Home Channeled Being Council Insights from I Know Who I Am ~ Sara Landon

Insights from I Know Who I Am ~ Sara Landon


As a master, you are living in such a level of consciousness, summoning energy into physical form that you empower, you uplift, you inspire just by being you. You might not say anything at all, and yet you inspire, yet you illuminate, yet you become magnetic.

Show the world who you are, master. You might say nothing at all, but your presence is powerful, your wisdom is powerful, your consciousness is powerful, your capacity to love, oh, is so powerful, and your ability to create and your ability to create reality and to understand [that] consciousness summons energy in the form, into the form of light, light that moves into your experience and light is what creates your reality. You play in your imagination knowing that it is the light, knowing that you are the light that guides you.

When we say follow the energy and let the light guide the way, you know it’s your light. You know it’s the light that you have summoned through your consciousness and the summoning of energy, and now all of a sudden, there is a presence of light that is known and understood and recognized, and that light is guiding you and that light is you, and that light is illuminating the potential and that light is you, and that light is creating your reality and that light is you, and that light is illuminating in your imagination the experiences that you want to move into form, and it is your light.

And you do not have to create the polarity of darkness to understand that you are the light and that your light is ever-present and eternal and omnipresent. The darkness is only when you forget that you are the light. That’s all that was ever meant. There’s no great battle going on between the dark forces and the light. You are not here a worker. You are the light.

You don’t have to create the polarity. Maybe it served at one point to bring a level of consciousness or awareness beyond polarity into pure love, but there is light and only light, and the only time it’s dark is when you forget you are the light and it’s all your light. Well, that’s just silly.

You’re not dark. There’s nothing dark outside of you. The dark night of the soul is simply you denying who you really are, you holding yourself apart from who you really are, you holding yourself apart from the light that is you, you denying the love that you are. You denying your infinite worth and your worthiness is why you experience the dark night of the soul, and the dark night of the soul will end the moment that you remember you are the light and that everything’s happening for you and that it’s all here for you.

And when you go through something in your body or you go through transformation in your life or you go through the change of a business or a relationship or a career or a financial situation, you know it’s all happening for you. You know that it’s not falling apart, it’s falling into place. It’s moving you into something more, something greater so that you can live your highest potential, so that you can be all that you are.

Awaken all of you. Bring all of you into the realization of all that you are. I know who I am. I know who I am. I know who I am. 

And you don’t have to walk around and say, I’m a master. I’m a master. Hey, did you know I’m a master? You won’t have to say it because you are clearly broadcasting it through your vibration, through your consciousness, through your presence, through the light in your eyes and the love in your heart. It will be known without you saying anything at all.

So do what brings you joy. Do what’s fun for you. Create, create, create, have fun, play, create, have fun. Do the things that bring you joy. Do the things that you love. Create the things that are fun for you. Tune into those experiences that you want to have because they’re fun for you. Because they’re fun for you. Not because you’re here to save a broken world, not because you’re here to awaken everyone, not because you’re here to drag them out of the dark and into the light. Because I know who I am. I know who I am. I am the light. I am the master. I am the powerful creator. I am Creator within my own creation. You know.

You create the game, and now it’s time to play the game of the master, the game that the master plays. It’s time to play the game that is fun, the game of creating experiences that are fun, creating things that are fun, being fully engaged in the creative process all the time, creating more love in your relationships, creating more harmony in your relationships all the time, creating more abundance all the time, creating more wellbeing all the time, creating more freedom all the time, creating all the time. Because you’re fully allowing the source energy of all that you are. Because you’re fully illuminated in the light. Because you are fully in the power of the presence of I know who I am.

~ Sara Landon
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Sara has been called a leader of leaders for the next generation of transformation. A former corporate professional and entrepreneur turned inspirational speaker, spiritual teacher, and channel of The Council. Sara is recognized as a globally celebrated leader in the field of human potential and spiritual living. The Council is a higher level consciousness of non-physical beings who provide a grander perspective of the human experience and the wisdom to live one’s fullest potential. Sara’s passion is guiding leaders, wayshowers and change-makers to discover their unique life’s purpose and the power within them to create a positive impact in the world around them. Sara’s ability to channel The Council, offers clients, students and participants in her courses and Masters Class program, the ability to create their best life possible regardless of current limitations and life circumstances.