adventures, and to express who you are, that is when you are more likely to have a multi-dimensional experience. Because at those times you are not attached to having one, you are not pinning all of your hopes on your abilities.

So pay attention to when it is happening and celebrate those moments. Give yourselves the experience of witnessing when you are accessing other dimensional frequencies. But know that you are right where you are, doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing, and being exactly who it serves you to be. Let the frequencies come to you with your intention and with your open heart.

Seek not what you believe to be outside of yourselves in hopes that it will somehow cleanse you or deliver you from the drudgery of your lives. Be wholly accepting of what is in front of you. Be willing to recognize that there is nothing for you to achieve, other than that full acceptance. And then you will have your wonderful, multi-dimensional experiences, not because you have earned them, but because they are simply waiting for you to get out of the way, to allow yourselves to experience them.

I am here with you, fluttering around, being playful and silly. And when you are doing the same, we are together. Our experiences merge, and we can co-create new ones. I wish you all to relax more, to enjoy more, to look more for the beauty that is the fourth dimension and that is the current version of yourselves.

I am Ophelia, and I love you.”

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Daniel Scranton
Hi, I’m Daniel Scranton. I am a verbal channel, and I bring through beings like: Yeshua, Archangel Michael, The Hathors, The Arcturian Council, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven, Quan Yin, The Buddha, and The Creators. I also teach channeling, sound healing, meditation, and a whole host of other courses. I work with individuals one-on-one, and I do group events. I meet with my clients via phone, skype, or other internet portals. I channel a message from the beings I work with every day, and I post it on my website and send it out to my email list. I look forward to hearing from you! Love, -Daniel