We are deep in timeline collapses, personally and collectively.  For many, it has been an interesting time of feeling lost, like you are straddling two worlds or like you simply don’t belong in the one you find yourself in. With the collapsing timelines we are finding ourselves on clean up duty.

I recently was connected via social media with my first boyfriend’s, best friend, what a blast from the past and perfectly timed. It brought to the forefront things that were left unfinished within me. Things I hadn’t allowed myself to see and reconcile, thus collapsing a timeline. My soul conspired perfectly to bring this to my human attention so that I could tie up loose ends on things I haven’t thought of in years.  Some of you may find similarities to this situation or it may just be memories coming to the surface to be acknowledged as well, thus collapsing that timeline. Along this same line, some are finding physical ailments return that they hadn’t experienced in years or a replay of an injury.  Again clean up duty… we have to look at what emotions link us to that reality verses another. It was for this reason that many felt like they were plunged into a lower vibration or “back there” again a few weeks ago. Some were able to pop right back while others are still feeling like they are moving through mud.

Others may be finding that what was once familiar is no longer, things have shifted and changed. Like driving on a familiar route and seeing something you have never seen before and having to question – Am I on the right road? While this can be unsettling, it is glorious confirmation that you are indeed shifting.

This energy has a really interesting component to it as it is digging up all of our stuff but at the same time there is a ROAR quality to it. Many are finding themselves cranky, uncomfortable in their own skin and wanting to lash out. If you look into the collective or even someone close to you, you can see where some just want to pick and fight, particularly on social media.  It’s a good idea for everyone to step back and really see the truth behind this wanting to fight energy, as to act on it just provides a distraction.

In looking at the spiritual community on social media what was once “out there”, the ego, judgement and meanness is now showing its head massively in the spiritual world as well. For me this was unsettling because for so many these communities have provided a safe haven for those who are just opening or have experienced past trauma and judgement for using their gifts. I recently had my own run with this as I was hit with criticisms of my work and even on how I look on videos. I realized that it is this energy that simply stops people from being their most authentic self. That as a tribe of spiritual people we have a responsibility to raise each other up, to encourage one another and to discuss things without resorting to psychic attack. It is time that we really walk our talk, that we walk our soul on this earth now.

As I sat with this frustration and the feeling of wanting to just contract (which feels so unnatural), I decided to shamanic journey:

I found myself before a fire with the one I call ‘grandmother’ as she was drying things over a fire. I told her how I was feeling about all the negativity I have been seeing in the spiritual community and I asked if they were my mirror. “Was all the nastiness and ego representative of what was going on within me?” She stopped her motion and stared at me intently and said

“No… If all around you were a mirror, there would be no war, no famine.”

I let that sink in and said “I get that, but when people were criticizing my work or how I look, it brought up within me that deep seeded fear of not feeling safe being the real me – isn’t that a mirror?”

She answered “The concept of mirroring is a trap, as it leaves many chasing their tails always searching within for why another acted a certain way. If how one acts brings about deep emotion then it was your gift for you to see, but if it did not, what then? Do you then find reasons for what is wrong with you? Do you see how this leaves you feeling that something within must be fixed and it leaves little responsibility on the shoulders of the one who actually projected what was within them.”

I sat and pondered this and said – “ok, so then if someone lashes out and it brings emotion to me, then it is mirroring me?” She shook her head and said “No, it is still a person projecting what is within them onto another, (smiling) It just happened to match what needed to be seen within you.”

She then asked me to follow her and we walked to a field of flowers. There were two beautiful wildflowers growing near each other. She told the one flower that it was beautiful and it seemed to grow bigger and brighter right in front of our eyes. She then told the other one that it could never live up to what the other flower was, that there was something wrong with it and it simply began to wither, shrinking, making itself small.

She looked at me and said “Our worlds are no different, what is said in your world or the energy given can have the same effect. The only difference is that in my world, you can see the results immediately, where in yours there are many layers that keep you from seeing what you do. This keeps people from accepting responsibility, from being aware.”

She then went to the second flower and asked for forgiveness and expressed love and gratitude for its role in helping me to understand. I watched this little flower grow tall again as tears slid down my cheeks.

She hugged me and explained that “Humanity must grow up, they must see and take full responsibility for what they say, do, and project onto all around them. At the same time each must be responsible for the energy they allow to affect them. When one does not accept or ignore unpleasant behaviors near them, they are then sending the responsibility back to where it belongs.”

I told her I thought the problem was that so many on this path are kind hearted and don’t want to hurt or offend anyone yet find themselves the brunt of other’s wrath. She smiled and said “That is the test of the awakened ones, to love all unconditionally yet not allow themselves to be treated any less.”

Yes that is our test. We can love unconditionally and not accept less for ourselves. We can love from afar those that are unable to do anything other than lash out. We can put ourselves first, creating boundaries so that we are able to maintain alignment with self. This includes boundaries on our energy. We must also learn to be more aware of what we are creating and affecting as well. It’s time for all of us to walk our soul.

Sending us all lots of love and support. <3


Credits : Written by Jenny Schiltz, more details about her work can be found in her website http://jennyschiltz.com/


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These articles are from other Masters, Authors, and Channelers who are sharing their information.