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Trauma Clearing by Archangel Metatron – Natalie Glasson

I, Archangel Metatron, invite you to really enjoy that golden, glittering light when it comes into your being because it is immensely sacred and special. It holds the vibration of love…an unconditional love…a love without limits or boundaries. It will be immensely healing and nurturing for your entire being.

Alignment for Creation by Archangel Metatron – Natalie Glasson

Greetings beloved beings of light, I am Archangel Metatron. It is a joy to be in your presence today and to bring forth wisdom, light and love from the Creator to remind you of the presence of the Creator within your being. Each step that you take upon the earth is a remembrance. Not so much a remembrance of the past but a remembrance of the Creator…present within your being…as well as your relationship with the Creator – a unique relationship that creates bountiful blessings for you, for everyone, and for the entire Universe of the Creator.

Love of Generations by Archangel Metatron – Natalie Glasson

I invite you to inhale deeply and as you exhale, imagine that ribbons of light extend from your being out into the world around you, into the universe. The more you exhale allowing these ribbons of light to extend from all parts of your being, the more you ground yourself into your being, your essence and your truth as well as into the Earth. You can imagine these ribbons of light; they each have a purpose. They are each reaching out and touching an aspect of the Universe of the Creator, and the world around you, gifting love. 

Illumination – Archangel Metatron ~ Natalie Glasson

Greetings, I extend my energy and vibration to embrace you now, I am Archangel Metatron. It is a joy to be in your presence and to bring forth the Angelic vibrations to support you in all manners of your reality and existence upon the Earth. I wish to share with you today that you are a being of Illumination. You are the bright light that you seek upon the Earth. You are the bright light you seek within the Universe of the Creator. You are the bright light that you seek within the Creator. I invite your entire being to absorb this because this will create a new perspective and a new direction for your ascension process.

How to Heal Anxiety by Archangel Metatron ~ by Natalie Glasson

We can recognize that the energy of anxiety within the consciousness of humanity is akin to a magnet, acting as a pull for humanity to anxiety. Often anxiety can feel addictive, it is because the mind becomes accustomed to the drama and presence of anxiety. It is also due to this pull of the energy of anxiety in the consciousness of humanity which is akin to a well of energy all draw upon. When you dwell on anxiety, severe or not, it becomes like a sticky glue hindering the expression and creativity of the truth and essence of your being. Anxiety is akin to a force pulling you away from the amazing divine being you are. As the energy of anxiety becomes empowered so people feel confused, create fear and limit the expression of the Creator flowing through them. It is important to realize that anxiety and fear are a natural part of being a human on the Earth, although these energies were designed to protect and safeguard you rather than rule and control your life.

The Pull of Anxiety by Archangel Metatron ~ by Natalie Glasson

What is Anxiety? It is with the expression of your essence and inner truth in mind, I wish to approach the subject of anxiety to bring the light of the Angelic Kingdom into the space of anxiety. Anxiety can be described as feelings, thoughts and actions of worry, nervousness, concern, apprehension, fear and torment. Anxiety is usually experienced in your present or can be a concern for your future. It can be because of a certain outcome that is looming or due to an uncertain outcome.

