For several years I have had a burning desire to put out the messages about the end time.  I have been conflicted about doing it for many reasons.  Over the course of the last four years it seems evident that more people need to know about the future according to The Bible.

My goal with this book is to help you have a reference of what is happening and what is coming and giving you the Bible Scriptures to guide you.  This is a fast and easy guideline to the end times.

May this eBook bless and inspire you

Cherokee Billie

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Billie Chainey
Cherokee Billie Spiritual Advisor offers help through the lens of clairvoyance, self-help, wisdom, philosophy, and spirituality. Cherokee Billie is the Author of “Heavenly Seduction” a best seller . In addition, Cherokee Billie is a Naturopathic Doctor (twenty years experience) Life Strategist, a Radio Personality, and an Ordained Minister leading people to a pathway to spiritual enlightenment. Visit: Call for Clairvoyant Comfort It’s Better than Chocolate! ®© Call (786)-375-5434