Dear friends,

If your eyes are on these words, you are here for reasons greater than you know.  You have come long and far to be here right now.  Take some time to remember.  To remember yourself as a little girl or boy, all the experiences you went through…growing into a young adult, your experiences in school…did you feel different, sensitive?  Did you hold back who you were?

What book or person captured your interest at a time when you were looking for answers?  How did that book or person change your life?  How did you impact the lives you touched?  Did you feel lonely?  Did you feel you had a higher purpose but wasn’t sure what it was?  Are you now amazed at how you were able to connect at just the right time and place to find the information you were seeking on a deep level?

Be with that personality now, that person who travelled in those shoes this lfetime.  Share your love with her or him.  That human travelling down the road of this lifetime is part of your earthly experience.  Yes, she is.  He is.  No, they are not your true essence, your spirit self.  But please honor them.  They were here to be in service to the planet at this time.  They took on the pain and suffering and the joy of others…as a gift to humanity and the planet.  Your contributions have not gone un-noticed.  Your courage to take on so much and to come through with flying colors is noted and you are deeply loved for it.

When you lay your head on your pillow tonite just thank yourself…all of yourself…for the amazing work you have done….don’t focus on what you think are flaws or mistakes….this is no easy journey my dear…it takes great courage to disconnect yourself temporarily from home, from your spirit and your spiritual family and pretend to be human.

Welcome your human self into your heart and arms…be gentle with him or her and open yourself to the incoming light and love that is flooding the planet…Your mission is complete and you can relax into the love of all that is.

© Copyright 2020 Maria Chambers, all rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others but maintain the article’s integrity by copying it unaltered and by including the author and source website link: Maria Chambers,

Image Credit : Maria Chambers

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Maria Chambers
I am a new consciousness teacher, helping to bring in the new energies through my art, music, spoken and written word. And by just hanging out at my local cafe, writing in my journal, and appreciating the simple things in life. I have my good days. I have my bad days. I prefer the good days. Of course, as enlightened beings, we’re supposed to say, “It’s all gooood!!!” Well, I finally gave myself permission, through this amazing and often crushing process of enlightenment…to not always like it…to curse at it…to tell it to go to hell!!! Being human isn’t as easy as it looks…being human and divine, well that’s even more tricky…as all of us know. My blog explores the process we are going through, and hopefully helps to answer some questions, helps to soothe any concerns, with wisdom and some humor.