Greetings, beloved beings of light, I am Archangel Metatron. What a joy it is to be in your presence today. I wish to bring forth an energy that is very much like an energy cylinder of light.

This cylinder of light is a cylinder of truth. It is immensely powerful. It supports deep and absolute clearing and healing and allows for the truth to emerge.

The Creator is sharing this cylinder of light for trauma healing, and you are able to download this cylinder of light into your being. The cylinder of light is especially designed to enter through your Crown Chakra. It exists throughout your entire chakra column. It also encapsulates your spine and your skull.

Often much trauma is held within the spine area. This cylinder of light, which allows truth to emerge, supports a deep and absolute clearing of trauma that has been collected and contained within the spine area.

This trauma may be from this lifetime. It may be from other lifetimes. Your spine symbolises your journey as a spiritual being and so it holds energy from your entire journey, not only your pathway upon the earth.

This light cylinder for trauma clearing is immensely powerful, but it’s also very delicate and gentle. It will not clear away all energies completely but will start to unravel the energies, awakening and releasing an area that is appropriate – a trauma that is appropriate – that will then allow you to be conscious of that trauma, to accept it and become aware of it. In doing so, you will allow for the clearing and the release.

The cylinder of light for trauma clearing will then clear everything attached to that trauma…that specific trauma…everything that has been created from that specific trauma. Then, when you are ready, you may feel it is appropriate to call upon the cylinder of light for trauma clearing once more.

You might find that it delicately and gently allows you to become aware of another trauma. This trauma you will be able to acknowledge and accept, and thus a clearing will take place. Everything connected to that trauma, everything that’s been created or stored connected to that trauma, will also be released.

The process continues at a speed that is appropriate for you, so that it is not overwhelming but simply serves you as a process and a pathway of growth.

The most appropriate traumas will come to your awareness that will create powerful impacts within your being and your reality.

You may find that when you download the cylinder of light for trauma clearing, that you don’t specifically become aware of any trauma. However, later in the day or another day, you might become aware of a pattern in your reality – something that has been occurring numerous times throughout your life – or you may have a sensation that is very different to something you’ve experienced in this lifetime, therefore, it may be from another lifetime. You may be able to recognise its imprint into your reality.

As you become aware of the trauma, the wounds or the stuck energy that is ready to be released, it will come into your awareness.It is not for you to react, to judge it or to think badly of yourself, but simply to realise that you’ve been holding on to this, that it’s been impacting your being, and that now you can be free from it.

After the cylinder of light for trauma clearing has completed its clearing process, it sends the most beautiful golden, shimmering, glittering, sparkling light into your chakra column and into your spine. Each shimmering part, each part of glitter of the light is like a universe of light. So much light is present and all those glittering golden energies that will be anchored into your spine and your chakra column, each piece of glitter is like a world of light that you can access, that you can bring into your body, bring into embodiment.

Essentially, this cylinder of light is offering to you, the light of the universe, more light than you could possibly need. You have the opportunity to bathe yourself in light, in the most warm/tender/glowing golden light that supports/nurtures you and allows you to feel safe, secure, grounded, centred and aligned.

I, Archangel Metatron, invite you to really enjoy that golden, glittering light when it comes into your being because it is immensely sacred and special. It holds the vibration of love…an unconditional love…a love without limits or boundaries. It will be immensely healing and nurturing for your entire being.

When we acknowledge traumas and wounds held or collected within the chakra column and the spine, we are often recognising patterns – things that have been experienced multiple times – and while they may cause immense pain and suffering, there is also a relief in recognising the pattern and realising that the pattern will no longer continue. Not only does it stop for you, but because you are stopping it and releasing it, it is stopping for others as well, whether it’s generations to come or those around you with whom you are connected.

In recognising the patterns, you are moving through a process of release, setting yourself free from carrying these burdens and realising the lessons/understanding/spiritual growth held within these traumas.

Now is the time to use the light to set yourself free; to release the traumas, the wounds, the separation, the rejection and to recognise the light within your being. In doing so, you will discover a pathway forward that is filled with light, guidance and truth, that allows you to navigate through your reality with greater ease and to experience fulfilment, joy and bliss. These are your divine right.

Call upon myself, Archangel Metatron. Ask me to download the cylinder of light for trauma clearing and let us begin this process. You can download the cylinder of light as many times as you wish.

It is always important to bathe in the golden, glittering light and to experience the elevation that this light offers to you.

I am present to serve you and support you.

I am Archangel Metatron. I thank you.

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Natalie Glasson
Natalie Glasson is a Channel, Author, Workshop Facilitator, Spiritual Mentor and Founder of the Sacred School of OmNa. Natalie has been a channel for over 10 years dedicating her life to assisting others in awakening to the light of the Creator. Natalie has always been able to connect with and express the consciousness of numerous Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Elementals, Goddess Beings and Star Beings. She constantly shares new wisdom and enlightenment to aid emergence of the divine energy within the physical body, thus supporting the manifestation the Era of Love. Natalie is known for her pure and powerful channeling ability which attracts many wishing to evolve spiritually to study with her. The Creator’s love and the manifestation of inner bliss are always at the center of her communications, due to these qualities being valued by her soul. Natalie’s soul extends from her Soul Group the Celestial White Beings who exist from the 14th dimension and beyond, she is currently acting as a representative of their energy and consciousness on the Earth. Natalie’s first book was published in the UK in November 2010 entitled, Twelve Rays of Light, a Guide to the Spiritual Hierarchy. The book was later published and is available in the Lithuanian language. The Twelve Rays of Light is a unique guidebook to the spiritual hierarchy and energy levels beyond the Earth. The book helps you to discover the guides, teachers, leaders and Ascended Masters of the spiritual planes upon whom you may call daily to advance your development, expand your awareness and awaken your true self. Through the study of and integration with the rays and spiritual hierarchy, you will discover the keys to your own ascension process on the Earth. Natalie facilitates channeled workshops in London, Glastonbury, Ireland, Wales and Lithuania. She has also visited Egypt and Israel as a channel for spiritual groups. Through her website, the Sacred School of OmNa, In her spare time Natalie enjoys focusing on her own spiritual awakening, playing her crystal singing bowls, painting and practicing kundalini yoga. Born and brought up in Wales, Natalie now lives in Gloucester, UK.