Tag: soul


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Can Awakened Souls “Fit In” & Be Authentic? ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We know that many of you are struggling at this time to fit in energetically, socially and in all of the other ways that you think you should be fitting in with your society. We want you all to know that it is important for you to be yourselves and that fitting in is overrated. So many people who desire to fit in are not being their authentic selves. They are not saying what they really think, they are not feeling what they really feel, and they are not acting as they would truly like to act, and this is the type of facade that is crumbling at this time.

11/11 Scorpio Gate 2024: Fire and Water and Co-Creating a New Reality with Time Traveling Adventures ~ Celia Fenn

Beloved Souls, you and your planet are in the process of a deep shift in the Collective Consciousness and Reality. You are deep in your transition from Homo Sapiens to a new kind of Human called Luminosa or Christos; the Human Angel and Galactic Being of Light. This process is driven by the two primary forces of Creation : Fire and Water together with the raising of Frequency on Earth. Fire Plasma, or sunlight and Solar Flares together with Water Plasma, the highest form of water, are the materials of the New Creation.

Attributes of Awakening – Part 1 ~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. I’m aware of who is listening and reading, and, perhaps, even why you might be here. Among those who are listening, many are experiencing what we will call an awakening. This message is going to be one of four channellings this month wherein we are going to talk about the attributes of awakening that, perhaps, are a little odd.

Next Level Soul Podcast

Next Level Soul Podcast

Mind is Acting Like God – by Ishwar Puri

The secret of happiness is inside, and if you really meditate like this, you get real peace of mind. And the ultimate peace of mind is when the mind is no longer yourself, because all disturbance is in the mind. You are not the mind. You are the soul. Soul is always at peace of mind.

Your Godself & the New Earth ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We acknowledge you in ways that you almost never acknowledge yourselves, because we know someone has to do it, and while you are eternal, infinite beings of unconditional love, you often do not think of yourselves in those ways. You need constant reminders from above to take you out of this illusion and to bring you back into your true creaturehood. Your Godself is what we would call that, and your Godself is the aspect of you that you sometimes do acknowledge but only really pay lip service to. In other words, how many times throughout the course of your day would you say that you are operating from that knowing of yourself as your Godself? 

Your Soul’s Direction by the Andromedans – Natalie Glasson

Greetings beloved beings of light, we are the Andromedans. It fills us with such joy to connect with your energies today. We wish to speak of your soul’s direction in your spiritual evolution and also in your physical reality as well which, in many cases, are the same. Do you believe that your soul has a direction that it is leading you forth in or do you feel as if you are walking aimlessly and would love to have the guidance and direction of your soul to assist you?


        Much has transpired and my “Picture of Reality” has changed drastically since the incident with Lady Faith in early July, 2022:  I got up at 6:00 AM after a quite restless, uncomfortable night.  As usual, I went into my dressing room and sat down on my stool before the bathroom counter and wash basin to begin my ablutions.  I felt a deep sense of sadness and despair (which has not occurred in a long time). It has been many years since I have done this: however, speaking to AA Michael, I said, “It has been a long time since I have felt this way, I really need some insight. You know, I really want to stay and complete whatever it is you wish me to do. However, not this way. Not with all of this constant turmoil within my  mind and body. I feel like I'm losing control of myself.”

Shift Right Now & Be Your 5D Self ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We welcome to enjoy with us this present moment experience. As we tune in to you and your collective energy, we know that there is still so much that you have yet to grow and expand into, and yet we also can celebrate how far you’ve come. We know that where you are right now is perfect, and that is why we invite you to celebrate the present moment with us. We also do understand that you sometimes do not feel so much joy about your lives or about life on Earth in general for humanity, and we just want you to know that it is perfectly fine for you to choose whatever experience you want to have of the present moment.

This Seems Pretty Important to Us ∞Thymus ∞ by Daniel Scranton

It is your right to be upset about whatever you are upset about, and it is your right to change the way that you feel about something, but oftentimes you are not deciding how you are going to feel or how you want to feel. The tricky part of being there on Earth is that there are so many feelings, and there are so many opportunities to have different feelings because there are so many different scenarios and circumstances that can be lived by humans and by animals. Animals feel too.

THE PATH OF INITIATION by Ronna Herman Vezane

        Beloved Masters: Shall we gaze into the future —your future— and see what is in store for you over these coming months and years?  These are the most important times you will ever spend on planet Earth. The decisions you make now, or the energies you radiate out from you to create the force field within which you live, will determine your reality and how quickly you will move deeper and more fully into the energies of the New Age. It is time to decide whether you will move forward on the spiral of ascension through the gift of the life process or through the old energies of the death process. 


  Beloved Masters, as our Mother/Father God and Goddess increase the flow of the Elixir of Life throughout this sub-universe, it is affecting all creation therein. You cannot hide from it. You cannot deny it. Your lifeline to our Source is growing stronger and more compelling all the time. The magnetization factor is increasing dramatically. Into your “physical, mental, emotional and etheric Being,” you are magnetizing stronger, higher frequency, programmed Memory Seed Atoms that validate your “current picture of reality.” If you believe that you must live in poverty and chaos, those thought forms will be reinforced and magnified in your life. If you have accepted the truth that you are entitled to a life of beauty, joy and prosperity that reality will unfold before you – if you follow through and take the proper steps as outlined in our many past messages.

