Greetings, Luminous One!
To achieve inner harmony in today’s chaotic world might be the most important thing we can do for our soul’s hygiene because, as we know, it affects not only us but also those around us.

So, it stands to reason that the more harmonious we are on the inner planes, the better for everyone.

Often, it’s obvious when we’re out of sorts but, sometimes, we’re not even aware that we’re a-kilter internally.

Have you ever yearned for a way to quickly shift yourself from disharmony into harmony? Or even tell if you actually are in disharmony?

Of course, I recommend the soothing waters of the Infinity Wave to quickly and easily restore balance and equanimity, but there are countless other traditions that also have excellent ways to achieve this.

For instance, remember affirmations?

Maybe you’re already doing them on a regular basis but I have to admit that I fell out of the practice since the Infinity Wave came in.

However, two things happened this week to get me back into the habit.

The first was an email from Dana, one of the wonderful people who engage with this group, who thankfully introduced me to two dowsers, Joachim Wippich and Jerry Gin. They have a unique approach for restoring harmony. (I encourage you to look up some of their YouTube videos –  too many to list here.)

As Joachim describes in one video, his assumption is that we’re starting from a basis of disharmony, and so the goal is to come into harmony with that. Kind of counter-intuitive, but I like it!

He suggests the following phrase:

“I come into harmony with my own disharmony, 100%”

Of course, as a dowser, he measures his field both before and after each a statement.

I’ve been working with this all week and have to give it a thumbs. Whether you do the dowsing or not, it still has great beneficial power to restore equanimity.

Joachim has more affirmations to work with – check his work out.

The second thing that happened was I was on Neo Positivity’s Summit yesterday – a live 4- hour Facebook event!

The other speakers were incredibly eloquent about how they keep their minds, bodies and hearts focused on the best outcomes. You may not want to watch the full broadcast, but I can guarantee that no matter where you drop into it, it will provide some wonderful suggestions for creating the full, beautiful life you desire.

For the replay, Click HERE

I hope you find these tips useful this week as you support your inner harmony!

Please join me tomorrow night for Monday Meditation at 7:30pm EDT.

Love and infinite blessings, 

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Hope Fitzgerald
Hope is a Teacher, Coach, Healer, Infinity Waver, End-of-Life Midwife. ​ Since her spiritual awakening at the Findhorn Foundation in 1976, Hope has been a dedicated seeker of truth, healing, and wisdom. For decades, she's been opening her channel to higher guidance through Intuitive Dowsing, and her Spiritual Teaching and Coaching with this tool has helped people transform their lives. In 2010, Hope received a series of visions: first, a massive wave on its way to Earth, representing an incoming evolutionary push for the planet, which ultimately morphed into a standing figure "8" made of flowing water. Through dowsing, it was revealed that this moving geometry was a 10th-dimensional energetic tool called the Infinity Wave, sent to us by a benevolent Universe to more quickly and easily transform pain and suffering into joy and freedom during tumultuous times (which are upon us now). Hope then launched the Wave Energy Center for Conscious Evolution, dedicated to applying the Infinity Wave for positive, expansive development of the individual, the community, and the Earth. Hope has led many workshops and appeared on dozens of international internet and radio shows, continuing to fulfill her mission to encourage individual and planetary awakening around the globe. ​ ​Hope also offers her services as an energy healer, a certified Neurofeedback Practitioner, and a Death Doula, incorporating sound, Reiki, and essential oils into her work. In addition, she guides intimate groups to potent areas around the world, including Peru, Easter Island, South Africa, France, England, Ireland, Wales, and various U.S. locations. During these spiritual adventures, she teaches ways to communicate with the landscapes, believing that when the powerhouse of the human heart interacts with a highly-charged site, an alchemy occurs that is guaranteed to cause a shift in consciousness. She serves as a faculty member of GodSelf University.