I know a couple of people, dear friends, in fact, who can remember very specific details of things from their past. Whether it’s a day, a moment, and all of the environmental elements involved.
And, I am really in awe, and always impressed as they describe them to me.
And when I compare my own memory of events and people in my life, I fall really short, and could be considered memory-impaired.
But I know better now. I know that it’s because in this transformation from human to Divine Human, memory will not be important. In fact, it can get in the way of a truly sensual experience of life.
Our soul isn’t into details. That’s a factor of the mind, and there is a place for it in many things in life on this planet. Details are important in many areas of life, in technology, medicine, science, in some aspects of creativity.
But those details ride on the wings of inspiration from the soul.
Where we are going in our embodying of spirit, we find that our soul is much more interested in the essence of the experiences, not the details, like the date, time, place, or what we were wearing.
It’s not really interested in the date of birthdays, our’s or anyone else’s. The same for anniversaries, holidays, or any subject that requires a knowledge of historical facts and figures.
It isn’t interested in who we were in our other lives, or our names and our professions in those lives.
The soul is really interested in the wisdom of our experiences, of this and all of our other lifetimes. It wants to extract the essence of all of our experiences. The sensuality of life.
Your soul couldn’t care less about what kind of car you drive. Or how old you are, your gender, your nationality, race, political affiliation, or how much you have in your bank account.
It isn’t judging you based on what you did or didn’t do this or any other lifetime. You don’t get points for being a better person. That concept doesn’t exist as far as your soul is concerned.
And be assured soul has taken all of the life experiences and has distilled the essence and the wisdom from each and every one of them.
It doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy or cherish whatever memories we do have. But we find that more often than not, our memories have been colored by our human perception of those events.
And as we integrate our soul, the human perspective slowly melds into our soul’s perspective of those experiences. Which are vastly different than our human ones.
It’s why it feels at times that we are losing our memory, and even our mind. We are releasing old ancestral energies, from our mind and our physical body.
It’s why this process seems to be going so slow. It’s no small thing to move from predominantly a human to predominantly a soul perspective of life. If it happens too quickly there is a good chance we will end up on the other side sooner than we would have wanted to. Although for many, that is actually what they wanted anyway. Not everyone is willing to go through the later stages of this transformation, which can be the most difficult.
The stage where things are coming up intensely, to be cleared, so we don’t bring them into our embodiment of soul. Because whatever isn’t in balance will be magnified a million fold. The energies are very potent.
So all the delicious details of physical life, whether it’s nature, food, music, art, technology, our physical body….will be enjoyed just for the sake of the sensuality of the experience. It’s not that detail goes away. The mind loves details, and it will still have the joy of experiencing those details, but they will not be the main event anymore.
And an interesting thing happens, as we feel into life from that sensual, more expansive perspective. Life begins to serve that perspective of joy, delivering to us more and more sensual and joyful experiences.
And, all the details fall into place.
© Copyright 2020 Maria Chambers, all rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others but maintain the article’s integrity by copying it unaltered and by including the author and source website link: Maria Chambers, http://www.soulsoothinsounds.wordpress.com
Image Credit : Maria Chambers